amps for computer headphones


Mar 26, 2003
are there any decent ones for under $50? I'm at work and I have crappy speakers hooked up to a crappy onboard sound card, so my sound quality sucks... using ety er6's btw.
What, like a FiiO E5?

If you need something bigger, you'll probably get the best deal if you find something used...check Head-Fi FS/FT for that.
Probably better to get a decent DAC. Try the Go-Vibe Mini USB DAC. Cheap and works helluva lot nicer than alot of old onboards. Really portable too. But if you want the amp to also use on the go, yes the Fiio E5 is nice.
I was looking at the FiiO's on ebay, don't know much about them.. since its mainly for the office it doesn't need to be portable, gonna look into the go-vibe usb.