AMD X2 in Shuttle SN95G5 R2,0


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2000
Well I've made bit longer post on AMD CPU part of a Forum ( ) so I'll be shorther here :p

For SN95G5 owners thinking of a X2 CPU I have first hand info. SN95G5 owners of Rev 1,0 be shure You gett 1,8 BIOS and E6 stepping CPU E4 will not work for You. For owners of Rev. 2,0 You can work with E4 stepping to. Rev. 3,0 can doo everything to. Just use newest BIOS revision.

I went from 3000+ winnie to 4200+ X2 and it's just great. It's even cooler!!???
Smoother preformance.

Some games need to be set manualy to run only on one CPU otherwise You can expirinece periodicly chokes. Condition Zero is one of them.

I run all stuff stock but I OC mostly just to see what is hardware capable of.
Well I have to admit with 4200+ my 6800 GT OC lower and I gues it's allready to much for a PSU to ask from.

Stability is great. Smooth preformance and now only chockes are coming from very high drves activity. Like defragmenting a drive and searching on it is stupid and even dual core will not help You with such action. Like inserting a CD will slow down everything.

Remmember CPU mark from ZD? Well cause it is calculating program it's bit like real life preformance telling You how good Your CPU crank nummbers.
Like 3000+ Winnie OC-ed to 2345 MHz (that was super stable in my shuttle with 24/7 torture test) makes 275 mark.
4200+ makes 262 but it does 2 times 258 whne running two instances in same time :p

I find it cool.

BTW I've build 3x SN 25P with 2 GB RAM and 4200+ E6 CPU's and it works soo good.
