Antivirus? Which do you recommend and why?


Apr 17, 2006
the title says it all. I've been put up with Norton for 4 years and no longer will i choose to be a customer from them! I want an antivirus that doesn't have popups or atleast can be disabled with no advertisements with the best protection overall and a great interface and no major slow down in my PC performance. norton really slowed it down i was amazed how much faster my pc was going when it was uninstalled.
decade146 said:
the title says it all. I've been put up with Norton for 4 years and no longer will i choose to be a customer from them! I want an antivirus that doesn't have popups or atleast can be disabled with no advertisements with the best protection overall and a great interface and no major slow down in my PC performance. norton really slowed it down i was amazed how much faster my pc was going when it was uninstalled.

About the best out there for my money. I gave up on Symantec a year ago after using their product since 1995.....NOD32 is great and updates itself several times a day, not once a week on Wednesday :rolleyes:

adam7488 said:
because it works and doesn't make my PC feel like it is from 95 running Windows-95
NOD32. Constantly updating (completely automatic and not an annoyance), very low cpu usage, high detection rates, fastest scans- just a few great features :)
Worth every penny.

(bought mine from icedigger on these forums, saved some money!)
I've played around with NOD32 and have to agree it is pretty good. I usually tell people to run it and pctools spyware doctor. Between them you have some good protection.
Wow, another one of these threads?

NOD 32 for the reasons listed above. ;)
Not to jack the thread, but I use Trend; why is NOD better?????
magoo said:
Not to jack the thread, but I use Trend; why is NOD better?????

Trendmicro is a pretty good virus scanner. I've used it in the past on customer machines(where I use to work that was the best we sold). I just seem to like NOD more. Personaly it seemed to use less memory last time I tried and seems to find more shit.
Go with NOD it good antivirus and it doesnt slow down computers like other brands and if I remember right, NOD won main virus test(one they use to test all AV software) 6 or 7 times in a row. It would have been like 9 times but once it gave a false postive.

Why is NOD32 better?
Here are some reasons
NOD32 awards
I use Avast, it is free and works very well and uses little resources. most the time I dont even know it is running till i got o download a file and it says "Hey, dumbass, thats a virus, not porn!" lol, sorry, just trying to be funny, but it is true, I has kept me from getting Virus's not just getting rid of them after I already got them and they have done there damage!
I use Trend Micro: PC Cillin, just for the simple fact that 1. Uses a lot less resources then Norton 2. I work at Best Buy and all we really have is McAfee, Norton and PC Cillin.
Some customers would still rather use Norton on their machines. But for people coming in saying they're gaming on their machines, I always suggest PC Cillin.
Can I use NOD32 on 2 PCs with one license? Or do I have to spring for the family pack?
AVG Free is the best free A/V There is
Nod32 is simple awesome if you want to pay for a A/V (I know some people are cheap)
I have used both of these products for year's now and recommand them to everyone. :cool:
There are plenty of good ones. I've been pretty happy with AVG, so thats what i recomend.
I love NOD32 because of the small footprinter and it finds more viruses then most other av programs out there.
im using the NOD32 trial at the moment and im liking it very much. thanks for the suggestions :) Although the taskbar icon is red and says AMON protection disabled. When i enable it, it scans my pc for viruses. But is this something i must leave running? Am i auto protected from viruses if i leave it off?
i use kapersky and it seems to work just fine.

I purchased my copy from i think.
Used to use Trend about a year ago, before I knew enough to get NOD32. Nothing else compares, though lots of people are happy with Kapersky.
Avast. Free, works well, and at the time had x64 unlike everyone else.
decade146 said:
im using the NOD32 trial at the moment and im liking it very much. thanks for the suggestions :) Although the taskbar icon is red and says AMON protection disabled. When i enable it, it scans my pc for viruses. But is this something i must leave running? Am i auto protected from viruses if i leave it off?

No you are not protected unless it is on. Turn it on and let it scan the computer. After it is done it shouldn't keep scanning but rescan say once a week is default for most AV software. BTW why wouldn't you want AV software to scan your computer for viruses?

Satisfied Kaspersky user here. Very nice protection suite. Constant updates. Oh 95% plus detection rate, eat that 83% Norton.
Panda Titanium, its a great all-in-one. Antivirus, spyware, adware, email, everything. I use Panda Enterprise secure for my business solution (IT Director) and its flawless, (had symantec before). I once had to clean spyware off computers almost daily, and now I don't ever have too. Panda Titanium goes on the rogue laptops and disconnected sites, and works just as well as the client/server system. Use don't need the Platinum version the extra's it has are sort of redundant, just my 2 cents..
IceDigger said:
I love NOD32 because of the small footprinter and it finds more viruses then most other av programs out there.
You hit the nail on the head there and I think that is a valid point that people may be missing.

"Oh my AVAST has been working great for years and its free" - It's not really working so good if you uninstall it, download the trial of NOD32 and it finds 3 viruses is it?

That is exactly what happened to me. I used AVG for years, then I tried AVAST. Just last week I uninstalled AVAST and installed NOD32 and it found 3 viruses. Needless to say i'm gonna stay with NOD32.
NO to the D32

So light on resources firefox probably lags me more in games when running without compromising protection
Well I'll take a different route than everyone else here. I'm going to go with Avira's AntiVir. It is one of the better free AV programs. I like it better than AVG because It is lighter on resources and looks a hell of more polished. If you're using 64-bit windows then the free version of AntiVir will not work and I'm unsure about AVG's support. I know that Avast will work for you in that case, and may be the only free option.

Now, if you are willing to pay for an AV solution, then I would recommend NOD32.
Use the KAV 6 Suite here and don't have any problems. Ditched norton about a year ago too bloated. I always have felt you get what you pay for.
...NOD32? Default configuration? I'm interested in the product...pretty tired of Norton products myself...but the one complaint I"ve hear about NOD32 is that if you don't know how to configure AMON, IMON and NMS you're hosed. Comments?
You will be fine with the default setup of NOD32. The setup is a VERY straightforward.
F-Secure. Because it's very good and has a built in rootkit detector. Not 'quite' as good at detection as NOD32., but overall a better A/V IMO.
I use Norton AntiVirus Corporate 10 point whatever on my personal machine because A) my computer is powerful enough that i see no slowdown at all, B) i don't care if it has a "large footprint", because my computer can get by allowing Rtvscan.exe 34,864K of memory and VPTray.exe 6,596K , particularly when i have 2 freakin gig. hell, in my mem usage list, firefox tops the chart with 74 meg of ram used, iTunes with 53 meg. while there is nothing wrong with having a small footprint, that would not be a selling point for me at all.

Nav corporate does, however, seem to be a more effective, less intensive av solution than its consumer level buddy NAV 2006. In the case where i've used nav2006 on clients personal pcs (it was already paid for and installed), i have had frustrating moments where progress bars halt whilst it pops up a message informing me that " hey man, we're just gonna take a minute and wait for a scan of this really trivial file of small size". So i will cede that That is unacceptable.

further opinions:

AVG FREE - best antivirus one could have on a personal computer for no cost.
Trend Micro - garbage. Has the habit of letting crap get on the computer, finding it, then saying "hey hey, i found a virus, but uhhhh, well i really can't do anything about it, have a nice day".
ZoneAlarm antivirius - no opinion yet, but i don't anticipate stellar things.
NOD32 - i am in fact, despite above, interested in testing this product out, as i've heard many great things about it. buuut nav has served me just dandy.
McAffee (is this now just a suite of stuff?) VirusScan - must have been good friends with Trend Micro - "Dude, this shit is on your hard drive, seriously, look.... but don't expect me to clean it up"
Command AntiVirus - from what i recall it was a pretty good av solution.
I use Avira. It impressed me initially when it weeded out stuff that AVG and Norton could not.

I'm getting customer requests to NOT install Norton because it isn't effective. I turn to McAffee then because its mainstream, readily avilable, and hasn't failed me yet.

I haven't heard of NOD32... something I will look into.
r00k said:
I use Norton AntiVirus Corporate 10 point whatever on my personal machine because A) my computer is powerful enough that i see no slowdown at all, B) i don't care if it has a "large footprint", because my computer can get by allowing Rtvscan.exe 34,864K of memory and VPTray.exe 6,596K , particularly when i have 2 freakin gig. hell, in my mem usage list, firefox tops the chart with 74 meg of ram used, iTunes with 53 meg. while there is nothing wrong with having a small footprint, that would not be a selling point for me at all.

Nav corporate does, however, seem to be a more effective, less intensive av solution than its consumer level buddy NAV 2006. In the case where i've used nav2006 on clients personal pcs (it was already paid for and installed), i have had frustrating moments where progress bars halt whilst it pops up a message informing me that " hey man, we're just gonna take a minute and wait for a scan of this really trivial file of small size". So i will cede that That is unacceptable.

NAV Corporate seems to work ok. We use it on the domains we run and it isn't that bad at slowing the machine down and finds some stuff. 2 things that piss me off about it though. One is 10.1 still stucks at finding spyware. Most of the time it marks it wrong and can't do shit. Two is it seems to flag pirate software and some "hacking" programs as a trojan. The pirate software I don't care about. Hell I would rather have it off the networks incase they get audited. The "hacking" programs does piss me off though. It flaged things like anydvd as a trojan which pissed me off because it deleated it off my machine. I have a legit copy of that too.

All the way. I ditched norton when version 2004 came out because the resource eating was just as bad as if a virus was on my comp. To hell with them. I tried PC-Cillin but it refused to accept my key and eventually got too frustrated to continue with it. I tried avast, it was decent but nothing fancy. AVG is free and works well, but overall Kaspersky kills all of them and here's my reasons why.

  • Automatic updates. As frequent as every minute if you want.
  • Uses ery little system resources
  • Requires little, if any, user interaction. It just goes. This is great to set up on client's computers that don't know squat about computers. The ones that forget to update windows and norton, and the like.
  • Network attack protection. It's stopped everything that's been thrown at it.
  • some spyware protection. This is in the active scanner. Every now and then it it will find something evil doing spyware stuff and deal with it.
  • awsome pro-active virus protection
  • Excellent virus detection and removal. The best I've dealt with.
  • Everyone I've set up with it loves it.
The only downside that I've found to using it is that the full system scans take forever. it's good that it's in depth of everything, but it's a slow process that means doing anything else on the comp is almost impossible. It will also keep bugging you to do a full system scan after you restart. I install this right after windows, then do the scan and continue on with the rest of the computer stuff.

K all the way.