Antec Nine Hundred, disconinued !!!!

Are you kidding me? I was just about to buy that case!
Maybe they are introducing the Antec 950... with cable management?
Antec 1200 is coming on the market soon.

Weird that Newegg just took it off their site.
its an ok case, but the wire management on it is pretty bad.

A little bit of drilling and cutting and that problem was out of the way.

I'm snagging one last one for my gf's new build so we can match. I'll be sad to see it go, but happy to see when the 1200 gets into the 900's current price range :D
I and my customers loved that case. I'm going to track down a few and keep them in-stock for new builds.
I wasn't very impressed by them.

the 1200 seems to be making up for it though in size, but I don't think everyone wants a huge case.

I haven't been super impressed by antec lately, my wifes P180 was a let down
At least it helped popularize the whole inverted motherboard / front mesh panel with 120mm fans idea.
I love my antec 900. Like previous poster said cut a few holes and cabling isn't as bad.
I love my antec 900 as well...yeah cable management is a pain in the ass, but I actually like the look of it and it does a great job at air cooling...
Are you sure it's discontinued, Antec's site says otherwise, but on NewEgg is deactivated, sure they just didn't sell out?
I'm still planning on a CM RC-590 or 690(probably 690 for better PSU airflow from case feet)
900 clones will still exist, though. :\

I wouldn't be suprised if Antec released a "901" anyway. The 900 was sucessful, I don't know why they wouldn't sell it anymore.
Well I'm sure it's still around, remember the 1200 is coming very soon, although that seems like a friggin HUGE case.
I've never quite understood the adoration the thing got. I'll give them the functionality part, but otherwise... meh.
My friend just ran out to a local pc shop and bought this beast for $80. He wanted to build his PC this weekend, so he didn't want to wait. I shed a tear for him.