AMD Dual Core Optimizer Utility

"OPTIMIZER" My @ss!!!!!!

I tried installing the optimizer today as well and I was treated to constant auto reboots of my OS on 3 different machines. The system's would actually boot to windows and then crash and reboot while loading intial drivers and programs everytime. I intially tried the patch on my main machine an X2 4800+ with XP Pro SP2 & Vista on a seperate drive for some dual boot action.

After the crashes and reboot issues I thought I'd try it on a couple of other systems to see what kind of results they produced. Once installed to the other machines and the intial reboot had taken place I was striken with the same exact results as my main machine.

The second system I tried it on was an X2 4400+ also with the same dual boot config and the 3rd system was an X2 4200+ with just XP Pro SP2. All systems have the latest patches/hot fixes etc and all are running Forceware Drivers 91.31. I didn't install the "Optimizer" in Vista Beta 2 on the seperate drive, just the XP side of the OS since the OS's are on seperate drives this shouldn't matter.

Regardless it crashed on the machine with stand alone XP Pro SP2 so not sure what the issue is in my case. I just uninstalled it on all machines and everything is back to normal on each PC. My machines all run fine so I'll stick with them just the way they are for now.
Never had a problem with the optimizer. Didn't actually do anything, I think.
Damn, I was hoping it was would be some sort of one-shot X2 driver install.
Just installed it on brother's AM2 X2 3800+.. I made a quick diagram of what it does.

So it turned your brother's X2 3800+ into an M2 FX62 ....WOAH AMAZING!!!!!!!! Maybe I should format and start over and see if it does the same for me :rolleyes:

PS: The drawing is some leet-sauce, wish I had your paint skillz. I demand a tutorial ;)
AOM said:
So it turned your brother's X2 3800+ into an M2 FX62 ....WOAH AMAZING!!!!!!!! Maybe I should format and start over and see if it does the same for me :rolleyes:

PS: The drawing is some leet-sauce, wish I had your paint skillz. I demand a tutorial ;)
woh woh woh... you ruined the party. Way to go. :rolleyes:
After I got my Opty 170 going last May I always got this "jerkiness" to the character animations in WOW. I tried the hotfix, as well as the affinaty neither fixed it. On my single core, this problem was non existent, smooth as butter. OPTIMIZED=perfect animations, no more Mr. Roboto, also HL2, Episode 1 is smooth as silk.
^ Get more memory b/c Wow is a memory hog and Wow plus mods ='s massive memory hog!! :(
AOM said:
So it turned your brother's X2 3800+ into an M2 FX62 ....WOAH AMAZING!!!!!!!! Maybe I should format and start over and see if it does the same for me :rolleyes:

PS: The drawing is some leet-sauce, wish I had your paint skillz. I demand a tutorial ;)

You have to have the "flux capacitor" button on the AMD control panel checked for it to work right.
Hey aom I got the same crashes with the patch what av are you running Thats the only thing i have in start up other then drivers. Im running a 9800 aiw with corsair xms 1gb and a abit a8n guru mobo oh and a audigy 2. oh my av is avast latest updates.
ryanrobertolson said:
Hey aom I got the same crashes with the patch what av are you running Thats the only thing i have in start up other then drivers. Im running a 9800 aiw with corsair xms 1gb and a abit a8n guru mobo oh and a audigy 2. oh my av is avast latest updates.

Norton Internet Security and Anti-Virus 2005 with lastest updates. DFI Lanparty SLI-DR on the X24400 & 4200+, 2gigs of OCZ Platinum and a 7800GTX 256mb in each. The X2 4800+ has DFI SLI-DR Expert board with 3gigs of OCZ Platinum memory and 7800GTX 512mb x 2.

Not sure what the actual problem was but might try it again in a day or two and see if I can troubleshoot the problem.
Installed, rebooted, IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN bsod.

Reboot thinking it was just a qwerk, same thing, right in the middle of the startup sound.

Reboot into safe mode... whoops! windows installer! love those low level driver installs using something that can't be used in safe mode!

Pull overclock all the way back to see if maybe the "optimizer" revealed some underlaying instability I had yet to uncover... nope, same thing, bsod, exactly like the first 2 times.

Reaply overclock, buut to f-8 menu, last known good settings.... interestingly enough it booted up, but now all the fonts on the desktop were shimmering like the video card was about to die. but, no crash, uninstall of AMD craptimizer went through beautifully.

Reboot, back to normal.

Now, I am wondering if my antivirus had anything to do with this. I did install the AMD cpu driver when I first installed my 4400+, but not the microsoft patch. I have periodic crashes loading some games, so it's worth another go, but so far I'm unimpressed.
If this is an indication of how RHT will be , it will definetly make Intel happy. :p
This is more like a de-optimizer than an optimizer. I've been getting random hard locks & IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN bsod as well since I installed this patch earlier in the night. I just uninstalled it so hopefully my system's stability is back to normal again.
Just installed it and my comp took my car and drove away....! (writing this on a piece of paper).

edit: installed and running fine.
Hot fix, newest AMD drivers (the ones that came out this week) and the optimizer installed. No issues here.
No issues here either... I also have the processor drivers installed.
PsySabreW said:
This is more like a de-optimizer than an optimizer. I've been getting random hard locks & IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN bsod as well since I installed this patch earlier in the night. I just uninstalled it so hopefully my system's stability is back to normal again.

I think mine is doing the something like that too...hard locks...and a machine_check_error
I installed the dual core optimizer and now my pc has turned itself into nanotechnology!

I have become JC denton.
I installed the AMD Optimizer and my [H]ard|Forum post count went +1. wow I'm so on topic.
installed it and upon reboot , comp found new hardware and tried to install AMDTools somethen somethen .. it couldnt complete cause it couldnt find the file AMDTools64.sys .. I did a manual search for it and it was in \windows\system32\drivers folder and pointed to it and now all is peachy ..dono if there is any difference in performance tho

winxp 64
Opteron [email protected]

Newsboys2004 said:
I installed the dual core optimizer and now my pc has turned itself into nanotechnology!

I have become JC denton.

Processors have been using nano technology for many years now.... It is one of the few mature nano tech industries that offer commercial products, and has done so for a LONG time....
duby229 said:
Processors have been using nano technology for many years now.... It is one of the few mature nano tech industries that offer commercial products, and has done so for a LONG time....
Someone hasn't played Deus Ex :p

oh yeah, I noticed my ePeen jumped to 14.5 inches after installing this thing.
Rudager said:
I think mine is doing the something like that too...hard locks...and a machine_check_error

I've the same problem going on. I didn't get any noticable gain out of my programs or games, but I've had a machine_check_exception (or error, I forget) twice in the period of several hours. After the first one, I dropped the OC on my 7900GT and my X2 3800+ and went to bed. After waking up a few hours later, I came in to see how my folds were going (I left it folding overnight), and it was BSOD'd again.

*uninstalls Optimizer* :'(

Got some time to play around with this again, installed it, rebooted, BSOD irql_not_less_than (as expected).

Went back to the f8 menu, chose to install from last known good, and booted up, this time not actually uninstalling the "craptimizer" and viola, no problem.

Positive results: rise of nations thrones and patriots and hitman blood money no longer have periodic crashes on start up. It was always an annoying crap shoot to start those 2 games because i never knew if they would crash on me (hitman would straight BSOD, thrones and patriots might simply require 2 or 3 attempts before successfully loading).

In my case, the optimization would be stability, not performance. Only in games have I ever seen any stability problems after upgrading to the X2, and then it was only some games. So, it seems AMD's description of this optimization utility:

"The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer can help improve some PC gaming video performance by compensating for those applications that bypass the Windows API for timing by directly using the RDTSC (Read Time Stamp Counter) instruction. Applications that rely on RDTSC do not benefit from the logic in the operating system to properly account for the affect of power management mechanisms on the rate at which a processor core's Time Stamp Counter (TSC) is incremented. The AMD Dual-Core Optimizer helps to correct the resulting video performance effects or other incorrect timing effects that these applications may experience on dual-core or multiple processor systems."

applies in my case, assuming that both of these games, in fact, bypass the Windows API for timing and directly use the RDTSC.

Hm, come to think of it, by that description they use in the download link, this utility isn't actually meant to increase performance, but instead bring games in this category up to their proper baseline of performance. *slight sarcasm there*

-edit- in the time i've successfully applied this optimization utility, I've played multiple instances of games, spent hours working, added the machine to a domain i just brought up, and migrated machine profiles to the domain profiles, still haven't run into a single problem. As soon as I do, I will post back, but it seems like this is a possible workaround for those who get BSOD right off the bat after installing the util.
I had the Micorsoft dual core fix installed and the AMD dual core driver installed then installed this optimizer on top of it. I had a couple times before boot up somthing about cannot find a certain file......please insert widows CD and repair.

So after a few times of that i unistalled the AMD dual core driver now it seems like problem solved.
I had to take it back off as well. It was causing random and frequent, disconnects while playing any on-line game.
I've been noticing some random lock-ups now (very random and very infrequent tho)

..i dont see the optimizer listed in add-remove proggies to uninstall ..hmmm

manual way to uninstall?


Asus A8N32-Sli 1203 bios
2gb G.Skill ram
Nvidia 7800 GT
Areca 1220 Raid controller
Windows XP SP2
AMD Opteron 170

I get a blue screen during startup after logging in:


****STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000081, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x89D7EEC0)

It goes away when I disable amd_dc_opt.exe from the startup process. I didn't notice the error before, but I havent rebooted since the initial install. I recently installed an HP7410 (wireless not USB), but I think it is a coincidence, since removing all the HP drivers during startup did not resolve the blue screen issue.

Microsofts debugger said the issue was with a graphics card driver, I am running forceware version 91.31

Here is a link to the debugger information

I can recreate the problem anytime I want by re-enabling the startup routine that executes the dual core driver.

Any suggestions, or am I the only one having this problem?


Chris Lakies said:
I had the Micorsoft dual core fix installed and the AMD dual core driver installed then installed this optimizer on top of it. I had a couple times before boot up somthing about cannot find a certain file......please insert widows CD and repair.

So after a few times of that i unistalled the AMD dual core driver now it seems like problem solved.

Update. Well had another problem on startup. Can't remember what it said but i hit the reset button and it booted up. So i tried uninstalling the AMD dual core driver. I've booted up a couple times since then with no problems so far. So the only thing i have installed right now is the MS hotfix.
I installed it on a clean install found no errors but only ran 3dmark 05 and antivirus norton 2k6 scan and google earth at the same time. If you get the can't find when you install just uninstall it driver and try again.

Clean windows + windows updates to today + amd driver x2 + cpu optimizer.

ran guild wars, ryl2 and the sound test. yup that would cover the brigade of tests.

someone else's machine
amd64 x2 4200+
1024mb ddr ram
I tried it on a fresh install and it was causing lockups for me. Made my system very unstable. Reloaded (hey it was only 15 minutes!) and did not install and the system is working great. I have had no issues in BF2, but that is the only game i have reloaded at this point.
But i will not be using this patch again.