Another Netbook Thread


May 27, 2008
Yes I know, but so far searching through all the threads has become painful and hard to remember all the different threads for the different info.
So basically I need a netbook, and the thing is that I don't know out of the following which I should get.
I will run Windows 7 on the netbook, and the ability to either upgrade or buy the netbook with 2 gigs of RAM is a deal breaker so with that said help me out here guys.

HP Mini 110 (I have the 1035NR and its great, but the 1.8 inch HD is killing me, and the massive 6-cell battery kills my wallet, and the size of it).

ASUS Eee-PC 1005HA - Looks great, but is it really what it is cracked up to be.

Lenovo Ideapad S10 - Looks great but a tad expensive, is it really worth it?

Dell Inspiron Mini 10 - If it really can't have 2 gigs of RAM then is it really worth it? But I really want it but like I said before the 2 gigs of RAM is a deal breaker.
The Gateway looks decent, but the big thing I have with it, other than the fact that it is Gateway is that it uses the AMD Athlon Neo. But yeah I am thinking the Asus is my best bet at this point, and I can get it at Best Buy for 300 with the 3 cell battery, which I can always upgrade to the 6 cell later, because the 4 hours of battery from the 3 cell is more than enough for me right now.

Thanks for the suggestion Citizen86, is there anyone else out there that convince me otherwise of other netbooks?
Careful of the Best Buy versions of netbooks.... they are stripped, especially the Asus ones. You have to read the details, like the 1000HE uses a slower Atom processor (not a big difference, but it's not the right one anyways), smaller batteries, no bluetooth, etc.

I haven't looked at the 1005 yet, but it's almost guaranteed to be hacked up. Amazon has the real 1005's now for $380 I think.

BTW, you don't like the AMD Athlon chips?
I just never liked AMD. For some reason they always go on me, that and I like the hyper threading support of the Atom.

And you were right about best buy, they have the lower processor (but only by .06 ghz so thats nothing) and there is no bluetooth (which is a nice feature to have) and there is the fact that the 6-cell battery is like 90 anyway so it just makes more sense to get it from a place that has all the features in it. The issue is that I am not going to be able to buy this online, so what stores would have the full featured 1005HA?
^^^ Your the first guy I have ever heard say something like "I have never liked AMD". I'm personally running soley Intel right now but back in the day(2000-2005) I was rocking AMD for price and performance. Now, the title for performance goes to Intel and for what you get I justify the price. AMD has some amazing prices and all but not to par when it comes to performance. Personally, I think you'd make a good choice if you stick with Intel, cause AMD in the past has had decent performing mobile processors but HORRIBLE battery life. I would only hope that they cleaned up their act in that department.
The new Gateway netbook gets reportedly around 4-5 hours battery life, which is not great, but decent for a 6-cell battery.
^^^ Your the first guy I have ever heard say something like "I have never liked AMD". I'm personally running soley Intel right now but back in the day(2000-2005) I was rocking AMD for price and performance. Now, the title for performance goes to Intel and for what you get I justify the price. AMD has some amazing prices and all but not to par when it comes to performance. Personally, I think you'd make a good choice if you stick with Intel, cause AMD in the past has had decent performing mobile processors but HORRIBLE battery life. I would only hope that they cleaned up their act in that department.
I find that interesting that I am the first person that you have heard to say that, but yeah AMD in recent years (since I really got into the whole computer/tech scene since I am only 16) really hasn't made a case for a good reason for me to get anything with their branding on a product (except for maybe the newest graphics cards from them, but even then nVidia has always been better). But that is why everytime I see AMD processor in a computer I just look the other way, because I know that it won't live up to my expectations.
I find that interesting that I am the first person that you have heard to say that, but yeah AMD in recent years (since I really got into the whole computer/tech scene since I am only 16) really hasn't made a case for a good reason for me to get anything with their branding on a product (except for maybe the newest graphics cards from them, but even then nVidia has always been better). But that is why everytime I see AMD processor in a computer I just look the other way, because I know that it won't live up to my expectations.

and the thing is, you're only 16. Intel and AMD basically swap out who's the better bang/buck every few years. Right now, I'll agree Intel's better, but AMD will be back. And I can't wait, a competitive AMD means a better product from Intel, and that's better for everyone.
im consdering getting rid of my asus 1000he with 2gb's of ram and windows 7 rc1 already installed. let me know if your interested.
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and the thing is, you're only 16. Intel and AMD basically swap out who's the better bang/buck every few years. Right now, I'll agree Intel's better, but AMD will be back. And I can't wait, a competitive AMD means a better product from Intel, and that's better for everyone.
And that is the reason that I like AMD still being around, because their competition keeps the intel prices from sky rocketing.
That's kind of funny. I got a 1005 today as a gift. It's one from Best Buy $299. The only other real experience I have is with an HP mini 1000. I think this one is far beyond that one. Some people at work have the 1000HE, and total spec wise, that's probably the best of the bunch. This 1005 is quite a bit smaller than the 1000HE. Everything seems to be in a good spot. and there aren't any adapters, like with the HP mini 1000's video.

Most of these things are going to depend on what you'll do with it in the long run. There are some with the 280 and maybe other stuff, but this is well worth the 300 bucks. -

to be honest, after about an hr. with this, I'm not a good source. but I wouldn't give it back.
Ok cool, now I am sold, I have a Mini 1000, and this was all I needed for me to get the 1005ha purely for the areas that the HP was lacking, thank you very much everyone, and many thanks to you sirholio, there will be a new Eee PC 1005ha on my desk in the near future assuming my summer business venture (with my friend who some of you may know as backwardsk126 on here), works out and we can make some money. Check out our youtube page user PComputers1 and check the information section for our facebook page and become a fan we need all the help we can get to get our name out there (not to have selfless ploy or anything like that...)