Any advice when it comes to spray painting a case?


Jan 15, 2004
I went to an independent computer store to inquire about their computer painting services. They suggested to do it myself (everything nowadays you can do it yourself can't you?) and go down to my local Lowes and Home Depot stores and ask them about their different kinds of spray paint(ing) tools.

I'm alittle scared about doing this, as I worked w/ spray painting before, and I make a lot of "run spots" (places where you can see paint build up in drops).

Any advice for a noob painter before I start my project (hopefully sometime within this month).
go slow

start with the easiest part

when your painting.. dont even TRY to cover the whole piece in one shot. Just get the majority of it with a real light coat. Let it dry, wet sand if you are going to do that, and repeat. There are probably a good number of tutorials online.

I think that the biggest problem that people have is that they put too much paint on at a time.
anything your looking for besides...

Painting: Cases < Painting inside of case < General Info

Painting: Decals

Painting: Drives (Optical/Floppy etc)

Painting: Fans

Painting: Glossy mirror-like finish

Painting: Keyboard
I hope you can rememer where all the keys are ;)

Painting: Mouse

Painting: Power Supplies

Painting: Spray Paint

Painting: Vinyl dye
It is the easiest way to get good results when painting plastic

cover everything u don't want paint on with tape...

make sure it's covered well..

NEVER EVER TOUCH the paint..

do not attempt to move it around..

stay away at least 12 inches away from the case and let the paint gently "float" onto the case...

paint one side by oneside.. DO NOT paint in a dusty place.. *i recommend u paint in a garage while the door is opened when u spary and close the door and leave the case insdie to dry*

sandpapering should be ur LAST option..

ALWAYS USE NAME BRAND AND GOOD spary paint *no 99cent store brand*
Thanks for the tips.

Anyone got pics of cases that were painted by spray paint? (before and after pics would be good).

I'd search for it myself, but my other family members are using our DSL connection and it's damn slow (slower than dial up:mad: )
I am also doing my first case paint job. The one big thing I have learned so far it that you should not paint outside. I got one panel primed pretty evenly and then started the other panel. That's when it started to get a little windy and I got paint on my arm and shirt instead of the panel. Needless to say that panel was pretty uneven, had a couple splotches and a run on one corner. Not a big deal though, just sanded it back down after it dried and put another coat of primer on it. I still have another round of primer then I get to start the actual black paint, YAY!!!

If you do decide to prime and wet sand be careful of the edges. I keep on accidentally sanding the primer off the edges of things and have to give it another squirt which seriously adds to the time involved in my project. Oh, well, builds character I spose.

Good luck.
do it far away, and have alot of paint and time for dry for best affect i usually spray a good 19inches away from the pannles and make a sweeping motion left to right, just go over it a few times like 19-20 coats look really really nice :D:D:D

OHH yea LIke the other guy said DONT TOUCH THE PAINT evne thoe it looks dry, its not dry it tricks you if the paint says quick dry less then 20 mins,, LIES!!!!!! 1 hour 20 mins dont let them fool you
One more thing nobody mentioned. Don't start spraying on the case and finish on it too. (This goes for anything you spray-paint). Always start spraying in front of an object, and stop after, to avoid large droplets being thrown out of the nozzle with the released pressure.