AMD has ATi, ATi no more. Seriously! Read article news.

I didn't make up the news I'm only posting it. If they have it, its true. ATi is aready bought and AMD has them aready. ATi MAY keep the name in favor for marketing because AMD wants to keep the legend alive. But AMD is now ATi so not much more to say really, they can do whatever they want to it now, like it or not. Its AMD's company now. No magic can change that.
um... I never insulted you or said anything about you making it up...

It seems silly that AMD would drop the ATI name. Theyre gonna lose marketing prowess if they do that. Radeon is a pretty big name, as is ATI.

The INQ isn't known for being very accurite, you know.
I don't seethe greatest things in this. I've always known radeon for it's red and massive plastic HSF :D
The one thing in the article that doesn't make sense is why would AMD kill the Radeon name when, as the author says, AMD likes to use the "on" suffix it its names (Athlon, Opteron, Sempron)? It seems to me that the ATI product names are a perfect fit - Radeon ends with "on". So we'll see how it all shakes out. It would be a shame to see the ATI brand go away.
Here is an article from somewhere other than the inquirer. They spoke to AMD's Richard Baker about the possibility of them dropping the Radeon name, and this was his reply:
We asked Richard Baker from AMD if this meant that the memorable Radeon name would also be biting the dust, but he replied that 'we haven't made any final decisions yet, but I'd personally be very surprised if we dropped any of those product names. The ATi company name is definitely going, though.

I doubt they'll drop the Radeon name.
The Radeon monkier is a known line, so at least in the immediate future, yeah, Radeon will stay.
Got to love the inq

They should bring voodoo cards back to the market and blow away ati and nvidia and become supreme master of the universe!!!
mozes said:
They should bring voodoo cards back to the market and blow away ati and nvidia and become supreme master of the universe!!!

Except.....nvidia bought 3dfx ;)