AMD sticking it to Intel

my personal favorite:

9) Decided to take the "front-side bus" to the duel; got stuck in a bottleneck
lol that's pretty good.

I like the one about not being able to get a fire permit :)
that would a nice change of pace though, a lawsuit for libel (i'm sure there's been lots slander too, but that's another story)
That's pretty funny. After living in Intels shadow for 30 years they have the right to toot their own horn now.
lmao. I like number 8 myself. And a bunch of the others for that matter.

#2 is partially obsolete now that Dell is selling some A64s
AMD said:
2. Dell told them they weren't allowed to participate
My personal favorite is #4: They couldn't get a permit from the fire department to emit that much heat
ikellensbro said:
#2 is partially obsolete now that Dell is selling some A64s

Selling boxed processors means beans to me. When they start selling systems with AMD in them, then they can get out of the dog house.

I'm liking the new ballsy AMD. A strong global ad campaign could probably boost them a lot while they have the advantage.
Dillusion said:
hahaha thats funny- glad to see AMD has a sense of humor.

They've had one for awhile. Ever see the Prescott starter kit? Or whatever it was called. It involved oven mits and a fire extinguisher or something like that.
OldPueblo said:
Selling boxed processors means beans to me. When they start selling systems with AMD in them, then they can get out of the dog house.

I'm liking the new ballsy AMD. A strong global ad campaign could probably boost them a lot while they have the advantage.
Seems that Dell will be selling AMD systems in the future:
If I were AMD I think I'd take this off since Dell might get offended.

This is a funny list, no matter what.
Originally Posted by Sir-Fragalot
They've had one for awhile. Ever see the Prescott starter kit? Or whatever it was called. It involved oven mits and a fire extinguisher or something like that.

Yea that was good. This new pdf is pretty funny too.
Sir-Fragalot said:
They've had one for awhile. Ever see the Prescott starter kit? Or whatever it was called. It involved oven mits and a fire extinguisher or something like that.

Didnt catch that one, glad this was posted tho :)
I couldn't remember what it was called. I am glad someone took the time to google it. :D
ROFL! Pwned!!!! I love this one, being a Titanic Historian.

"To busy rearranging chairs on the Itanic"
LMAO @ "The stickers used to package the cores melted" and "Couldn't get a permit from the fire dept for that much heat emission"

A bit immature on AMD's part, but almost entirely accurate nonetheless. :D
It isn't really "immature" since AMD's core audience is the <35 y.o. computer geeks. I fall in that category, so I find it funny as hell.
Anyone in here own AMD stocks?

If so how has it been doing the past 5 yrs and what are predictions?
apcor said:
Anyone in here own AMD stocks?

If so how has it been doing the past 5 yrs and what are predictions?

A friend of mine has it. He reports he rarely if ever makes any money on it.
Kil4Thril said:
It isn't really "immature" since AMD's core audience is the <35 y.o. computer geeks. I fall in that category, so I find it funny as hell.

Well that's the result of this. It's not the inverse. I'm sure AMD, unlike DFI or Falcon, do not plan to stay within the computer geek demographic. Their dual and quad Opterons are straight examples of this, as well as the Sempron and Turion line. This is hurting them, in my opinion.

But, being a <25 kid, I find it hilarious as well. Just that AMD is shooting themselves in the foot...
Bona Fide said:
Well that's the result of this. It's not the inverse. I'm sure AMD, unlike DFI or Falcon, do not plan to stay within the computer geek demographic. Their dual and quad Opterons are straight examples of this, as well as the Sempron and Turion line. This is hurting them, in my opinion.

But, being a <25 kid, I find it hilarious as well. Just that AMD is shooting themselves in the foot...

Honestly, I doubt the bean counters and oxygen-thief C[I,E,F]O's are gonna ever see this document. If they do happen to see it, I hope they laugh all the way to the bank with the $$$ they saved on the processors and power / cooling equipment to run them.

Go AMD go.

Sir-Fragalot said:
A friend of mine has it. He reports he rarely if ever makes any money on it.
LOL I bought many when it was $3.10 I will make money when I need to.
apcor said:
Anyone in here own AMD stocks?

If so how has it been doing the past 5 yrs and what are predictions?
Yes, I bought several hundred when they were at a bit under 8 dollars a share. Today they broke 27 dollars a share.
yup 27.00 I am hoping they go up to like 40. at 4000 lets see.
Dillusion said:
hahaha thats funny- glad to see AMD has a sense of humor.

the hammer over the intel tune on the beta board for the claw/sledge hammer.