Any active Guild Wars members here?


Feb 19, 2007
Thought I'd install GW today and burn some time. I have Prophecies and Nightfall. I haven't played in almost a year so it's a little daunting. Also, anyone enjoying the newest expansion?
I just reinstalled the orignal Guild Wars the other night. Mostly I play WoW.
i still play gw tons
and i still find ways to have fun even after going through the game so many times across all 10 professions
after beating this game once, i cannot tolerate it again. I don't enjoy grinding for pointless titles
I still play it, dont have as much time as I used too. I got in during the second beta and kept with it since :)

I played the demo to eye of the north and really liked it. I will probably pick it up eventually when I get some time. Most of my clan mates went to WoW when it came out so I solo'd all of GW prof. with NPCs lol.

Fun game.
I've got GW:EotN. I mostly got it for the heroes, because I got sick of wanting to do some exploring, but doing my lvl20 necro with lvl1 henchies was killing me, and the guild I'm in isn't as active (but then again, I'm not either, lol) as I'd like.

The only thing that kills me is that I don't have many elite skills, and for what I do have, I don't know builds. I just got SS (spiteful spirit) and have made some sort of a build for curses.

Other than that, I've been told EotN is a quick play. So if you're looking for heros, I'd say go for nightfall (if that's the one that gives you heros too), since you get more classes and such. If not, EotN has been good so far, but I don't think it's worth the $40 IMHO. Maybe $25-30.
I have played GW a ton back before Factions came out, since then, it has really went downhill. I found factions very boring at times, and towards the end nobody was there to even do missions with :(. Nightfall has a great start, but that too died off very quick.

I am burned, I spent a ton of time playing the game and had a blast in the prophecies, too bad it had to go bad like that.

Didn't even get EOTN, until they completely rewamp the game, simply isn't for me. We are in 2008 people!!! 2008!!!! I should be have to feel confined all the time.
I was able to beat prophecies and then bought Nightfalls thinking i don't want factions. But then i got bored of nightfalls then bought factions and wanted to just kill myself for buying it. Now i have all the classes level 20 which when i look back is really really sad. And i still wonder how i was interested in the game. To me Eye of the North is not something i will ever buy since i don't even play much anymore. I sign on every once and a while just to walk around in Temple of Ages doing nothing. To me its just not fun anymore.
I was able to beat prophecies and then bought Nightfalls thinking i don't want factions. But then i got bored of nightfalls then bought factions and wanted to just kill myself for buying it. Now i have all the classes level 20 which when i look back is really really sad. And i still wonder how i was interested in the game. To me Eye of the North is not something i will ever buy since i don't even play much anymore. I sign on every once and a while just to walk around in Temple of Ages doing nothing. To me its just not fun anymore.

lol, I loved Nightfall's noobie island, after that it went down hill for me. Factions, I loved the RItualist class, but campaign was not even remotly good, it had it's parts though.

Nightfall was still reasonably fun for awhile, but after trying WoW out, I simply had no desire to go back. I still log on every now and then because my buddy from Alaska still plays and I get to chat to him once a year. :D
My wife and I both still play GW a lot. If you (or anyone else) is still interested in/having fun playing GW, drop me a PM and let me know. We have our own little guild which is, right now, just the two of us until we find other older people.

We still really enjoy going through and, as someone said in a post above, always manage to have fun just exploring etc. particularly in Prophecies.

We have Nightfall, but it's been more of an exercise in annoyance and frustration than anything else. I have about 99% hate for that campaign. So we plan on finally getting Factions, mainly for the TON of new and new elite skills offered in the campaign that can really add to your character(s), and check it out as a campaign. Then we plan on finally picking up EoTN, because I love the Nordic type environments best (such as in Prophecies) and dungeons.
My wife and I both still play GW a lot. If you (or anyone else) is still interested in/having fun playing GW, drop me a PM and let me know. We have our own little guild which is, right now, just the two of us until we find other older people.

We still really enjoy going through and, as someone said in a post above, always manage to have fun just exploring etc. particularly in Prophecies.

We have Nightfall, but it's been more of an exercise in annoyance and frustration than anything else. I have about 99% hate for that campaign. So we plan on finally getting Factions, mainly for the TON of new and new elite skills offered in the campaign that can really add to your character(s), and check it out as a campaign. Then we plan on finally picking up EoTN, because I love the Nordic type environments best (such as in Prophecies) and dungeons.

Trust me, faction's is worse than nightffall. half the time you are stuck in a half assed city that you can't even explore... Once you get out of that, well, most missions were nearly impossible to do without a group when i played the game, groups were nearly impossible to come by. Kurzick armor is really cool though.
I sign into guild wars about once a week. it's pretty much taken a back seat until I get through or get sick of all the games that i bought in Nov-Dec last year. i'm about half way through eye of the north when i took a break, but i enjoyed it when i was playing it.

Trust me, faction's is worse than nightffall. half the time you are stuck in a half assed city that you can't even explore... Once you get out of that, well, most missions were nearly impossible to do without a group when i played the game, groups were nearly impossible to come by. Kurzick armor is really cool though.

i can second that, faction's almost ruined guild wars for me. i quit playing after the first month it came out and didn't start playing again until i decided to give nightfall a try. nightfall revived guild wars for me, and bringing the hero's into factions made that game a whole lot better and much easier.

since the guy you quoted already has nightfall, factions shouldn't be too much of a problem with hero's, but it is the worst of all the campaigns.
My wife and I both still play GW a lot. If you (or anyone else) is still interested in/having fun playing GW, drop me a PM and let me know. We have our own little guild which is, right now, just the two of us until we find other older people.

We still really enjoy going through and, as someone said in a post above, always manage to have fun just exploring etc. particularly in Prophecies.

We have Nightfall, but it's been more of an exercise in annoyance and frustration than anything else. I have about 99% hate for that campaign. So we plan on finally getting Factions, mainly for the TON of new and new elite skills offered in the campaign that can really add to your character(s), and check it out as a campaign. Then we plan on finally picking up EoTN, because I love the Nordic type environments best (such as in Prophecies) and dungeons.

I spend most of my time wandering around Prof. with NPC's because I dont like anyone looking for a party heh. I have a few unfinished quests due to this fact. Most of the time I like to wander around in hard mode and explore / see the sights.

If you plan to get GW2, you might want to consider EN as it will lead into it and give you a way to pass your gear onto your future characters. And a lot of the restrictions will be removed from aspects of the game. They have not talked about it in depth but bits of the world will be open so you can wander around and see random people, where as missions / quests will still be instanced so you dont have to line up and wait for the target to reset / respawn.
I spend most of my time wandering around Prof. with NPC's because I dont like anyone looking for a party heh. I have a few unfinished quests due to this fact. Most of the time I like to wander around in hard mode and explore / see the sights.

If you plan to get GW2, you might want to consider EN as it will lead into it and give you a way to pass your gear onto your future characters. And a lot of the restrictions will be removed from aspects of the game. They have not talked about it in depth but bits of the world will be open so you can wander around and see random people, where as missions / quests will still be instanced so you dont have to line up and wait for the target to reset / respawn.

I do not think that instanced quests is a good thing, that is what drove me away. Open world? We already have that in other games... they would have to bring somehting very innovative to the table in order for me to get back into GW.
My PTSD sent me here. THought you were looking for active duty Gulf War members to BURN time with. Seriously, i got the sweats until I reread the post. Dumb me.:(
My PTSD sent me here. THought you were looking for active duty Gulf War members to BURN time with. Seriously, i got the sweats until I reread the post. Dumb me.:(

omg, nice :D:rolleyes:.

I reinstalled GW last night because of this thread, well...mixed feelings. I played one of the missions in prophecies, had a total blast. Takin 0 dmg is awesome! Then I went to Factions, wanted to throw the game away. Nightfall was alright, still not great. Overall, I do not think I would want to play GW over LOTRO or WoW even, not unless they change a ton of things.
Have to say that i thought Proph. was fun after Ascalon...
I HATED those ruins, the burned / dead area. Made me feel down all the time.
At the moment I don't play as my Pc is .. well sold and I am waiting for the 9600GT.
Nightfall was all right: beginners Isle rocked but mainland was some kind of disappointment coming from the beginners Isle. Okay though.
I mostly having my fun building builds for Proph. and seeing them become great at farming the shiver peaks. That's the area ( imo ) where the beauty of the concept art in Proph. and EotN lies.
Faction is only good for the cool Asian chicks ( lol ^^ ) and skills. That's about it.

High hopes for GW2
Questions regarding Guild Wars:

I just bought Factions, NightFall and Eye of the North. Before you ask why, they were on clearance at CompUSA. :rolleyes:

First off, I have dial-up, which is ridiculously handicapped by miles of poor copper. On a good day I can pull 28-30K.

Dropped in the Factions CD1, and instantly it wanted to download. Finshed that, popped in CD2 and it wanted to download even more. I'm wondering wth is even on the discs?? It doesn't appear to be game files!! :p

Anyway, went to create an account, and now it wants to download again! This is pushing 8 hours of download time! Is there any end??

From what I can tell, you MUST be logged into GW servers to even play? The box says nothing about high-speed internet as a requirement. I'm confused. I knew the game has online play included, but can't we play the game as stand-alone?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
no this game is multiplay only. Trust me, the downlaod is even worse wihtout the game CD's. The game is downloading new textures and visuals and all the good stuff.

Even with my highspeed starting the game fresh from the downloaded client with no cd's takes 2-3hours of downloading lol.
ya next time i think it would be wise to do some research before you buy a game whilst still being stuck with dialup
your gonna have to DL again everytime you enter an area you havent been to before
Oh well. I'll just uninstall. NM the downloads, I don't imagine the game would work very well behind my crappy connection. The box REALLY should specify "high speed internet required".

It was an impulse purchase. Sales, they get me every time.
You can play it on dial up, but the issue is much like steam. You buy an HL2 disc, and you have to spend hours updating steam and the patches.

Thats what your waiting on, the discs have a LOT of outdated GUI, textures, bugs and other things that they require you to fix before letting you in. They dont do huge updates but theres enough of them that you will be downloading forever at this point.
But you are saying that if I suffer through all the update downloads, that the game will actually play via my ultra-slow connection?
yes, if you can suffer through all the inital download then the game will play fine. All its doing is downloading the new stuff for each area, and it will continue to download stuff every time you zone into an area you have never visited before, but once you download them, you wont have to DL them again unless a patch changes something int hat area.
But you are saying that if I suffer through all the update downloads, that the game will actually play via my ultra-slow connection?

GW traffic overhead is 1-2kb/sec. You should be fine actually playing on dial-up, you'll probably load into areas slowly though.

I used to play competetively, quit at the end of last summer because it was getting old playing the same battles every match. I did log ~3500 hours since release on it though... I suppose I did play a bit :eek:
UPDATE: Got home, logged in. Download began. 5589 files. Took ~13hrs. (just over 100Mb) :eek: DL finished just before I left for work. I'm sure my wife is "testing" the game for me as we speak. LMAO

So this will happen each time the game transitions to a new scene?
yes, everytime you zone into an area you haven;t been in it will have to download new files for that zone. But it will only do that once per zone. And won't be as big as your inital download
yes, everytime you zone into an area you haven;t been in it will have to download new files for that zone. But it will only do that once per zone. And won't be as big as your inital download

Yeah, they update the enemy placement, some map bug fixes and stuff every now and then. Some area's never see many updates, and others will get patched up (not huge patches) every few months.

Your biggest update will be the actual game files at start up (if you keep it up to date it wont be much to download) and the major cities where they update what you can buy and so forth. Those will also be where your connection will lag a little because in the towns you are with a lot of other users. One good thing though is if your in a big city (Ascalon, Lions arch etc) you can switch to a different server (top left drop down) and usually end up with less users and less lag. Unless its an event though their servers handle the traffic really well so you sould be good. Just watch the little red dot (defaults to lower right side) on your screen for your ping and such.

Out in the wild though you shouldnt have any big issues. I have played a few missions with some dial up users, one guy who played using his unlimited phone plan and such.