Android Customers Are So Committed That Exploding Note 7 Did Little To Help Apple


Aug 20, 2006
Well, it’s not like the Note 7 was the only Android phone you could buy. Why would anyone jump to an entirely different ecosystem just because one model was faulty?

Despite Apple's continued commanding lead in holiday sales of smartphones and tablets, however, the numbers suggested Apple's share was lower and Samsung's was slightly higher from last year. Attempting to explain the trends shown in the data, NPD analyst Stephen Baker told The Wall Street Journal he believes that Android loyalists are committed, and even dangerous exploding batteries in the Galaxy Note 7 were not enough to push significant numbers of customers over to the iPhone. "Most of those who bought or wanted to buy a Note 7 opted for a different high-end Galaxy phone," Baker said.
I think someone forgot to link that analyst to stories about iPhones burning up as well, maybe? :D
Why would one phone model from one manufacturer drive people away from Android as a whole? Especially when the issue wasn't even related to Android.

Not to mention Samsung has a number of other phone models to choose from. This "analysis" seems completely pointless, and the conclusion they drew is laughable.
There were a couple of guys at work that went to the iPhone 7 coming from the Note 7.
Honestly, was it really a big deal? One device from Samsung was made with a poor design, failed, and was recalled. Literally every other device on the market right now does not suffer from this problem. So don't buy the Note 7. Sure it hurt Samsung a little bit in both cost of the failure and recall as well as brand damage, but does it really hurt Android or really the S7 line which is one of the best selling Android devices right now?
Believe it or not, if people were dismayed and wanted to switch away from Samsung, they DO have other options running Android...

IMHO, Samsung isn't even on my top list for Android based phones. Great hardware (well, at least when it isn't bursting into flames) but the software leaves a lot to be desired.
Why would it drive Android users to Apple? It's not like its the Android OS that's exploding. I was ready for an upgrade from my Note 4 and was going to get the 7 but obviously didn't so I got the Motorola Z Force instead. Why in the hell would I go to Apple because one model of phone was faulty?
I went to the 6S Plus after the Note 7 recall. Seeing as I've had to return several defective Android phones over the past couple years, I decided to try something new. So far I've been quite happy!
I went to the 6S Plus after the Note 7 recall. Seeing as I've had to return several defective Android phones over the past couple years, I decided to try something new. So far I've been quite happy!

I could never even consider using Android due to it's flawed security model. A mobile phone nowadays is a crucial tool that's being used for NFC payments and 2 stage verification among other things. If you get infected crooks can literally steal your identity and mess up your entire life.
Maybe because Android isn't stuck to a single device where as IOS users are stick to the iPhone?

Like seriously there are a number of vendors, sizes, and price ranges for a NEW phone that uses Android, it's like if you found out your particular favorite brand of hot dogs actually grind up puppies and kittens into them... ok lets go onto another brand. Where as with Apple you're either stuck with eating ground up puppies and kittens or not using Apple.
If the iphone had a usb port and the ability to transfer files the old fashioned way, I'd consider buying one. Oh and a headphone jack, need one of those too.
If you want to draw an equally silly conclusion, you could say that the iPhone is so shit that even an competitor's phone literally exploding was not enough for people to want to switch to Apple. :D

That was actually the original title for this thread. He ninja edited it though.

Sometimes the mod's forget that being [H] means using anything that works....and being proud of doing so.