Annoying temp problem


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2005
Alright, I bought a 7600gt a couple of weeks ago as an upgrade from a 6600gt. I popped the card in an noticed the idel temps of the card were 75C and 100C under load. So I decided to put some artic silver and an nvsilencer on it. The temps stayed exactly the same. So I reseated everything and reapplied artic silver. No difference.
Today I went and bought a Zalman VF700-Cu cooler for the card. I put this and some more artic silver on the card (I am pretty sure I didnt put to much on it) and the fan. Well as I look now the idle temp is a whopping 86C. I also tried taking side of case of and blowing a house fan into it. This is reallly @#$%% me off. Is it possible the card is bad? I have a 1 year replacement plan on the card so if it burns up I can always get a new one. Would it damage any other components if I decided to fry the card and return it for a new one?
Any ideas would be appreciated. I dont have the money for water cooling. Also the card is still at stock speeds and the brand is BFG. The ambient room temperature is about 80F during the day and about 83F at night. (room farthest from the ac so it sucks.) :mad:
thats not TOO hot for a videocard.. but way to hot for a 7600gt. Mine humms around 70.