Anti Virus


Nov 15, 2005
I have used a few anti-virus programs, some I paid for and some for free.

Norton (no thx)
Bit Defender

Any recommendations? I wouldn't mind a free one if it is good.
Thanks in advance
NOD32 is the best. Hardly takes any resources and has an amazing virus database.
Esets NOD32, or Kaspersky, if you want the best of the "pay for"
AntiVir if you want the best "free".
NOD32 for pay.

On the advice of a certain StoneCat I have been moving my cheap friends over to AntiVir and they all seem to like it a lot better than AVG and Avast so far....

Going to throw in another vote for NOD32. I license 120 clients for the company with no issues. For free, I'd go with AntiVir.
man AV threads pop up every day now too, its either something about remote desktop or antivirus.

Nod32 if you want to pay, and its cheap enough to pay
AVG for free
man AV threads pop up every day now too, its either something about remote desktop or antivirus.

Nod32 if you want to pay, and its cheap enough to pay
AVG for free

And it's ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the same answer.
I'm sorry, but.... This again?

Can we please do a sticky :)