An app that records/plays program installs?

Dario D.

Dec 8, 2004
Hi, all. :)
Is there an app that records program installs (and misc Windows settings changes), and lets you run them on another computer? Let's say I build 2 identical computers, and install stuff on one... Now, is there a way to record what I did, and do the SAME thing on the other?

They are expensive.

On the cheap, you could get something like Advanced Installer. I believe that allows you to take before and after snapshots.

Big names are Wise Package Studio and Install Shield.
I would say your best bet is some sort of imaging software. I've used Acronis True Image in the past and it's worked quite well for me.
if the machines are identicle why not just image the completed one ?
So use the imaging technique, and then change the licensing information?
If it's as simple as putting in a new Windows serial, that should work, but I'm still trying to figure out where Compaq puts their Windows serials.

Update: okay, looks like the key can be dug out of the registry, using a special program (otherwise, it's encrypted).

I'll try that! (I do use TrueImage) Thanks, all. :)
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:) was going to tell ya just to change the seriel's, ... had a program a while ago that found it, guess you found one thouhg ;)