Angry Gaming Stories anyone? Broken Controller :(

Psychotext said:
I used to have a bit of an issue with this, and especially with asshole customers phoning me... so I put a full size punchbag in my house. Now when I get angry I save myself a ton of money by beating the crap out of it. :)

Most recently though, Trauma Center has caused me to feel the need to use the punchbag. I've stopped playing it now as I found it just wound me up too much. :) Oh, and to all the people that said they don't do it any more cos they're good / got older. It's not that, just games are pathetically easy on the whole these days. :D

I agree. Gradius III came out in 1989, and the only other game since then that has made me ballistic is Ninja Gaiden on Xbox. Even so, I didnt think it was that hard, not as hard as the original Ninja Gaiden on NES.
Got killed on my shaman in WoW in some cheap way, ganked I think, and I threw my deoderant at my door, denting it

Doing the PvP grind on my shaman, got frustrated and punched a hole into a door

If some guy would blow all his cooldowns on me or if somebody came to save someone I was facing 1v1, I would smash both my fists on the table and scream "fvcker!" or something to that effect. I do this in CS:S sometimes nowadays.

Smashed my fist into my keyboard, knocking out keys, and screamed

Ripped a door off a cabinet in my house and smashed a vase because my internet was down and I couldn't play WoW (this was during my PvP grind and missing playtime meant another intense week of PvPing or worse)

Broke a Genesis controller in a fit of rage, I really regretted that shortly thereafter
street fighter 2 for snes i broke a couple controllers playing against my cousins. that game really brought out my anger.

also 1v1 doom over the modem. one time after losing i smashed my keyboard and keys went flying.
i really haven't destroyed any controllers, but they been soaring through the air a few times. most of the time i just curse a lil bit and calm down, although there was one incident i remember where i really broke down. my cousins came over and we were playing bloody roar on game cube. i was prertty decent in the game, so i had a lot of pride. when my cousin beat me just by button mashing one button, i was pretty pissed. so after countless rematches he would just spam on one button and it really irritated me that his brother and sister would laugh everytime i loose and go oooooooh you lost. finally after xxx amount of getting button smashed to death i cursed so loud and flung the controller so hard it bounced off the floor and went smack against a glass door. it made a loud gong noise and everyone instantly sat still, quietly looking at my very angry face. i ended up getting up and walked away to cool down. now that i think about this incident its quite funny :D
Playing BF2 after drinking a bit too much.. Ended up slamming my MX-510 on the desk a few times till it broke, and then ripping out the cord and throwing it out the window..

The next day I was standing in line at BB with a shiny new MX-518 :(
I tend to laugh a bit more and my jaw/neck will get tense. By the end of a DM, my shoulders, neck and face would be sore.
Frogger on the Play Station had this way of being as annoying as it possibly could be. That game was hard back when I was 8. Haven't played it in 7+ years though.
I get pretty pissed of at BF 2. Especialy watching my entire clip go right through someone, and have them DIVE at hit me in the head mid air. :mad:

I just stop playing before I break anything. :cool:
The King of Pants said:
Wow, i don't mean to thread crap or flame, but some of you need anger management therapy stat.

Because this is cheaper then anger therapy.
Was playing nfsu after a few drinks had the window open and our neighbor who is a cop heard me threatening to kill my console and its family and everyone that its ever loved. Needless to say wanted to make sure everything was ok.
Devil May Cry, God of War, and Devil May Cry 3 were the 3 most recent games that got me FURIOUS (on the hardest difficulty).

I don't take it out on the controller or anything like that, but I just cuss a LOT... and then I collect myself and just turn off the game, to cuss at it some other time.
The King of Pants said:
Wow, i don't mean to thread crap or flame, but some of you need anger management therapy stat.

Hey bud, I'm gonna kick your...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,, sorry about that sometimes I just lose control :)

Hmm, I like to think I have worked all my anger we'll leave all the current stories out, but the days of the NES.

The original TMNT was impossible, played through that game only to die at the end...threw the controller a bit, but those grey little rectangles with the red buttons were tough controllers.

Simpsons Bart vs Space Mutants...the know those games where you had to start at the beginning of the level when you died, and the developers threw in jump after jump that had to be know, press the jump button just as your back foot is touching the pillar...and if you missed you bricked off of the place you were trying to jump to, only to watch yourself fall into the abyss

Tecmo Bowl (NES)...friends beating the crap out of other friends when they thought they looked at their offensive button/d pad selections. Friends beating the crap out of their controllers when some one would bust out a 90 yard TD run with Bo Jackson. Bo knows Tecmo Whoop Ass.

Yes, Gradius...I remember owning the game, but I have no memory of playing it...must be a horrible repressed memory.

OK, two kind of recent one...the orignal UT. I can remember walking down the hall to the room my friend was playing in and knocking him out of his chair for sniping my ass into oblivion

Two words...Goldeneye Multiplayer
When I used to play alot of counter strike source, my computer would crash alot. Specifically when I was doing like taking a screenshot or trying to exit out of the game. A few times (2-3) I have unplugged my keyboard and literally thrown it against the wall, making keys fly everywhere. Another time I was really mad and I broke my keyboard in half over my knee. Good times.

And that kids, is why you dont spend more than 4$ on a keyboard. Always buy in bulk.
Skin said:
When I used to play alot of counter strike source, my computer would crash alot. Specifically when I was doing like taking a screenshot or trying to exit out of the game. A few times (2-3) I have unplugged my keyboard and literally thrown it against the wall, making keys fly everywhere. Another time I was really mad and I broke my keyboard in half over my knee. Good times.

And that kids, is why you dont spend more than 4$ on a keyboard. Always buy in bulk.

Man, I can see it sitting at your desk, you throwing your keyboard, keyboard breaks, you reaching down to the cardboard box sitting next to your desk that has a 10 pack of keyboards in it. :D
Can't remember what it's called but the game that probably pissed me off the most was the action kind of side scrolling game in Tekken 3 on the PS1. I just always got my ass handed to me so one time I put my elbow into the wall out of anger. That's the only time i've ever broken anything because of a game. I usually never get mad at games.
Never actually broken anything, but I have slammed controllers into the floor on many occasions. Back in the day, when I still had my Genesis with Sonic 2(I miss it :(), I used to get really pissed when I slightly overjumped at Metal Sonic on the last level and hit the spikes on his back instead. Of course, once I beat him, I then proceeded to get my ass royally handed to me by Robotnik with his giant mech-thing with the spiky hands. Of course, there were no rings in the last level, so you had to be absolutely perfect or else you die instantly. The day I finally managed to beat the final boss was one of the happiest days of my life :D.

In recent times, Soul Calibur 2 used to piss me off majorly when I played the ridiculously hard survival challenges. To this day I still haven't beaten one or two of the hardest modes, though I have unlocked everything in the game. Thankfully the Gamecube controllers are built extremely well...

I tend not to get too pissed off while playing PC games, although sometimes when I'm playing UT against one of my friends(who isn't as good as I am) and I'm having a bad match, I slam my fist into my keyboard tray a few times. My desk is pretty sturdy thankfully, and it helps me let some of my anger out. Sometimes, the best therapy is destruction:D.

I've never broken anything when pissed off though, I guess it's because I don't have the money to replace anything and some level of self-control kicks in to prevent me from actually breaking anything.
i use to have a bad temper while playing games when i was younger, i would throw the controller on the floor, but now if i do bad i just feel bored lol

p.s. some people here seem really scary D':
Glad to see i'm not the only one. I also remember TMNT for NES and some controller throwing action. But I was a kid and couldn't do damage like I did to my PS2 controller. Anyone know where I can replace my broken one for cheap? I want a new one, but not for 30 bucks at Target :(. I had to smash my new one. I kind of regret that now...
I remember playing UT2004 online once and these guys would just hop around with their rocket launchers like leapfrogging into the air by shooting off a rocket.

I remember typing 'wtf are you guys doing' that was pretty non-playable

also people who killed the cow king in diablo always pissed me off
I try to stop playing before I start getting really pissed, I usually just spew out profanity though, lol.

I think though in Tony Hawk's games though sometimes the madder I got the better I played, lol.
yeah there was one quest on the underground 4 pro skater when I was like asfk;sldkfja;sldfkja;sldfkajs;ldkfj

because it was so impossible to beat, but i eventually got all the coins or points (180) pro points
Midnight club II put me in the hospital. Seriously

I played that fucker for 4 months or so with a month break inbetween trying to beat it. Towards the end of the game After trying a race upwards of 70 times (over a couplke days) I finally dropped my logitech dual action and jumped on it. THe fucking rubber coated analog stick tore my foot open and needed a few stitches. I still have the controller, use it's digital pad function now for emu's and stuff. I have a screenshot of 100% complettion on that game that i'll never get rid of.
Wow....lets see.

I figure my first experience would probably be Street Fighter II for the SNES, right when it first came out. Sat up in my room for hours working my way through it...for some reason I want to beat the game on every difficulty level. Finally got to level 7, and I just could NOT beat Bison. He just mopped me up like nobody's business. To avoid problems with the parents, when I got really pissed I'd end up punching my knee. Of course, hindsight being 20/20 I'd have much rather explain the banging of me hitting the table or smashing the controller over explaining why I could come down to dinner because my knee joint was locked in place from the pain/swelling and I couldn't straighten it for almost a whole day. Not. Fun.

Next would be Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time for the PS2. I'd get to the elevator, and I'd always end up losing due to Farah dying (call me stupid, but I never even thought to use that ultimate sand power). I threw the controller, I cussed out the game, pounded my fist on the table, you name it. Unfortunately I was at my mother's house at the time. It was summer so the windows were open, and she lives in one of those 55 and over townhouse complexes. Well....half an hour into my anguish the following incident occurs:

Voice from outside: "whomai? ?" It was my mom's neighbor, who knows me.
Me: "Yes."
Neighbor: "Is that you?"
Me: "Yep. Just blowing off some steam"
Neighbor: "Oh. I wasn't sure what the noise was, so I called the cops"
Me: "Oh. Are they here now?"
Neighbor: "Yes. They'd like to speak to you"
Me: "Sure, just a sec"

I pop over to the door and crack it open. Not only was it the police, but one of the responding officers was the deacon of my church! Had a good conversation with them, then had to wake my mother up at 2:30 in the morning to speak to them. The best part was that the moment they left and we closed the door, my mom started laughing like crazy. We still chuckle about it.

Last incident was the destruction of a controller due to God of War. Finally, after an entire Afternoon of replaying the very last boss, I finally beat him. And was presented with one of the lamest fucking endings I've ever experienced, especially after all the crap I went through to beat the boss....I swung the control by the cord into the table, shattering it into three pieces and a bunch of electronics. Went out and bought a new controller and dropped GoW in the trash.
roz1281 said:
Midnight club II put me in the hospital. Seriously

I played that fucker for 4 months or so with a month break inbetween trying to beat it. Towards the end of the game After trying a race upwards of 70 times (over a couplke days) I finally dropped my logitech dual action and jumped on it. THe fucking rubber coated analog stick tore my foot open and needed a few stitches. I still have the controller, use it's digital pad function now for emu's and stuff. I have a screenshot of 100% complettion on that game that i'll never get rid of.

That game was freakishly hard after a while. I never finished it. I got disgusted with how well the other cars / AI drivers performed.
I stay away from games that might piss me off.
I like to relax and enjoy game playing rather than get pissed.
So I can say I have never gotten really pissed at a game.
Oh yeah, I once broke my wooden desk by losing at some racing game when I was a teenager. I was on the last strech of some race that took me god-only-knows how many number of tries to complete. I had to finish in the top 3 to go on and ended up getting knocked out by some stupid AI car. After the AI car hit me and knocked me from first to last place in the span of a few seconds, I grabbed one of my thick school books and bashed my desk with it, only to realize that the wood broke and created a HUGE chunck out of the desktop where the dowels hold stuff together.
mcravenufo said:
I stay away from games that might piss me off.
I like to relax and enjoy game playing rather than get pissed.
So I can say I have never gotten really pissed at a game.
Games that piss me off give me the best challenge though. I just have ot learn when to back off and not get so frustrated I want to hurt someone or my system. Sometimes i'm not up for just sitting down doing nothing and not using my head, hand and eye coordination. If I don't then i'm better off just watching a movie or tv which I rarely do anymore. That's the way I feel on the subject.

On games that are relaxing though, they have to have a great story or really unique style of gameplay that draws me in (like FFVII, not including the weapon fights) or something to that exent.
Yes, I have to agree about Midnight Club, that pushed me to the edge often. One more thing...fighting games...
You want to hear about broken controllers?

Many eons ago in the dark ages of electronic gaming, I had a Fairchild gaming console. I guess plugs hadn't even been invented then because when the joystick on that broke the whole machine had to be sent back in to get it fixed. Can you even imagine the horror of having to wait 6 to 8 weeks to play games because of a broken controller?
It's probably Castlevania on the NES for me.

For a while I had lots of trouble getting past Frankenstein and Grim Reaper in that game. I never did destroy a controller, though, but I was damn near close.
my roommate is psycho like that. We were drinkin, having a little party in our dorm room, and he was playing madden for ps2 vs a friend of ours. He was winning by 3 touchdowns. Dan, the friend scored a touchdown to close the lead to 2 TDs and my roommate FLIPPED OUT, THREW THE PS2 CONTROLLER AGAINST THE WALL AS HARD AS HE COULD. Plastic literally rained down from every wall (from bouncing) and everyone was quick to leave. The next day he tried to say he was tired and wanted everyone to leave, which is why he went crazy. BS

Then a few weeks later, we were watching the UM vs Clemson game (Not this years b/c we beat clemson and clemson sucks, but the year before that). They won in double overtime and my roommate chucked the TV remote against the wall. Pieces everywhere agoan. Somehow he reassembled it and it still works except the vol + button doesn't work.
For me it's a flash game called "N" or "way of the ninja." Of all the pc games I've played, for some reason, that game just drives me batshit. I've spent hours and hours trying to be a simple one-screen 2-D platformer. Every time getting more and more and more pissed off, cussing and screaming. Silly to look back on, but that doesn't stop me from repeating it about twice a month when I fire it up again.

Other than that, it'd have to be........punch out on NES. I always kind of sucked at that game. When I'd get to Soda Popey or whatever, I could never beat him. I'd get SO pissed off... At one point I actually snapped one of the controllers in half. That was before I learned how to cuss.

The only other game that's had an effect on me even close to either of those was smackdown for N64. Fighting that tag-team match in the parking garage, two on one. I'd do like seven or eight special moves on them and it wouldn't get me a two count....... yes sir, that fueled the fire.
PrkChpXprss said:
That game was freakishly hard after a while. I never finished it. I got disgusted with how well the other cars / AI drivers performed.

The sense of accomplishment when you finally conquer it beats all though! And you unlock a badass car to use if you have the energy left to play anymore :)
Amazingly enough as much as i have banged my controllers on the floor or thrown them at the floor they have never broke. Maybe i dont throw hard enough lol but my genesis controller is a trooper for sure cant tell you how much i abuse that and my playstation controller took but kept working. I have however controlled my rage somewhat except the fist to the keyboard sometimes. Also OP i agree nfs:mw is frustrating with that damn catch up.
When I was 15 or so (20 years ago) I accidentally put my fist through my fishtank playing pinball on my Commodore 64.

It took around 30 bathroom and beach towels to soak up the water. I did save all the fish though.

I don't think I have ever gotten so mad at a game I have destroyed something (controller or myself). My bro-in-law however has been through 5 cordless mice in less than 6 months due to various online shooters. :eek:
Lapping the Nurburgring in GT4 for the A International license test in a crappy car that forgets how to turn when you hit the brakes. Getting 7 or 8 minutes into the lap and then accidently running off the roadway or passing/hitting the pace car=ARRRRRGH