AMD Opteron 144 $129.00 at ebay (70+ seller)


Feb 23, 2006
I have personally bought 3 times from this seller and they are honest and good to deal with, that is why I try to help them by posting on here.

$135.99 Shipped

Opteron 165 $305.99 Shipped:
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gingersnap said:
I have personally bought 3 times from this seller and they are honest and good to deal with, that is why I try to help them by posting on here.

$135.99 Shipped

Opteron 165 $305.99 Shipped:

You seem to post a thread everytime this seller has something to sell.
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Lolento said:
You seem to post a thread everytime this seller has something to sell.

Just every time they hit certain costs... They sell memory sometime and some other things that I could not put up here on Hard as it was not all THAT great. They have suported me and helped me on 2 issues without any problems and if they are selling something really low and I feel it is Hard worthy I put it up.
Of 9 threads you have posted here, you were the Tread Starter 4 times highighting this seller, one other time you've jumped in other people's deal tread only to promote this seller again. That's 5 out of 9 times. Pretty persistent, don't you think? . ;)

Lolento said:
You seem to post a thread everytime this seller has something to sell.
Soooooo i guess you guys are saying that I should consider that me and this seller are even? :)
Well the Opteron 165 you can get from Monarch for like $270 with the coupon code.
buzzly said:
Of 9 threads you have posted here, you were the Tread Starter 4 times highighting this seller, one other time you've jumped in other people's deal tread only to promote this seller again. That's 5 out of 9 times. Pretty persistent, don't you think? . ;)

looks like someone got caught red handed.