another bc2 benchmark by xbitlabs

Sweet, thanks. It's just what I was looking for earlier this morning.
Anyone seen any benchmarks running eyefinity with BFBC2? I'm curious what it would take to run a 1920x1200 triple monitor setup without the fps dipping into the teens. (i.e. 30fps + min)
Anyone seen any benchmarks running eyefinity with BFBC2? I'm curious what it would take to run a 1920x1200 triple monitor setup.

Thats exactly what I've been trying to find out. I have no real evidence, but just from my research on a single 5870, there wont be much eyecandy for that res for decent frames. You'd have to either A) look into the new 5870.6 for the 2gb of mem B) crossfire 2x 5870's or C) run a 5970 with lesser eyecandy.

I'm torn, as I want to do the eyefinity upgrade, but then again I want to run everything on max and dont want to buy $800 in cards...
Thats exactly what I've been trying to find out. I have no real evidence, but just from my research on a single 5870, there wont be much eyecandy for that res for decent frames. You'd have to either A) look into the new 5870.6 for the 2gb of mem B) crossfire 2x 5870's or C) run a 5970 with lesser eyecandy.

I'm torn, as I want to do the eyefinity upgrade, but then again I want to run everything on max and dont want to buy $800 in cards...

I'm not trying to be a dick but seriously, you wanna run an insane resolution like that and max out the eye candy and not have a cutting edge multi gpu type expensive setup? Lol really? How long did you eyefinity guys really think you were gonna get away with 1 5870 to power games at retarded resolutions and max out eye candy? I'm really just so shocked that anyone would run anything or any game at such resolutions without going sli/cf something. I wouldn't dream of it. Just because a decent amount of console ported dx9 games ran passably on 1 5870 last year with borderline playable frame rates doesn't mean anything going forward.

I don't know maybe I'm an fps whore but I need frames to spare. There's no way I'm happy playing any game at any res at 30 fps no matter how smooth it feels. It just bugs the shit out of me. Crysis being the one exception sort of. Just that I see a lot of eyefinityt users talking about how they adjust settings in some games to med or lowish just to keep playing at those res's and getting approx 30-40fps, I shake my head. Just my opinion but, I rather game at a lower res but max every game out and have fps to spare. Course that's just me, heh.
@ Savoy, in no way was that dickish comment. Total +1 status here. Seriously, I know where your coming from, but I can still hope and dream :p.

Only thing is and just from what I've read, running 2 cards can make things hairy. I'm very cautious on running things in sli/cf for that reason - maybe I'll need to dive in and try it out for my own experience.

Its good to see the 5xxx cards were able to really push some numbers ahead of nvidias old line up, though I'm sure thats subject to change in the next few months.

I don't think my GTX260 is gonna cut it running 2048x1156 res anymore.
Thats exactly what I've been trying to find out. I have no real evidence, but just from my research on a single 5870, there wont be much eyecandy for that res for decent frames. You'd have to either A) look into the new 5870.6 for the 2gb of mem B) crossfire 2x 5870's or C) run a 5970 with lesser eyecandy.

I'm torn, as I want to do the eyefinity upgrade, but then again I want to run everything on max and dont want to buy $800 in cards...

More memory isn't the problem; it's GPU muscle you will need more of.

A single 5970 is not enough right now as I'm using that myself. I settled for 5040x900, 2xAA, 16xAF, HBAO off and that gives me 60-80fps almost all the time. More memory would get you nothing at this point. More GPU muscle would let you switch on HBAO push up the resolution and go to 4xAA. The point where you would need more memory is way off at your monitors native rez and going from 4xAA to 8xAA.

You're going to need the raw muscle of 3x5870 or 2x5970 before you need to worry about lack of memory preventing you from going up to the highest levels of AA. Right now there is no working tri-fire in Eyefinity resolutions so this isn't an option.

This is probably what ATI knew when they put 1GB on the cards in the first place. There is little reason to put 2GB on unless you're going to do 6 screen Eyefinity for crazy high resolutions, which their next card will have on.
@Finkus, thanks for the clairfication, I thought the extra memory was to help aid in the high levels of AA, but as you said 1GB is plenty for 3 screens. What monitors are you using?
This game seems heavily cpu limited -- I'm wondering if my 3ghz q6600 will be enough when I finally upgrade my gpus.
well here is my fraps average with 3 1920x1080 eyenitiy setup with single hd 5870 oc'ed to 900/1250.

average 36.5, and min 22, but trust me it was totally playable, and I enjoyed every moment of it. nowhere I felt that I needed another card, but I am planning on getting one anyways just to improve the frame rate, although everything was on max, but no AA.
@Finkus, thanks for the clairfication, I thought the extra memory was to help aid in the high levels of AA, but as you said 1GB is plenty for 3 screens. What monitors are you using?

No problem. I'm using 3x23" 16:9 displays so my native rez is 5760x1080 (6048x1080 with bezel correction). Eyefinity gives you some lower rez options and 4800x900 (5040x900 with bezel correction) is about as high as I can go on BC2. Notching up to my native rez drops fps by a good 15-20fps in BC2.

I also run Dirt2 at 5040x900, 2xAA, with custom graphics settings that get me the DX11 postprocessing, cloth/water tesselation and ambient occlusion. Dirt2 also can't do native rez with everything on max either.

Your mileage may vary but I'm not happy with either game going below 60fps. Steering is worse in Dirt2 and so is aiming and reacting fast enough in BC2 multiplayer.
Just that I see a lot of eyefinityt users talking about how they adjust settings in some games to med or lowish just to keep playing at those res's and getting approx 30-40fps, I shake my head. Just my opinion but, I rather game at a lower res but max every game out and have fps to spare. Course that's just me, heh.

I'm totally with you on that. I'd like to see more lower rez options for Eyefinity. Right now I'm using 4800x900 for BC2, which is actually fewer pixels than a 30" display. I'd be quite happy with a 3840x720 option. That's 3x 720p and perfectly fine imo, if it means whacking up the eyecandy and having tons of AA switched on. It's almost half the number of pixels of a 30" display so the framerates would be blisteringly fast. 720p is what consoles use.

I wouldn't be too harsh on Eyefinity though. There are tons of games that run at crazy framerates. L4D2 for example, runs on 3x30" screens, with 8x Adaptive AA, at 70fps average. That's completely nuts, imo.

The only games that needed reduced settings are BC2, Dirt2 and Stalker COP (which plays and looks like crap anyway so I couldn't care less). Napoleon needed the resolution lowered a notch. Everything else plays just fine with full settings at native resolutions on a 5970 and 3x23" displays.

EDIT: Nobody says you have to run things at your native resolution. I used a 30" display for years and most of the time was running at 1920x1200 or even 1680x1050 if necessary. I can't cope with things dipping below 60fps and I like to have the candy on, even if it means dropping rez a lot.
Wow... they're using nvidia's 196.75 video drivers... you know, the ones that could kill your videocard?

You'd think xbitlabs would know better than that. Also, what's with the writing in this article? it reads as if it was translated
not to mention this game hasnt been FULLY optomized just yet. We are still waiting for a major patch and bug fixes. We should all check back on numbers again when this has been done. It was said by devs on the forums over at EA, i cannot locate my link at this time. It was indeed mentioned though.
not to mention this game hasnt been FULLY optomized just yet. We are still waiting for a major patch and bug fixes. We should all check back on numbers again when this has been done. It was said by devs on the forums over at EA, i cannot locate my link at this time. It was indeed mentioned though.

there was a day 1 patch already
You're going to need the raw muscle of 3x5870 or 2x5970 before you need to worry about lack of memory preventing you from going up to the highest levels of AA. Right now there is no working tri-fire in Eyefinity resolutions so this isn't an option.

Is that in general or only in BC2 that TriFire and EyeFinity isn't working?
I'm considering a Tri 5870 2gb setup - that's why I'm asking :)
I'm not trying to be a dick but seriously, you wanna run an insane resolution like that and max out the eye candy and not have a cutting edge multi gpu type expensive setup? Lol really? How long did you eyefinity guys really think you were gonna get away with 1 5870 to power games at retarded resolutions and max out eye candy? I'm really just so shocked that anyone would run anything or any game at such resolutions without going sli/cf something. I wouldn't dream of it. Just because a decent amount of console ported dx9 games ran passably on 1 5870 last year with borderline playable frame rates doesn't mean anything going forward.

I don't know maybe I'm an fps whore but I need frames to spare. There's no way I'm happy playing any game at any res at 30 fps no matter how smooth it feels. It just bugs the shit out of me. Crysis being the one exception sort of. Just that I see a lot of eyefinityt users talking about how they adjust settings in some games to med or lowish just to keep playing at those res's and getting approx 30-40fps, I shake my head. Just my opinion but, I rather game at a lower res but max every game out and have fps to spare. Course that's just me, heh.

I agree!

Performance in BC2, for me, is nowhere near acceptable levels on the rig in my signature below at 2560x1600. I am using 4xFSAA and 8xAF with all settings maxed except for HBAO which I have set to "off". It seems to run rather poorly (poorly being a relative term). I actually FAR prefer playing it on my 23" Acer at 1920x1080 since the performance is very good and the picture is sharper.

As much as I like my 30" Dell, I sort of somewhat regret buying it. Quite a few of the games I play don't do well at it's native resolution and having to buy another videocard to get what I refer to as "acceptable performance", is somewhat silly.

In fact, I am considering picking up a 5870 for my 1920x1080 gaming just for the extra frames and selling my GTX 285 SSC. lol
3x1080p here and at first I was kinda bummed with BC2 running on my system, changed to dx9 and everything on high including HBAO or whatever and get 70-100fps constant online. Even turned up the AA in ati CC, I have some screenshots of dx10vs9 i made to compare and there really isnt much if any online anyway. The higher framerate really helps to be competitive in this game.
Is that in general or only in BC2 that TriFire and EyeFinity isn't working?
I'm considering a Tri 5870 2gb setup - that's why I'm asking :)

In general, unfortunately. :(

Hopefully it will change soon in a driver release because 2x5870 is as fast as you can go right now and that ain't cutting it.