AMD Phenom 8650 (Tri-core, B3 stepping) $165.99 @ newegg


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 24, 2007
huh? this is old news that tricore has 3x512 l2 cache = 1.5mb. pretty good price. i guess that'll force the x2's to go down further.
Is there any difference between these & the "be-" series outside of supporting ddr2-800?

All am2 x2 support ddr2 800 ram.I don't believe there is any difference from the other "be" low power amd dual cores. The difference with say the 4450 from the 4400 is that it is a 45 watt dual core and not a 65 watt dual core.
What don't make is since is why anyone would buy a 8750 2.4ghz triple core for 194.99 plus 7 shipping when for 13 dollors more you can have the 9750 2.4ghz quad core for 214.99 free shipping. That's just crazy. I bet the price will be dropping soon
What's odd about this deal is, it seems like the 9600 is a better deal:
8650 - 3 cores @ $165.99 + $7.00 (shipping) = $57.66 per core
9600 - 4 cores @ $215.00 + (free shipping) = $53.75 per core
Not $20 more to get an intel quad from fry's

Well thats in store only right? If so I can't get one since I don't live anywhere close to one. Besides that this may actually be a good upgrade for some people on the AM2 platform. Personally depending on when I get the money for a lan party computer build, I may use this tri-core as a hold me over for AMD's next line of processors. Since the AM3 processors should work in AM2+ mb's. The Q6600 won't have this benefit.
Well thats in store only right? If so I can't get one since I don't live anywhere close to one. Besides that this may actually be a good upgrade for some people on the AM2 platform. Personally depending on when I get the money for a lan party computer build, I may use this tri-core as a hold me over for AMD's next line of processors. Since the AM3 processors should work in AM2+ mb's. The Q6600 won't have this benefit.

I saw them online. They hit every now and then.
What's odd about this deal is, it seems like the 9600 is a better deal:
8650 - 3 cores @ $165.99 + $7.00 (shipping) = $57.66 per core
9600 - 4 cores @ $215.00 + (free shipping) = $53.75 per core

The 9600 is a bad deal once you enable the TLB fix and the performance goes down.

me too... somehow i think in a few months we'll look back at the tri-cores and call it a bastard chip

Well these were all supposed to be quad cores, however one of the cores fails AMD's internal quality check, and ta da! Tri core chips whimper onto the market and make AMD a little $$$ instead of getting thrown out.
i thought the general consensus was that the tlb error was only an issue for servers? everything I've read sorta said that for the home desktop user, the tlb error is pretty much a non-issue.
i thought the general consensus was that the tlb error was only an issue for servers? everything I've read sorta said that for the home desktop user, the tlb error is pretty much a non-issue.

Well consider that most home users get the TLB fix forced on them through Windows Update anyway, so they end up with poor running systems without even realizing what happened. Even some people on enthusiasts forums got duped by this too, just download Vista SP1 and BAM, system start running much slower. You can get around the fix by running some tools to re-disable the TLB fix, however that is not confidence inspiring for the future when MS could shove out another TLB fix that is harder to work around. So yeah, TLB normally only affects certain things a home user may never encounter, however its clearly an ongoing issue.