AMD Plans to Sell Texas Campus To Raise Cash

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Anyone want to buy AMD's Austin campus and then lease it back to the company? It's only $200M and I hear the building has good tenants. ;)

"There are favorable economic conditions in the part of Austin where the campus is located," Prairie said. "Contingent on finding an investor who wants to do a multiyear lease-back, it's a good opportunity for us to unlock the value of the real estate to fund operations."
Can we all admit that passwords simply do not work anymore?

Seriously, we need to move to biometric scanning.
I was under the impression from their activities over the last year and a half that AMD was focusing on the APU niche in the marketplace rather than trying to go head-to-head with Intel for a performance crown. I heard they were also potentially going to get a boost from the console market:

If selling their real-estate while the value is good and leasing it back works in conjunction with this new market focus, then I doubt they are going to disappear. As a homeowner I often regret not being a tenant anymore. When my water heater dies or my furnace breaks, I have to fix it, and it is never cheap...
this is an interesting thing. If AMD stays focused on thier products, and reduces costs doing things like this, its a good thing, at least they are willing and capable of doing what needs to be done. Market conditions are horrible for everyone, even the blln$ companies.
Can we all admit that passwords simply do not work anymore?

Seriously, we need to move to biometric scanning.

lolwut? If passwords don't work anymore, I'd hate to see how mich "paying attention to what thread you're in" is failing. :p
RIP AMD. They had a good run. Too bad Intel will get fat and lazy again. :(

Can we all admit that passwords simply do not work anymore?

Seriously, we need to move to biometric scanning.
Wrong thread much? :p
Just wait for Texas's succession from the U.S. and then AMD can become a monopoly in new country of Texas.:p
Just wait for Texas's succession from the U.S. and then AMD can become a monopoly in new country of Texas.:p

LOL and since the US will put a trade embargo on Texas and finally secure the southern border, they will be the only option for PC parts in Texas..
Just wait for Texas's succession from the U.S. and then AMD can become a monopoly in new country of Texas.:p

I am confident that THAT won't happen ... to paraphrase the old quote from the Civil War ... "Texas is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum" :D
Can we all admit that passwords simply do not work anymore?

Seriously, we need to move to biometric scanning.

Best post ever!

Also, I misread the thread title as "AMD Plans to Sell Texas To Raise Cash" and was like :eek:!
A suburb of Austin is a town called Round Rock, which is where Dell was founded. Yesterday, Dell's stock price jumped and so did AMD's. But probably not enough to save AMD's Austin facility? :confused:
AMD stock rose some because thier partner for GF took a little more interest in AMD and also another seat on thier board of directors, this is good, as well, they have a hell of alot of cash and a massive bank roll, so if worse comes to worse, they can, and will bail AMD out as best they can(I am sure provided AMD does what they can) to stay afloat, could be why they decided to hold back thier next gen some to give it much needed attention, and to focus some of thier resources on making sure everything else is up to par.

Guess that is what happens when you are playing a multi-billion dollar game of chess with massive corps and governments/partners that will have much more to lose and gain then us average "consumers" sustanible long term growth is always better from an investors view then a quick buck, especially in todays marketplace.