Antec P180 Drive Capacity Question


Limp Gawd
Sep 3, 2007
I'm looking at buying a new system some time around the start of next year and at the moment I'm thinking of getting an Antec P180/P182 case. Looking at the specs of the cases the number of drive bays is listed as being:

"11 Drive Bays
- External 4 x 5.25"; 1 x 3.5"
- Internal 6 x 3.5" for HDD"

Am I right in assuming that this means you could fit a total of 10 disks (6 in the 'internal' 3.5" bays, 1 in the 3.5" 'external' bay and 3 more in the 5.25" 'external' bays (using 5.25" to 3.5" brackets)) plus 1 optical drive in the case?
If that's what you really wanted to do, then yes. You will however need an adapter that will allow you to fit a 3.5" drive in a 5.25" bay though.
.... 3 more in the 5.25" 'external' bays (using 5.25" to 3.5" brackets)) plus 1 optical drive in the case?

Actually you can fit 4 hard drives in the 5.25" External if you use a 4 in 3 HDD Module and still have room for 1 optical drive.
Ok, cheers for the replies. It's either going to be an internal array or an array in an external enclosure, not decided yet.