Android Key Lime Pie Announcement Looming


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
It’s always a pretty good bet that when a site inadvertently leaks information on an upcoming release and then orders repeater websites to remove it immediately, something is afoot, or at least very close to the truth. Qualcomm is the original conduit site in this installment of ‘when will Android Key Lime Pie make its debut’.

While we really don’t know what to expect from Android Key Lime Pie, it will likely be a rather dramatic update, given that Android 4.1 and 4.2 have been pretty small since the OS made the 4.x jump.
I'm not gonna pull out until Putang Pie is released...
Phone users shouldnt expect this roll out for a long time. Verizon (my carrier) needs time to bloat it and make it a POS...thats what rooting is for though :)
Yeah guessing Google I/O will have this announcement...I wonder if this Moto X phone will be announced as well. Currently rocking a Galaxy Nexus and have no issues with it nor see a reason to upgrade, but my contract is up in April and could be persuaded if this Moto X phone does release sometime after I/O and is the badass phone its rumored to be. I know for a while there been rumors of consider battery improvement optimizations in Android and Moto X is "rumored" to have one hell of a battery life...maybe just maybe Android we will finally be gentle on phone batteries (not counting the latest Moto phones that actually do pretty good)!
Since 64 bit processors are around the corner I suspect KLP will have something to do with that. It would be nice if more apps were able to run on multi-core processors too. The quad core in my phone hardly breaks a sweat.
My guess is May 15-17 of this year.. Usually announcements about their major version updates come out at Google IO.. Not sure why everyone is 'wondering' IF they did not announce it at IO, what would they announce?
oh, and relating to the OP: I hope that 5.0 makes it to the Razr M in short order... I'm currently eyeing it as my next android device... would love some guidance from google on whether or not it will get it in a timely manner...
Since when was 4.1 a minor update? Google Now and Project Butter are two of the most significant things to happen to Android in my experience. Butter fixed the constantly laggy/framey feeling you got from most android devices and Google Now with voice integration beat the tar out of Siri.
So many devices being left further and further in the update dust, at least it isn't as expensive as when Apple does it.
Ahh yes, yet another OS that over 80% of Android user will never see. Well, I guess they might if they wait 6 months after its release and buy a new phone :rolleyes:
So many devices being left further and further in the update dust, at least it isn't as expensive as when Apple does it.

Yeah that's right, my iPhone 3gs is proving to be a terrible purchase, with that iOS 6.1 that came out last week.

Guess I should be clever like you and bought a random Android, and be rocking Jelly Bean, while I wait a few week for Google to send me Key Lime Pie.
So many devices being left further and further in the update dust, at least it isn't as expensive as when Apple does it.

Yeah that's right, my iPhone 3gs is proving to be a terrible purchase, with that iOS 6.1 that came out last week.

Guess I should be clever like you and bought a random Android, and be rocking Jelly Bean, while I wait a few weeks for Google to send me Key Lime Pie.
Yeah that's right, my iPhone 3gs is proving to be a terrible purchase, with that iOS 6.1 that came out last week.

Guess I should be clever like you and bought a random Android, and be rocking Jelly Bean, while I wait a few weeks for Google to send me Key Lime Pie.

I have an android phone that is on Ice Cream Sandwich, an android tablet that is pretty much along the lines of Eclair, and a 32GB ipod touch first gen stuck on 3.1.3. I can live with ICS on my phone, Gingerbread would've been a nice bump on the tablet to still do some extra things while under its limits, the first gen ipod touch is still a capable little device yet (as an example) there are basic card games that are not hardware intense yet require ios4+ and since it's 32GB you would think you would be able to put more software to utilize the hardware other than just music and video (I have an 80GB ipod classic just for that).

So no, my comment was not some little clever ploy to take a swing at Apple, it was just a statement on the price difference on the devices.
Ahh yes, yet another OS that over 80% of Android user will never see. Well, I guess they might if they wait 6 months after its release and buy a new phone :rolleyes:

That is probably what their business model is counting on. :D
I would really like to see this brought to existing phones.

With my Droid 2 I guess i should consider myself lucky that they eventually upgraded it from 2.2 to 2.3.4, but that was where it was abandoned even though many have made 4.x work just fine with custom roms.

Now I have a Galaxy Note II which I hope to get years of usage out of, so I will most likely still be using it long after this new OS is released.
I'm hoping most of their energy with 5.0 is directed toward under-the-hood improvements and new features. They really nailed the user interface with ICS/JB, and I don't see much reason for drastic changes on that front any time soon.