AMD drops Vulkan support for Polaris and Vega

Guess we'll have to live with high prices for video cards for a couple of... well... decades.
They are no longer supporting AMDVLK for Linux drivers. This is to match them dropping support for Windows as well. The Linux community didn't bat an eye because nobody uses AMDVLK. Everyone uses the Valve backed RADV, which has been superior forever. This is a dick move since Vega graphics were sold in more recent products like their mobile processors. I think even some of their newer mobile 7000 series has Vega graphics in them.
They are no longer supporting AMDVLK for Linux drivers. This is to match them dropping support for Windows as well. The Linux community didn't bat an eye because nobody uses AMDVLK. Everyone uses the Valve backed RADV, which has been superior forever. This is a dick move since Vega graphics were sold in more recent products like their mobile processors. I think even some of their newer mobile 7000 series has Vega graphics in them.
I had somebody ask me why I was so irritated that Vega kept popping up in APUs and mobile chips. This is why.

The release of RDNA1 should have been the end of the road for new consumer Vega products in any form.
They are no longer supporting AMDVLK for Linux drivers. This is to match them dropping support for Windows as well. The Linux community didn't bat an eye because nobody uses AMDVLK. Everyone uses the Valve backed RADV, which has been superior forever. This is a dick move since Vega graphics were sold in more recent products like their mobile processors. I think even some of their newer mobile 7000 series has Vega graphics in them.
Yeah the 7030 series...

Which launched in January of this year, some 9 months ago.
If the job his made by others for free and better.... (and for nearly certain for the relevant lifetime of those products)
I would say yes if AMD weren’t releasing new products in 2023 with Vega GPUs.
They'll be supported until the final Intel machines are considered vintage.
The 2019 Mac Pro was sold until 2023, so roughly another 5 years from now.
EDIT: Though to be clear, Apple doesn't support Vulkan anyway, soooo.... kind of a moot point.

They don't support Vulkan, they depreciated OGL support early, they don't support Nvidia web drivers anymore....But they support Metal, an API that only Apple support. Meanwhile Apple's own compatibility layer cannot be used to port games, it's to be used for testing only.

More power won't save gaming under Apple silicon I'm afraid.
They don't support Vulkan, they depreciated OGL support early, they don't support Nvidia web drivers anymore....But they support Metal, an API that only Apple support. Meanwhile Apple's own compatibility layer cannot be used to port games, it's to be used for testing only.

More power won't save gaming under Apple silicon I'm afraid.
Metal is the API that is making more money than the others in terms of gaming. As the mobile market has exceeded the desktop PC gaming segment in terms of money.
PC users keep wanting to make it sound like Metal is some crazy unknown API, and it's not. It's easy to program for, easy to port to, and like all the other API's has wrappers. Heck, if you are using UE5 as an example, Metal is supported natively. There isn't a reason why every UE5 game isn't also on Mac other than devs don't want to support it.

Mac gaming won't be successful mostly because there isn't enough Mac hardware out in the world; I don't foresee a ton of gamers moving over to Mac hardware vs PC hardware, and there is the chicken/egg problem for devs. Not enough gamers, not enough market share, therefore not enough profit to make it worth while.

However, Assassins Creed Valhalla is coming to both iOS and MacOS, as is RE:8, The RE remakes, and Death Stranding. And I think those titles will show the viability of Mac as a platform in terms of performance. But they will do little to change the current overall trajectory. Apple will have to start their own dev team or start paying a lot more devs to port. And I currently don't foresee that happening.
Metal is the API that is making more money than the others in terms of gaming. As the mobile market has exceeded the desktop PC gaming segment in terms of money.
Guess what? That doesn't matter. Mobile gaming only counts for mobile gaming. Just because it's called gaming, doesn't mean it shares the same market as console and PC gaming. If that were the case then everyone would stop making PC and console games and just make mobile games.
PC users keep wanting to make it sound like Metal is some crazy unknown API, and it's not.
How many games on Windows, Linux, and Android have you seen with Metal?
It's easy to program for, easy to port to, and like all the other API's has wrappers.
You know what's easier? Vulkan! Why? Because every platform uses it. With iOS and MacOS you either code in Metal or you code in Metal. If Apple supported Vulkan, then developers only ever need to code in Vulkan because it literally works on every OS.
Heck, if you are using UE5 as an example, Metal is supported natively. There isn't a reason why every UE5 game isn't also on Mac other than devs don't want to support it.
You know what else UE5 supports? VULKAN!
However, Assassins Creed Valhalla is coming to both iOS and MacOS, as is RE:8, The RE remakes, and Death Stranding. And I think those titles will show the viability of Mac as a platform in terms of performance. But they will do little to change the current overall trajectory. Apple will have to start their own dev team or start paying a lot more devs to port. And I currently don't foresee that happening.
Mac has always had these stand out games that never propelled it. Halo was on Mac when it was first released and that didn't do jack for Apple.
on linux...
This is more of a problem for Windows than Linux. Dropping support for Vega at this point is just going to piss off a lot of customers. Not just Vega 56 or 64 owners, but the plethora of desktop and mobile chips that still come with Vega graphics, and you can still buy. A quick look shows that Vega based GPU's stopped getting drivers since August of this year. If AMD didn't want to support Vega, then they should have included RDNA1 & 2 into their APU's instead of Vega when it was relevant. If you're a Windows user, just install the Omega drivers. They've done wonders for older AMD GPU's. At some point the Omega drivers maybe the go to driver for AMD owners on Windows, which again doesn't look good on AMD's driver reputation.

As a Linux user, this has no effect on me and probably most other users. The default Vulkan driver is RADV, and nobody pursued AMDVLK because it sucks compared to RADV. The stupid thing is AMDVLK is open source, so if someone wanted to they could continue to add support. They won't because again AMDVLK sucks. When AMD switched over to AMDGPU as their driver on Linux, they didn't add support for GCN1 based GPU's, but the community did. I won't be surprised if AMD creates another driver for Linux that only supports RDNA2+ based GPUs, because it seems AMD wants to distance themselves from older products.
Guess what? That doesn't matter. Mobile gaming only counts for mobile gaming. Just because it's called gaming, doesn't mean it shares the same market as console and PC gaming. If that were the case then everyone would stop making PC and console games and just make mobile games.

How many games on Windows, Linux, and Android have you seen with Metal?

You know what's easier? Vulkan! Why? Because every platform uses it. With iOS and MacOS you either code in Metal or you code in Metal. If Apple supported Vulkan, then developers only ever need to code in Vulkan because it literally works on every OS.

You know what else UE5 supports? VULKAN!

Mac has always had these stand out games that never propelled it. Halo was on Mac when it was first released and that didn't do jack for Apple.

This is more of a problem for Windows than Linux. Dropping support for Vega at this point is just going to piss off a lot of customers. Not just Vega 56 or 64 owners, but the plethora of desktop and mobile chips that still come with Vega graphics, and you can still buy. A quick look shows that Vega based GPU's stopped getting drivers since August of this year. If AMD didn't want to support Vega, then they should have included RDNA1 & 2 into their APU's instead of Vega when it was relevant. If you're a Windows user, just install the Omega drivers. They've done wonders for older AMD GPU's. At some point the Omega drivers maybe the go to driver for AMD owners on Windows, which again doesn't look good on AMD's driver reputation.

As a Linux user, this has no effect on me and probably most other users. The default Vulkan driver is RADV, and nobody pursued AMDVLK because it sucks compared to RADV. The stupid thing is AMDVLK is open source, so if someone wanted to they could continue to add support. They won't because again AMDVLK sucks. When AMD switched over to AMDGPU as their driver on Linux, they didn't add support for GCN1 based GPU's, but the community did. I won't be surprised if AMD creates another driver for Linux that only supports RDNA2+ based GPUs, because it seems AMD wants to distance themselves from older products.
Just a few things here, MoltenVK usage is small, what is far more common is Metal on Vulkan.
Metal is easier to use than Vulkan is by a long shot, and Vulkan native is rarely seen outside of Android and Linux due to how pedantic it is about GPU and system Architecture.
Also the number one source of Vulkan implementation comes from VKD3D, which is the DX12 to Vulkan translation library.

Vulkan is famous for how much of a PITA it is to deal with, super powerful and super flexible but incredibly difficult to get right, rarely worth the cost investment.

If it were easy Vulkan would be the default language of choice as it works on PC, Linux, and supports porting to Metal, PSApi, DX12, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES. But it’s not, because it isn’t and wishing won’t make it so, and sadly the number of developers willing to put in the work for it natively decreases year by year not increases.

Apples work with Metal is steadily improving, its biggest weakness is its terrible shader implementation, and garbage support for HLSL. Both topics Apple is actively working on and has actively hired people knowledgeable in the field to fix.
Metal is the API that is making more money than the others in terms of gaming. As the mobile market has exceeded the desktop PC gaming segment in terms of money.

And globally, Android smashes iOS in terms of market share. Android does not support metal, and Android has more games under Google's Play Store than Apple has under their App Store - I actually wouldn't be at all surprised if this was due in part to Apple's insistence on running their own proprietary API for their devices, while Vulkan runs on almost anything.

However I do agree that Apple are trying to make the Mac a desktop iPad.

However, Assassins Creed Valhalla is coming to both iOS and MacOS, as is RE:8, The RE remakes, and Death Stranding.

All of which run under Linux as well as they run under Windows. The fact that the CS2 Apple port was dropped like a hot potato under MacOS doesn't reflect well, especially when the Linux port has seen numerous updates and is now playing very well under the Vulkan API.

If Apple were serious about gaming, they'd stop trying to introduce yet another API that only works on Apple devices and adopt native Vulkan.
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And globally, Android smashes iOS in terms of market share. Android does not support metal, and Android has more games under Google's Play Store than Apple has under their App Store - I actually wouldn't be at all surprised if this was due in part to Apple's insistence on running their own proprietary API for their devices, while Vulkan runs on almost anything.

However I do agree that Apple are trying to make the Mac a desktop iPad.
I was referring to the number that matters, which is revenue. It's well known that Apple is making money off of the app store at a rate far higher than the Google Play store. In fact, Apple is the biggest "game dev" by revenue.

If you're a game dev and you want to make money, it's on the Apple app store.

Secondly quantity of apps doesn't really matter here. The Play Store is full of shovel ware.
All of which run under Linux as well as they run under Windows.
They're coming to Apple as native apps. That's the point in paying for them. Not under any form of emulation.
The fact that the CS2 Apple port was dropped like a hot potato under MacOS doesn't reflect well,
On this we agree. Valve has direct stats in terms of how many players were playing CS on Macs. And unsurprisingly it was low. However it was kind of a dick move to take away CS:GO which is Mac supported and replace it with a game that's not. Also annoyingly Valve already more-or-less finished the code. macOS was part of the CS2 beta.
especially when the Linux port has seen numerous updates and is now playing very well under the Vulkan API.
Great. I have zero interest in commenting on Linux and my comment had nothing to do with Linux.
If Apple were serious about gaming, they'd stop trying to introduce yet another API that only works on Apple devices and adopt native Vulkan.
If Apple "was serious" about gaming, they'd stop making custom hardware, stop making a custom OS, and sell another competitor to HP and Dell.

All of which is missing the point. They play in a different market with a very different set of competitive advantages. For some reason you think my bringing up iOS is unrelated.
Metal is a well known API. That was the first point and the reason why I brought up iOS.
Second, sending things to Metal via a wrapper or using engines that already support it exist (UE5 and Unity both). Meaning there isn't really any more work to be done there. You bring up Vulkan, MoltenVK already exists.
Third, the code base matters not-at-all to end users. If Apple wants game devs, they pay for game devs. Which as stated is already happening. Native games are coming to Mac.
Fourth to reiterate, the issue isn't with the development side, it's actually having gamers that want to game on the platform. All of the dev stuff in the scheme of things isn't that difficult.

So if you have something to actually say about those points, great, but you're not really answering any of them directly. If your point is "Apple can't get games on Mac", for the most part, at this point I agree. And I said as such. The reasons have little to do with difficulty. It has almost everything to do with how few people are on the platforn comparatively.
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Just a few things here, MoltenVK usage is small, what is far more common is Metal on Vulkan.
Metal is easier to use than Vulkan is by a long shot, and Vulkan native is rarely seen outside of Android and Linux due to how pedantic it is about GPU and system Architecture.
Vulkan is rarely seen outside of Android and Linux because DirectX is the most dominate API. DirectX dominates because of Xbox.
Also the number one source of Vulkan implementation comes from VKD3D, which is the DX12 to Vulkan translation library.
Yes, and that's one of the reasons why Vulkan has tools like SPIR-V, because Direct3D dominates.
Vulkan is famous for how much of a PITA it is to deal with, super powerful and super flexible but incredibly difficult to get right, rarely worth the cost investment.
Assuming this is true, is it easier for developers to now also learn Metal, Vulkan, and Direct3D?

If it were easy Vulkan would be the default language of choice as it works on PC, Linux, and supports porting to Metal, PSApi, DX12, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES. But it’s not, because it isn’t and wishing won’t make it so, and sadly the number of developers willing to put in the work for it natively decreases year by year not increases.
Baulder's Gate 3, Counter Strike 2, and Total War Warhammer III are notable games that came out recently that utilize Vulkan. According to this list, there are 203 Vulkan games. Compared to the 138 games ported to Apple which use Metal. Most of those games happen to also be ported to Linux, which means developers porting their games using the Metal API are working twice as hard because Apple doesn't support Vulkan.
Apples work with Metal is steadily improving, its biggest weakness is its terrible shader implementation, and garbage support for HLSL. Both topics Apple is actively working on and has actively hired people knowledgeable in the field to fix.
As opposed to Apple just implemented Vulkan into MacOS and being done with it. Apple is their own worst enemy when it comes to helping developers port their software to MacOS.
And yet, there are still more games on Android than on iOS. Not just because of the Play store either.
Secondly quantity of apps doesn't really matter here. The Play Store is full of shovel ware.
And iOS doesn't have shovel ware? You said it yourself that iOS makes more money, so obviously shovel ware will be on iOS.
They're coming to Apple as native apps. That's the point in paying for them. Not under any form of emulation.
Guess what Wine stands for? "Wine Is Not an Emulator" Guess what Apple's tool kit is using?
Third, the code base matters not-at-all to end users. If Apple wants game devs, they pay for game devs. Which as stated is already happening. Native games are coming to Mac.
Which has always been a band-aid solution to a long term problem. Apple can pay for as many developers as they want to port games to MacOS, but no developer will do it otherwise because Metal/ARM sucks and Apple's market share is too low.
Mac gaming won't be successful mostly because there isn't enough Mac hardware out in the world; I don't foresee a ton of gamers moving over to Mac hardware vs PC hardware, and there is the chicken/egg problem for devs. Not enough gamers, not enough market share, therefore not enough profit to make it worth while.
Not that this disagrees with your point, but a Minecraft youtuber I watch with ~9M subs got an M1 or M2 mac this year to play the game (hilariously, that replaces an i9-10980XE system he was using because he incorrectly thought more cores were more important for Minecraft than single-threaded performance.)
Assuming this is true, is it easier for developers to now also learn Metal, Vulkan, and Direct3D?

I'm not sure if any company that develops a standard necessarily cares about having "one universal standard". What muddies the waters significantly is the free market and competition. Everyone wants to control the next "universal" standard because that makes them have a competitive advantage.

There's also a point to be made that no one cares about what standard is the most flexible and powerful. They want the one they can get up and running with in a few hours with a reasonable product, rather than some min-maxed mess of 3 years of code. Otherwise we could just write everything in assembly. I've been able to make tweaks to (inconsequential) code before to make it more performant in assembly. Would I ever recommend it? Lol no.

If Vulkan is seen as the "assembly" version of a graphics API, it's doomed to either fail or have a million wrappers live on top of it.
As opposed to Apple just implemented Vulkan into MacOS and being done with it. Apple is their own worst enemy when it comes to helping developers port their software to MacOS.
Well, Metal came first, and was in use nearly 2 full years before Vulkan was available, and why doesn’t Kronos just do better with Vulkan and make Apple want to use it?

Apple is actually very good with developer support, Apple's biggest problem is there aren’t enough of them in the wild to bother with. M1 seems to have changed that so we will likely see more coming in the future.

Valve, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia have done more to make Vulkan usable than Kronos has, I would say that Vulkan's greatest enemy is Kronos itself, and Broadcom, Qualcomm, MediaTek, and ARM proper need to stop making minor undocumented changes to their Vulkan implementations as surprises for developers to discover.
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I'm not sure if any company that develops a standard necessarily cares about having "one universal standard". What muddies the waters significantly is the free market and competition. Everyone wants to control the next "universal" standard because that makes them have a competitive advantage.
The reason there's more than one standard is because corporations want to control their market. This is why 3DFx had Glide and why Creative had EAX. Not because they wanted a universal standard, but they wanted something to differentiate themselves from their competitors. This is what Apple has been doing with Metal, because they want a market that caters to them and only them. The idea wasn't that Metal is hard to port to, but to port from.
There's also a point to be made that no one cares about what standard is the most flexible and powerful. They want the one they can get up and running with in a few hours with a reasonable product, rather than some min-maxed mess of 3 years of code. Otherwise we could just write everything in assembly. I've been able to make tweaks to (inconsequential) code before to make it more performant in assembly. Would I ever recommend it? Lol no.

If Vulkan is seen as the "assembly" version of a graphics API, it's doomed to either fail or have a million wrappers live on top of it.
Vulkan is made to be easy. That's why it can work with pretty much any graphics code thrown at it. The Dolphin team had this to say about working with Metal. While the native Metal implementation is faster, they aren't removing MoltenVK due to so few people using Macs. Vulkan is the standard, not Metal.

"Having other graphics backends to compare against is essential for the maintenance of our graphics backends, and this is especially important on macOS where we have so few. The new Metal graphics backend is our own code, so any issues or regressions with it are on us to solve. We will be relying on MoltenVK to be the benchmark that we compare our native Metal backend against going forward. And it should perform that role excellently, as it is bringing our well tested Vulkan backend to macOS through a very well supported translation layer from a team that has earned our trust.

So while our new native Metal backend is faster, MoltenVK is here to stay. Together, they will help us deliver the most consistently reliable and performant experience that we can give to our macOS users."

Well, Metal came first, and was in use nearly 2 full years before Vulkan was available, and why doesn’t Kronos just do better with Vulkan and make Apple want to use it?
Why does this matter? I could go a step further and say that Apple should have implemented AMD's Mantle API, which was before Metal? Nobody used Metal then, and nobody uses Metal now. The amount of games and applications that use Vulkan have far surpassed Metal. A good deal of those applications that did use Metal, used MoltenVK.
Apple is actually very good with developer support, Apple's biggest problem is there aren’t enough of them in the wild to bother with. M1 seems to have changed that so we will likely see more coming in the future.
There's about to be even less of them.
Valve, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia have done more to make Vulkan usable than Kronos has, I would say that Vulkan's greatest enemy is Kronos itself, and Broadcom, Qualcomm, MediaTek, and ARM proper need to stop making minor undocumented changes to their Vulkan implementations as surprises for developers to discover.
Did any of this result in real world problems? Metal is a bigger problem since again a good number of games use MoltenVK instead of the native Metal implementation. A reminder that MoltenVK is just a Vulkan -> Metal translation layer.

Metro Exodus
Final Fantasy XIV
Dark Souls: Remastered
Dark Souls III
Aerofly FS 2
Path of Exile
The Elder Scrolls Online
DOTA Underlords
Transport Fever 2
Jupiter Hell
Shadow Warrior 2

Why does this matter? I could go a step further and say that Apple should have implemented AMD's Mantle API, which was before Metal? Nobody used Metal then, and nobody uses Metal now. The amount of games and applications that use Vulkan have far surpassed Metal. A good deal of those applications that did use Metal, used MoltenVK.
Look at the iOS store, that's all Metal, look at the Google Play Store, that's half metal, using the Metal on Vulkan Translation layer.
There are more Metal developers than there are Vulkan developers for mobile, iOS generates more revenue, and developing for Metal natively and translating it to Vulkan through the translation layer gets a better result faster than trying to go the other way around.
Notice that the iOS versions of things are almost universally better than the Android versions, this is why. And even there for Mobile Vulkan developers take a look at how much of that code has OpenGL failovers because there are so many inconsistencies with the actual implementation of the Vulkan standard across the mobile platform. MoltenVK usage is nothing compared to Metal on Vulkan usage.
Did any of this result in real world problems? Metal is a bigger problem since again a good number of games use MoltenVK instead of the native Metal implementation. A reminder that MoltenVK is just a Vulkan -> Metal translation layer.
I could just as easily say that Vulkan is the problem because most games are using VKD3D instead of the native Vulkan implementation. A reminder that VKD3D is just a DX12->Vulkan translation layer.
There's about to be even less of them.
Fun article but Apple has seen a full 100% increase in sales over the last 2 years, a 23% drop because everybody is waiting for M3 still leaves them up 77% with a lineup of people wanting to buy something they are anticipating the launch for.
This is not true. Fake news.
Not true that it's a layoff or not true that they are terminating employees?
Legally in China a layoff is 20% of the local employees or 10% of the global workforce whichever comes first.
The reported 450 would be 15% of the local employees and far fewer than 10% of their global so legally speaking that is not a layoff.
Lisa is very clear they are not conducting layoffs but they are Optimizing and Restructuring, which last I checked is corporate for we are trimming the most we can without needing to make reports to governing bodies.

So regardless very much not true that they are performing Layoffs.

Note: That may read snarkier than intended, I just got out of a long-ass meeting that can be summed up as you told us for the last year this would happen and we assured you it wouldn't but now that it has happened we need you to fix it for 1/3'rd what you told us it would cost to do it right the first time because the budget is gone.
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Look at the iOS store, that's all Metal, look at the Google Play Store, that's half metal, using the Metal on Vulkan Translation layer.
There are more Metal developers than there are Vulkan developers for mobile, iOS generates more revenue, and developing for Metal natively and translating it to Vulkan through the translation layer gets a better result faster than trying to go the other way around.
Notice that the iOS versions of things are almost universally better than the Android versions, this is why. And even there for Mobile Vulkan developers take a look at how much of that code has OpenGL failovers because there are so many inconsistencies with the actual implementation of the Vulkan standard across the mobile platform. MoltenVK usage is nothing compared to Metal on Vulkan usage.

I could just as easily say that Vulkan is the problem because most games are using VKD3D instead of the native Vulkan implementation. A reminder that VKD3D is just a DX12->Vulkan translation layer.

Fun article but Apple has seen a full 100% increase in sales over the last 2 years, a 23% drop because everybody is waiting for M3 still leaves them up 77% with a lineup of people wanting to buy something they are anticipating the launch for.
I'm thinking of an M3 mini for day to day use. I'll probably buy the Varjo aero while I wait :D
Vulkan is made to be easy.
That something I never thought I would ever hear, easy for who ?

Vulkan priority seem to have clearly been performance/portability, not ease of use at all.

Vulkan/DX12 got closer to metal and leaved it more to the dev to do manually, opening door for performance improvement at the cost of being harder.
I'm thinking of an M3 mini for day to day use. I'll probably buy the Varjo aero while I wait :D
That headset is absolutely faptastic, but the advertising for it always makes me chuckle.

Get the ultimate experience of SteamVR content including Microsoft Flight Simulator, and excel
with professional 3D software such as Gravity Sketch and KeyVR.

Every time my brain stops at excel at the end of the line and goes why would you want this for spreadsheets that is just a waste, who would sign off on that, then it catches up on line 2 and it's always oooh yeah that's only part of the sentence, that is an e not an E.

Ah I hate my brain.
That something I never thought I would ever hear, easy for who ?

Vulkan priority seem to have clearly been performance/portability, not ease of use at all.

Vulkan/DX12 got closer to metal and leaved it more to the dev to do manually, opening door for performance improvement at the cost of being harder.
It was supposed to be easy for driver developers, but that didn't pan out either, it is easy to use as a tool for porting between other APIs though, Kronos has put a lot of work into those translation layers and it shows.
Not true that it's a layoff or not true that they are terminating employees?
Legally in China a layoff is 20% of the local employees or 10% of the global workforce whichever comes first.
The reported 450 would be 15% of the local employees and far fewer than 10% of their global so legally speaking that is not a layoff.
Lisa is very clear they are not conducting layoffs but they are Optimizing and Restructuring, which last I checked is corporate for we are trimming the most we can without needing to make reports to governing bodies.

So regardless very much not true that they are performing Layoffs.

Note: That may read snarkier than intended, I just got out of a long-ass meeting that can be summed up as you told us for the last year this would happen and we assured you it wouldn't but now that it has happened we need you to fix it for 1/3'rd what you told us it would cost to do it right the first time because the budget is gone.
Fake news. Please do not make a single source forum post (likely a disgruntled worker) into fact. AMD has addressed this directly.
LOL, what's the right lawyerese for "get rekt"?
I went with “your joking right?”

They countered with “well it’s not that broken it only needs minor work”

And I went with “if it’s only minor work then the original teams should have no problems making the necessary changes within the timeframe as they have working knowledge of the full project scope, where I need to start from scratch as I was not involved in the project”

The big boss piped up and just said “he trusts me to make it work, we’ll figure out budgets later”

And here I am.

For reference, in the original project before I started warning them this was going to happen I had found the correct solution and the cost of it was about $100k more than they had budgeted for the whole project and that is still the solution I’m pushing. They tried to cheap out on the DL blew the whole wad and have nothing to show for it.
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