AMD64 Upgrade Question.


Jun 6, 2004
I currently have an AMD64 3200 754CPU running on a Biostar K8VHA Pro. Im thinking about going 939 and was wondering if it was worth swapping this with a 3500 939. My main goal is to make it more upgrade friendly since my current Motherboard doesn't support any 754CPU's higher then the 3400.

Would it be worth it to get a Neo2 Plat and a 3500 or should I just wait till March (Xmass has gone and no major BDays and Holidays near by) and get the Nforce 4 and an FX chip? If I go the Neo2 way, I wont have to worry about a motherboard for awhile, I believe...

Anyone able to help me out?
If I was in your shoes, I would definately wait a bit. NF4 is on the horizon and that rig you have now is certainly no slouch! Personally, I would settle for nothing less than an SLi capable solution for my next A64 motherboard purchase. There is very little in performance gains to be had for you if you upgrade at this time.