Amensia: The Dark Descent


Sep 19, 2006
The demo is out on STEAM, played it for a while and unable to continue after a *certain* part because its too damn scary. give it a shot...
Been waiting on this, liked Penumbra.

Thanks for the heads up.
Is this a sequal to Penumbra or something? Just curious because everyone keeps mentioning it..
Is this a sequal to Penumbra or something? Just curious because everyone keeps mentioning it..

nope, it's a totally different game. It's from the creators of Penumbra though
Played it for the first ten minutes or so.... love it so far, but wow, the devs seem to have a fetish for underground/tunnel type environments and boulders, lol.
Really cool and interesting game...turned the lights off, put my headphones on and I can't play this...gonna give me a heart attack
They should do the brain waves/electro cardiogram thing with this like someone did with silent hill back in 1999 something. I'm a huge fan of horror games and have been waiting for something "scary" (not "jump" moments, they are only preturbing once). I'm going to get it as see what a bunch of crazies you all are :D. I have a room that is pitch black (no lightbulb, blackout curtains) all the time apart from one led fan. Should I turn the CCFL on?

"Your only means of defense are hiding, running or using your wits." I have no chance...
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They really hit the nail on the head with this one. I think this is what they were going for when they started to make these games because this is what survival horror is supposed to be like.
Omfg. Turned the lights off and put my headphones on. I usually get a kick out of these games but the demo almost made me cry. I couldn't keep playing.
haha damn. I'm downloading it now and can't wait for it to finish. You all sound like a bunch of scared school girls :p. Definitely need to check it out now.

Edit: Ok played it. Loved it. Want more now haha. For 20 bucks this game is already totally worth it. 16 if you pre-order on steam, count me in.
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Cannot wait for this, I just loved the Penumbra series. I just put up some light blocking curtains a few days ago, now I can be creeped out day or night. I always look forward to a quality point and click style game.
First review out:

This is one of the scariest games in recent memory. The loading screen recommends you turn the lights off and play with headphones, something I'll strongly echo. Amnesia: The Dark Descent's puzzles aren't especially impressive and the voice acting can range from convincing to goofy, but the atmosphere Frictional has infused into the experience is as powerful as they come. It's a tale of terror that's menacing and disturbing from the very first moments, and only amplifies the further you progress. Any fan of horror, every Lovecraft fan, and any with even a hint of curiosity should give Amnesia a shot. Few games are able to conjure up an atmosphere this genuinely frightening.
I pre-ordered this on steam for $16 last night. I was hoping to be able to pre-load it but so far not yet. Can't wait until it unlocks :)
I pre-ordered this on steam for $16 last night. I was hoping to be able to pre-load it but so far not yet. Can't wait until it unlocks :)

Same here :) Got the new ME2 DLC to go through until then (assuming they get it back up soon... grrrrr)
I got my pre-order in.

Two really good reviews, plus a low price point, plus a good demo - and the developer seems to have a good track record but hasn't really benefited from it.

These amount to a sale for me.
Meh... demo was boring. Walked around with some really funky feeling controls and a bunch of lights flickered on and off. O and my view distorted a bunch of times... yawn.
They should call this game "Run and Hide Like a Little Bitch" since you can't fight anything and there are no weapons. Running and hiding is pretty much all you can do to survive. I'll try the demo and see I guess.
They should call this game "Run and Hide Like a Little Bitch" since you can't fight anything and there are no weapons. Running and hiding is pretty much all you can do to survive. I'll try the demo and see I guess.

so you are saying that every single game has to have some sort of weapon or it's a piece of crap?
They should call this game "Run and Hide Like a Little Bitch" since you can't fight anything and there are no weapons. Running and hiding is pretty much all you can do to survive. I'll try the demo and see I guess.

It's creating atmosphere. You're suppose to feel alone and helpless. Instead of having a rocket launcher and not afraid of anything.
so you are saying that every single game has to have some sort of weapon or it's a piece of crap?

I'd almost go that far and probably would have before I played Portal.

It's creating atmosphere. You're suppose to feel alone and helpless. Instead of having a rocket launcher and not afraid of anything.

Yeah I get it. Not sure how much fun that could be. Don't worry I'll give the demo a fair shake. I'm open to new game play mechanics.
Yeah I guess the game has been pirated since yesterday sometime. It's 16 dollars, honestly..