AMD good for ATI + Linux?


Aug 6, 2004
Do you think this merger will bring the ATI drivers up to par with Nvidia? I just switched back to linux after 2 years and the ATI drivers were the reason I now have a Nvidia card. Personally I think this is a good thing for ATI + Linux.
KevinO said:
Do you think this merger will bring the ATI drivers up to par with Nvidia?

Lets hope so, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen. Nvidia's binary blobs have done me just fine. Almost perfect they are except for the fact that they are closed. The open source R300 ATI drivers are pretty good though from what I have heard around the www. Just the proprietary version from ATI themselves sucks.

KevinO said:
I just switched back to linux after 2 years and the ATI drivers were the reason I now have a Nvidia card. Personally I think this is a good thing for ATI + Linux.

I have never owned an ATI card--always been an Nvidia follower (except when 3dfx was king of the hill). Time will tell if ATI's proprietary drivers improve for Linux.
As Microsoft tightens its grip with WGA, more people will go to Linux and ATI drivers will improve.

From what I've heard, the latest ATI drivers for Linux actually work pretty well.
XOR != OR said:
No, heathen. Filthy unwashed heathen in his case.

For actually wanting Ati drivers, or for his clearly superior choice of OS?
Heh. I really don't want ATI drivers. I'm quite happy with my NVIDIA drivers, and if ATI decides they might want to get money from those of us that run FreeBSD and support the companies that support the OSes (all of them) we use, so be it. :) If ATI bothered to release FreeBSD drivers that didn't suck I might consider buying ATI cards again (for any OS).
HHunt said:
For actually wanting Ati drivers, or for his clearly superior choice of OS?
Superior as it may be, it's a proven fact that *bsd folks tend not to shower or shave.

I also hear they use bone clubs to type with.
XOR != OR said:
Superior as it may be, it's a proven fact that *bsd folks tend not to shower or shave.

I also hear they use bone clubs to type with.

I prefer oak + flint, you get a better weight distribution.
the latest ati driver worked well for me ,

but i mostly used 2d and some simple 3d games,


i hope the drivers will get better , soon

but , REALLY , if you guys want to have a good laugh , please go open the ati control pannel , its amazing how bad it is ,