antec900 to lianli PC-7B PLUS II worth it?


Jan 19, 2007
so, my area finally release some lian li cases i was wondering if this would be a good upgrade?

That depends. If you like the design and are willing to pay for it, it wouldn't be a bad choice. However, the 900 has much better cooling than the Lian-Li, so if that's a priority, you should probably stick to what you've got or switch to a different case with better airflow.
Yeah better upgrade in cooling? Not really, more like a downgrade.

Better upgrade in looks and quality? I'd say so, I didn't like the quality of the Antec 900 when I was building one for a friend compared to the Lian-Li's.
At the moment I'm going for quality and looks i guess. The antec 900 has the cooling for sure.. as i'm hitting around mid 30's usually. But having a full aluminum case would decrease some heat wouldn't it??
But having a full aluminum case would decrease some heat wouldn't it??

No, it wouldn't. The material a case is made from has absolutely no effect on thermal performance. It's all in the design and the number and positioning of the fans and components.
No, it wouldn't. The material a case is made from has absolutely no effect on thermal performance. It's all in the design and the number and positioning of the fans and components.

The material of the case can very well affect thermal performance. Ever try getting good airflow in a case made of toilet paper? I mean the fans just blow it all over the place its highly annoying.
I don't think that an aluminium case is comparable to toilet paper.

Stick with the Antec. You will get far better cooling in that than the rather old Lian Li.
Better looks, but not better cooling. The antec 900 has a better cooling setup.
The material of the case can very well affect thermal performance. Ever try getting good airflow in a case made of toilet paper? I mean the fans just blow it all over the place its highly annoying.


I don't think he was being serious guys..

Anyway, up to you if you want to sacrifice cooling for looks.

I would D:
I wouldn't make that switch. I used to run a PC-7B. It was gorgeous, but eventually I wanted more cooling than it could provide. I'm running an Antec 300 now.