AMD Ready to Announce Six-Core Processor

I just wish there are reviews already, very interested in the 1090T which I'll hopefully get along with a nice Gigabyte 890FX board.
Have a 1090T on pre-order with Amazon.I guess the 26th of this month they ship,if NDA is lifted.Still no word from Amazon.:(
Hopefully be here Tuesday or Wendesday.
For those of us lucky enough to live near a Microcenter, would this be a worthwhile purchase over an i7 930? Since Microcenter sells the 930 for ~200 USD, and the 1055T is slightly more, but motherboard is cheaper by about 60-70USD(?), is it still a better bet to go with the i7?
dual core is enough for internet usage dammmit! i dont need to run a small 3rd world country!

even gaming doesnt take advantage of all these cores!
i mean seriously anyone remember 2.8hyper threading and rambus lol! wait how about 7800gts overclock? 350bucks back then. now 50 bucks used and thats a so so deal! am i right?
Just got a NewEgg newsletter announcing the arrival of the 1090T BE for $309 this morning.