Any announced Dual PCI-E Crossfire Motherboards?


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
I'd considered going with a DFI LanParty DR what with the many helpful suggestions I'd received. But then I heard about Crossfire, and I can get discounts on ATI products through work. Add to that the supposed benefits of not needing "profiles" to make games work with Crossfire technology, and I'm excited to learn more.

So are there any motherboards announced/released yet? Inpatient gamers wanna know. ;)
Theres some preliminary data on some Crossfire boards, I imagine the big companies will release them as soon as they get the green light from ATi.

However if you need a system now, I'd go ahead and buy now. ATi doesn't look like they are ready to release the Crossfire platform and Crossfire Edition cards for some time still.

Plus with their vaporware track record lately I wouldn't bet on reasonable availability for 6 months or more.
Well the "need a system now" certainly leaves me waiting. ;)

For you see, I have a Shuttle SB61G2 2.4C o/c'd to 3.0GHz as my primary rig. Add the 200GB HD, a BFG 6800OC 128MB, 2x256MB of GEIL "Golden Dragon" PC3500 running at 217MHz (2.75v), and overall it's a pretty nice system.

Then there are several "spare" systems, including a "Tomb Raider" SN45G Shuttle and OC'd Athlon Mobile CPU, an Enermax Titanium case with an overclocked ABIT NF7 MB and Athlon CPU, and even a Soltek EQ-3701M with Athlon CPU running as a 2005 MCE box for my video recording needs... and I don't "need" another computer anytime soon. I just love to build them, so I end up spending WAY more money than I should on them. ;)

Currently the idea of building the DFI, San Deigo 3700+, and a RAID 5 system (which would be my first) is very appealing. But if the Crossfire holds promise, it would save me money (which is ALL good), and might lead to a better system. And 6800 Ultra's or X850XT's might be cheaper by then. :)
Well the "need a system now" certainly leaves me waiting. ;)

For you see, I have a Shuttle SB61G2 2.4C o/c'd to 3.0GHz as my primary rig. Add the 200GB HD, a BFG 6800OC 128MB, 2x256MB of GEIL "Golden Dragon" PC3500 running at 217MHz (2.75v), and overall it's a pretty nice system.

Then there are several "spare" systems, including a "Tomb Raider" SN45G Shuttle and OC'd Athlon Mobile CPU, an Enermax Titanium case with an overclocked ABIT NF7 MB and Athlon CPU, and even a Soltek EQ-3701M with Athlon CPU running as a 2005 MCE box for my video recording needs... and I don't "need" another computer anytime soon. I just love to build them, so I end up spending WAY more money than I should on them. ;)

Currently the idea of building the DFI, San Deigo 3700+, and a RAID 5 system (which would be my first) is very appealing. But if the Crossfire holds promise, it would save me money (which is ALL good), and might lead to a better system. And 6800 Ultra's or X850XT's might be cheaper by then. :)

Well since the Crossfire boards won't work with SLi and Crossfire isn't likely to work on an NForce 4, you'll have to choose one or the other and go with that. The 6800GT's can be had for a very reasonable price. X800's cost more unless you go with the X800XL's. They however generally don't OC for crap.
I think I disagree with Sir-Fragalot. Supposedly, the R520 is going to launch later in June...which I think would be a huge push for ATI to get crossfire out. Also, concidering there are a few working crossfire setupts at computex, but I have yet to see so much as a glimse of an R520, this leads me to think crossfire is basically ready. I will agree that ATI's reputation proceeds them, but I would hardly think it will be 6 months before its out. That would mean it coming out a full year after SLI...ATI's not that stupid. I am going to guess crossfire video cards and mobos will start appearing in July. How much they will cost, as well as availibility is a whole nother story.