Antec 900 fans? Turn them off?


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
I have a Antec 900 case, Q6700 (rosewill fan), 9800GTX, Tuniq 1200 watt PSU (which runs ice cold) Everything is at stock settings and i dont plan on overclocking. Think i could get away with turning off the top and front fans? That would make this rig almost silent except when the 9800 is cranking away on a game. This would also cut back on the dust that is sucked in.
Whatever you do, don't turn off the top fan. It's really quiet and moves a ton of air.

I would just keep them on low, but you would probably be ok with the fans off, unless you're doing some long gaming sessions.
I swapped mine for Noctua fans which are super quiet and don't have annoying blue Led's.

Put a couple of fan filters on too resulting in a lot less dust!:D
the 200mm fan is almost completely silent even on top speed, but it will pull in a bit of dust.
Yeah that top is more of a ceiling fan than anything. The front im sure will be no problem. I may kill the back one and see what kind of noise reduction i get. If its noticeably quieter. I will runs some games and see what happens.
can you remove the lower HD cage and use converter rails to mount 2 HD in the upper section?
if I recall, it's all pretty interchangeable so yes. It's been a while since I opened up my kids machine.