Antec P180 $84.99 After MIR - Semi [H]ot?

With $23.20 shipping... Really kills the deal for a lot of people.
now at 99 AR. these look sweet. Can't decide between one of these in black or a lan li for my conroe build in August (waiting for NF5 for SLI + Conroe).
I paid 130 plus tax for mine @ Fry's. The cooling's not as great as my previous Stacker, but it's quiter. I've got a P4 630 and a couple HDD's with 3 Scythe fans. The Antec fans are just as good, so I'll switch those out next board install. If you put em on low, the system becomes silent...pretty eery. :eek: Ninja cools the P4 passively. The front cover's now have a nice metal plate that stops the noise from a crazy psycho optical drive too. All in all I'm happy with mine. :D Gotta a little lazy with the wires, but no one can see it, hehe.


EDIT: Just realized this is for the silver version. The black looks a worthy amount more elegant/slick imo. (pardon the messy desk area)

ituggle said:
now at 99 AR. these look sweet. Can't decide between one of these in black or a lan li for my conroe build in August (waiting for NF5 for SLI + Conroe).

I suspect these are much quieter cases than the Lian Li. This case was designed with a fair amount of input from Mike Chen at Silent PC Review.
only thing I've heard about these is the sound dampening compromises the cooling by a few degrees