Anthem: 15 Minutes of Lost Arcanist Gameplay


Aug 20, 2006
IGN has released a whole mission’s worth of gameplay for BioWare’s multiplayer action RPG Anthem, which is due next month. This footage features “the entire Lost Arcanist mission from start to finish with a three-man team of the Interceptor, Storm, and Colossus javelins.” An open beta will be available early February for those who missed out on the closed alpha.

Join up to three other players and assemble high-tech, hand-crafted, uniquely powerful exosuits. Explore vast ruins, battle deadly enemies, and claim otherworldly artifacts. With every mission, you and your Javelin exosuits grow in power. Fight the dangers of an ever-changing world. Rise united to defeat evil. Unleash Your Power.
Looks an awful lot like Destiny 2.1 to me. As cool as some of that armour looks I don't think I'm even going to give it a chance, this "games as a service" thing is just out of control.
I have to say it sure looks incredible but i've always been a graphics whore, wonder how long it will be fun to play. I'll bet you'll have to spend some duckets to make your character look unique, clever.
Dam I wanted to see some micro transaction game play, turns out they aren't doing that, at least at the start of the game.

The game itself looks like Warframe, game play = bullet sponge, no thanks.
I just can't get excited by this game. It looks pretty, and I'll reserve my final judgement for when the game is released, but I just have no desire to play it.

My gut tells me that this is going to be a grindy, repetitive shooter with mediocre gameplay layered onto a paper thin story. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be.
I just can't get excited by this game. It looks pretty, and I'll reserve my final judgement for when the game is released, but I just have no desire to play it.

My gut tells me that this is going to be a grindy, repetitive shooter with mediocre gameplay layered onto a paper thin story. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be.

That's how I feel too. When I saw the first trailer it looked cool, but the more gameplay I see and more I think about it the less excited I am.
I see they didn't learn the lesson of Destiny and hired their own bad voice actors.
had a go at the recent alpha and all i can say is it was meh , very much like destiny 2/warframe but alot more bland

This, they want to jump on the warframe bandwagon, pushing their big dev name. I don't think people will all fall for it this time, after Destiny 2 was the same as 1, I hope people understand this game won't be any different. Spend your money on a game like warframe, who's dev's are proven.
Spend your money on a game like warframe, who's dev's are proven.
Plus they have that amazing song that plays in the launcher.

Unfortunately I just can’t get into warframe. I tried ages ago when it was Vanilla and the gameplay is solid but eh. Tried again a few weeks ago and played more than I originally did but nope not into it..... this is way off topic....

Anthem seems like it’ll be a solid experience though actually. Not a full price experience, as many issues as Destiny has, it was first and I’m more invested in its grind with my buddies than I will be with this.
It looks pretty, but gimicky. There's too much going on visually. The only suit I liked was the big warmech suit as it made the most sense. Then you have some psyker vision suit and some excessive-movement ninja chick suit. Don't know... I was impressed but I also wasn't. It looks neat, but I'm not driven to be interested in playing it.
Super powerful looking heroes flying around a beautiful world pressing buttons. Who thinks up this crap? Really tired of HP bars and UI crap everywhere too. Really breaks immersion when you are in such a pretty environment.
Like in comics when you have overly powered characters people give them less attention because the are boring and not mortal. Unless they have a good back story like Silver surfer or Thanos.
What kind of world spends so many resources developing flying powered armor that they can't come up with a decent voice codec? The stupid overly digital voice coms is unlistenable.
Looks an awful lot like Destiny 2.1 to me. As cool as some of that armour looks I don't think I'm even going to give it a chance, this "games as a service" thing is just out of control.

My thoughts exactly. The more I see this game the more it looks like Destiny2. I stopped playing that game pretty quickly because the mechanics and character development sucked.
Just tried signing up for warframe, seems the handle I have used for the last 20 years for dozens of accounts and services is "deemed offensive".

I don't support games made by nutless SJW liberals