Antec Earthwatts 650 the best choice?


Oct 24, 2004
My PSU went out last night after a power outeage, having run like a champ for 4.5 years (seasonic 500w) on my athlon x2 3800, 7800gtx system (recently upgraded to a 9600gt). I just went down to Best Buy and purchased an Antec Earthwatts 650w PSU for $107 after tax(~$20 over newegg), to confirm that it was in fact the PSU and my system fired right up. However, my thinking is I'd prefer something modular since my antec p180 was a little on the cramped side and possibly something a bit higher grade for a possible upgrade to i7 or c2d in the near future. What do you guys think would be the best option, keep it or upgrade to something like the Corsair 650HX and take this one back?
The earthwatts 650 is a nice powersupply. I basically had it powering my main rig at one point except with only one 4870x2 instead of two, and it never skipped a beat.

But when I got mine I think it was on sale at Fry's for $59.99. Hell, even my Truepower Quattro 1000w only cost $129.99 at Fry's when I got it. To pay almost that much for the 650 is a bit of a stretch, especially since Antec is supposedly about to refresh much of their PSU lineup.
ooo shiny. I do love Seasonic given their track record with this machine. :D Thanks for the suggestion!

@gotno, Yeah I did think it was a bit high, but you do pay a bit for needing something right then. I feel a little guilty using Best Buy like this, I think most tech savvy people do the same thing, but it makes you wonder how they stay in business with such a luxurious return policy.

I went ahead and ordered the seasonic m12II. Thanks guys.
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I love Seasonic, but at the time, the Antec was in my price range(~70 shipped with promo code) and im very happy with it in my sig rig.
Yes, the EA650 is a pretty good Delta-made PSU. I would not pay more than about $69 for it, however. And forget about paying the full $100 price for it considering that you can buy significantly better-performing PSUs for just a little more money ($10 to $15 extra).
Guys I understand the point but he is referring to buying locally which means he is NOT going to find the prices you all suggested.

The entire Earthwatt series is a solid group of PSUs that I have never had trouble with at any size.
Guys I understand the point but he is referring to buying locally which means he is NOT going to find the prices you all suggested.

The entire Earthwatt series is a solid group of PSUs that I have never had trouble with at any size.

Fair enough.

In fact, I paid the $79 for the EA650 myself (locally). It replaced an older Antec-branded PSU, a TPII-430, when I also replaced a P4 with 2GB of DDR1-400 memory and AGP graphics with an Intel C2Q Q9450 with 4GB of DDR2-800 memory and an 8800GT (for now) PCI-e graphics in my secondary system. If I do replace the 8800gt due to old age, it will receive the ATi HD4850 that's currently in my main system and I will likely be getting an HD 5850 or HD 5870 for my main system (that is, if I also upgrade the monitor in the main system from a 19" 1440x900 LCD to a 1920x1080 LCD). If on the other hand I plan to continue using the 1440x900 LCD on my main system for the foreseeable future, I don't need anything higher than an HD 5770.
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I have that seasonic, its quite nice but somethings I have noticed it's built for the top of a case if you have it on the bottom all the connectors will be upside down, like the sata power connectors, and its pretty big. But still a great psu.