Another Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Apple

So I don't stare at AT&T's website every day to watch prices go up or down. I'm happy that you found a hobby, albeit unproductive. Truly awesome.

My point was iPhones don't have a monopoly on high smartphone prices. Quit acting like they do.

But besides, anyone who buys phones at full prices probably doesn't care about the cost. Phones with plans cost the same thing, whether it's Android or iPhones. You're wasting your time hating on Apple because of high cost when it's almost irrelevant.
But besides, anyone who buys phones at full prices probably doesn't care about the cost. Phones with plans cost the same thing, whether it's Android or iPhones. You're wasting your time hating on Apple because of high cost when it's almost irrelevant.

I read the whole thread, saw you say iPhone 4s aren't more expensive than most android phones. I replied with that is untrue and asked you to link me to any phone more expensive than iPhone 4. In fact they are more expensive than every android phone available. You got all butt hurt because someone said iPhone are a rip off, which by the way wasn't me. You need to pay closer attention to who says what. And if you're going to get defensive of a company defend it against the right person for the right reason. I definitely was not that person. And I do pay out of pocket for my phones. But I am on T-Mobile, I just happen to know no phone comes close to the cost of Iphone 4's on ATT. In fact only verizon has phones that can come close to the iPhone4's price.
Apple has sold about 45 million iPhone 4s. One owner - whose small child admittedly dropped his - is suing. A bunch of people on a forum who are so hopelessly biased against Apple come out of the woodwork to decry Apple's defective product. Yep. It's another day of the week.

I think you're missing the point - this is a bunch of people on a forum who are so hopelessly well-informed that they wouldn't by a crapple product in the first place are just hoping that some of those 45 million sheeple will see the light now that the media also now notices crapple's defective product.

Look at the other phones coming out. Full glass screens. They can break. People who drop a breakable item should deal with it, and other people shouldn't latch onto the event just because they have some weird fetish of anything anti-Apple.

Again, you're missing the point. Yes, DO look at the other phones coming out. People who drop a breakable iphowne should have gotten something better to begin with. And there is nothing weird about an anti-crapple fetish. It's just how we get [H]ard.