AMD XP 2600+ M Barton


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2004
I just finished installing my 2500m with a Thermalright SLK-947-u and a Vantec Tornado 92mm. I'm at 1.86ghz at 26c idle. What should I push it to? 2.4? 2.5? If you could give me exact specs that would help. (ie 225x12 @ 1.9v). I have tried to overclock it and it just wont do 2.0 2.2 or 2.5 with the voltage I tried, it just didn't start :O.
Go in small steps, take it 5mhz on the fsb at a time until it becomes unstabe, i.e. blue screens, etc. Then, up your Vcore in the smallest increment your board has. Keep this up until you reach the point where the temp is as high as you want it to be/your speed is enough or you just cant go any higher.
Yeah, I was hoping to find a high start point, everyone hates overclocking that way :O
don't use this for an absolute guide, but do you it as a reference.. i made this.. basically every x is a time i got the comptuer started, openend photoshop, added the x and saved the file... some of these ran for days, some for jsut long enough to do the above steps.. i added the lines later.. as a guess.. there is no math involved or anything like that..


edit.. also first do 200 x 10 @ about 1.5v i would say.... then 10.5 then 11 etc.. run the ram below spd so you know it isn't the limiting factor.. then once you hit 1.85v i would probably stop.. then i would run prime at whatever speed.. check the temps, i doubt you can do over 1.85v on air easily.. i wouldn't.. if the temps are too high then go back a few steps in voltage and multi.. once you determine what voltage and speed you think are acceptable to you, not to hot, not to high vcore, whatever you want to limit it by.. put the cpu down around the 2ghz range and up the fsb and tighten the memory timings until you determine where you want to go with your memory.. like maybe 220 at spd timings and higher voltage, or looser timings @ 225 and stock voltage.. whatever you want to do.. then combine both your memory and cpu speeds and all that.. or something like that.. i know what i mean, so hopefully you do

but i change something every time i restart this thing, of course that only happens every 2 weeks or so.. but you may be like me and never settle on something definite..
I have a 2600M on water. Did 200X11 to start and took over 2 weeks to get up to my current 213X12.5...Slow and steady wins the OC race.
Mine isn't a 2600+, but it is a 2500+. I've got it running 12.5 x 200mhz rock stable @ 1.7v. SP92 + 92mm fan.
slk-800 1.68v 80mm enermax at 2300 rpm(quiet.. so not too much cfm.. enough to score 108F load) 200x12.5 and 200x13(stupid memory wont go past 200)

another thing to note is i lapped my slk..
Well since I had decent enough RAM, when I got my 2600, I booted up to make sure it worked. Then I shut it down and put it at 12.5 x 200 = 2500Mhz. That worked fine for me and is where I have it now. I think most 2600 mobiles can do 2500 pretty easily with decent cooling.