Anonymous Posts Response Letter To FBI Informant Sabu

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Anonymous hacked Panda Security and posted the message below to FBI informant Sabu. If this hack follows the timeline of most of the other hacks, look for an arrest late next week. ;)

“Yeah yeah, we know, Sabu snitched on us. As usually happens FBI menaced him to take his sons away. We understand, but we were your family too. (Remember what you liked to say?),” the note reads, likely referencing Sabu’s habit of rallying his radical hacktivist “brothers” on Twitter. “It’s sad and we can’t imagine how it feels having to look at the mirror each morning and see there the guy who shopped their friends to police.”
"FBI menaced him to take his sons away" wtf
did you read the article?

"According to a report by Fox News, the hacker chose to become a government informant rather than be separated from his two young sons."
Yeah I think hr'd actually feel quite good not having his sons taken away. What a load of crock.
did you read the article?

"According to a report by Fox News, the hacker chose to become a government informant rather than be separated from his two young sons."

The separation would be the inevitable result of him going to prison, not because the FBI "menacingly took his son away". Nice job sensationalizing though.
We need a new word meaning anonymous. These clowns have ruined this one with an overwhelming amount of irony.

Protip: If engaged in an online criminal enterprise, don't give your fellow criminals enough information to be able to turn on you.
These kids think that someone would put them above their own children? Idiots, my kids are my world, if it came down to my friends or my kids sorry, my friends lose every time. Anyone that believes it should be any different hasn't had kids.
The separation would be the inevitable result of him going to prison, not because the FBI "menacingly took his son away". Nice job sensationalizing though.

You beat me to it!

These kids think that someone would put them above their own children? Idiots, my kids are my world, if it came down to my friends or my kids sorry, my friends lose every time. Anyone that believes it should be any different hasn't had kids.

Yeah, if it came down to it I gladly knock off any of these self entitled douchebags if it meant I wasn't seperated from my kid, so turning them in for their criminal actions would be a no brainer.
Some how having hackers plant a message for being a "snitch" doesn't have the same menacing feel as a horse head in a bed
Your kids, freedom and honor are all at risk when you chose to do the things that Sabu did. These are the rules of the game. Don't like the rules, don't play the game.
did you read the article?

"According to a report by Fox News, the hacker chose to become a government informant rather than be separated from his two young sons."

In effect it's the same thing. Rather than be coerced into cooperating where his sons would be used as leverage against him, he preempted the entire process by offering himself up instead. He chose the lesser evil and doesn't look like the guy who broke up with his other 'family' first.
Load of trollop. The foundation of America is freedom from tyranny and you lot lost sight of it long ago.
He did it for the Lulz.

True, for the many lulz that he'll get from spending time with his children over the next several years he's not in prison and instead being a father to them. Personally, he really had two choices. Live for enjoyment or principles and people now adays don't pick principles. At least not in our side of the world that often.

He could have gone the whole dark-knight route or spiderman route and with great power comes great responsbility, even if living up to those responsibilities has great personal cost, I'll do it! Rather, he went the way of having a family/fun/friends. Great District Attorneys that take down people like large mob families often have no families/friends for the mob to go after which kepts them motivated/able to continue.
True, for the many lulz that he'll get from spending time with his children over the next several years he's not in prison and instead being a father to them. Personally, he really had two choices. Live for enjoyment or principles and people now adays don't pick principles. At least not in our side of the world that often.

He could have gone the whole dark-knight route or spiderman route and with great power comes great responsbility, even if living up to those responsibilities has great personal cost, I'll do it! Rather, he went the way of having a family/fun/friends. Great District Attorneys that take down people like large mob families often have no families/friends for the mob to go after which kepts them motivated/able to continue.

He should have thought about his kids before he started risking his future with them. These people convinced themselves they could never get caught, which we all knew was a pipe dream.
He should have thought about his kids before he started risking his future with them. These people convinced themselves they could never get caught, which we all knew was a pipe dream.

They convinced themselves that they were heroes fighting for justice, rather than the vandals that occasionally did a drop our two of good they actually are. It's not a stretch that they would be just as deluded about their chances of getting caught.
Nice to see the FBI wastes taxpayer dollars on people who did about the same amount of damage as your average vandals.

The Tea Party people should be the first to stand up for Lulzsec and the anonymous movement. After all, they named themselves after a group of people who committed highly illegal acts of vandalism to bring about change.
Good point and is proof that the American revolution was just a bunch o f punk upstarts and no freedom fighters.
Good point and is proof that the American revolution was just a bunch o f punk upstarts and no freedom fighters.

Likening the original T.E.A. party movement to the Boston Tea Party actually makes some historical sense, since both movements actions and protests were over what they considered less than fair taxes. It was only later that the wackos moved into the modern T.E.A. party. Even then, most of the tea party is quit sane, it is simply that the wackos get all the press. It is very similar to how the Libertarian Party is treated. On the rare occasions it gets press, it is one of the fringe anarchist wackos that the press is focusing on.

Anon is not even in the same category. They just break shit. If that shit happens to be a bad person/group, it seems more of a coincidence than an intentional do good attempt. Anon is more like a computer literate, anarchist, atheist version of the Westboro Church, than they are either Tea Party movement.
Your kids, freedom and honor are all at risk when you chose to do the things that Sabu did. These are the rules of the game. Don't like the rules, don't play the game.

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
Nice to see the FBI wastes taxpayer dollars on people who did about the same amount of damage as your average vandals.

Are you serious? Perhaps you're not referring to 'Sabu' anymore.

These people ran an organized ring of corrupting and stealing company data. This was not limited to - stealing hundreds of thousands of credit cards. In many cases they even used the credit cards without user permission.

By most accounts their actions cost Stratfor close to a million dollars of recovery costs, personnel, time, and reputation to recoup the losses reaped upon them.

Sounds about the same as someone throwing a rock at a window, or spraying graffiti on the wall right?
This all makes me wonder how deep the bag of tricks go. Hacking is difficult, and to see the response go up so soon, makes me believe that it might not have been a direct attack on the server, but a deep botnet including computers within Panda security that could manage the website and were already compromised. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Panda security when this went down and how they're cleaning it up.
Likening the original T.E.A. party movement to the Boston Tea Party actually makes some historical sense, since both movements actions and protests were over what they considered less than fair taxes. It was only later that the wackos moved into the modern T.E.A. party. Even then, most of the tea party is quit sane, it is simply that the wackos get all the press. It is very similar to how the Libertarian Party is treated. On the rare occasions it gets press, it is one of the fringe anarchist wackos that the press is focusing on.

I read that the tea from the East India Company monopolists was still cheaper than the tea you lot were buying from the Dutch pirates even with the taxes on top. Silly colonialists.

Don't you find it ironic and disconcerting that all the former colonies that remained loyal to Britain have more freedoms than the USA?

Current tea party were not protesting less than fair taxes, they were protesting for even lower corporate taxes and only corporate taxes so cut the BS, republican.
Nice to see the FBI wastes taxpayer dollars on people who did about the same amount of damage as your average vandals.

The Tea Party people should be the first to stand up for Lulzsec and the anonymous movement. After all, they named themselves after a group of people who committed highly illegal acts of vandalism to bring about change.

I think the Occupy losers would be a better match

Don't you find it ironic and disconcerting that all the former colonies that remained loyal to Britain have more freedoms than the USA?

Just to be clear, specifically which colonies and freedoms are you referring to?
I read that the tea from the East India Company monopolists was still cheaper than the tea you lot were buying from the Dutch pirates even with the taxes on top. Silly colonialists.


Don't you find it ironic and disconcerting that all the former colonies that remained loyal to Britain have more freedoms than the USA?

Not sure I agree with that.

Current tea party were not protesting less than fair taxes, they were protesting for even lower corporate taxes and only corporate taxes so cut the BS, republican.

They were arguing against all of the tax hikes. But, believe whatever lets you sleep at night.

P. S. Not a Republican. At best, I view them as the lesser evil.