Any chance of price drop on the Galaxy Note 2 any time soon?

Mar 28, 2005
I've searched online and can't find any info on it. I was hoping for a price drop because of the upcoming S4 announcement. I have Sprint and my renewal is up. Still using the original Evo 4g. :)
I'd say it's about due for a price drop, esp. with the S4 coming soon. But it won't be out until at least May probably, so it may not happen until then. I thought Amazon had the Sprint Note 2 for a really good price though (like $150 or something)..? I'm at work so I can't check it.
I'll check Amazon again. I see you have one in your the battery life as great as I've read it is?
I see you have one in your the battery life as great as I've read it is?

Indeed it is. You have to literally stay on your phone if you kill this thing in a day. Guaranteed that battery life will not be an issue on this phone ;). Even if you're a freak that does nothing but use his phone all day and night though, batteries are cheap.
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Indeed it is. You have to literally stay on your phone if you kill this thing in a day. Guaranteed that battery life will not be an issue on this phone ;). Even if you're a freak that does nothing but use his phone all day and night though, batteries are cheap.

Wow, that's great. Coworker has an S3 and drains the battery in 4 hours or less. I love the S3 but I know that would be an issue for me since I use my phone throughout the day.
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Indeed it is. You have to literally stay on your phone if you kill this thing in a day. Guaranteed that battery life will not be an issue on this phone ;). Even if you're a freak that does nothing but use his phone all day and night though, batteries are cheap.

I'll agree with the battery life. I've had one instance where I didn't use the phone much aside from web browsing for 5~10 min a time a few to several times a day; sucker went for more than 8 days and still had 30% battery life, I finally ended up just running it down with a few games, lol.
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I'll agree with the battery life. I've had one instance where I didn't use the phone much aside from web browsing for 5~10 min a time a few to several times a day; sucker went for more than 8 days and still had 30% battery life, I finally ended up just running it down with a few games, lol.

8 days without a charge! :eek:
Amazon was running a deal where if you signed a 2 year contract you could get the Galaxy Note 2 for $69.99.

Other than that , no idea.
8 days without a charge! :eek:

Yea , its that great. I bought 3 Anker batteries and a charger and really its like having a cell from the 90's in terms of battery life. It lasts a VERY long time , if you enable power saving its even better. If you put a custom rom on it you can get to last even longer.

Very few phones (very.. few) can really compete with the Note 2 in its overall feature coverage. So many big smartphones out there and most have awful battery life. OLED is really the shit for battery life.
Yea , its that great. I bought 3 Anker batteries and a charger and really its like having a cell from the 90's in terms of battery life. It lasts a VERY long time , if you enable power saving its even better. If you put a custom rom on it you can get to last even longer.

Very few phones (very.. few) can really compete with the Note 2 in its overall feature coverage. So many big smartphones out there and most have awful battery life. OLED is really the shit for battery life.

The only thing a custom rom really does for battery life is remove some bloat that can run in the background; this still helps, but the difference in battery life isn't much from what I read. Using a custom kernel has more of an impact than a custom rom, but again, it doesn't seem to be all that awe inspiring compared to it's stock capabilities.

I haven't even bothered to use power saving mode after the first month owning the Note 2, it's just so unnecessary in most cases. I'm not a power user anymore, but do use my N2 for web browsing frequently (average may be about ~1 hr a day) may be 1/4 that time on random videos, light puzzle games while on the pot, and basic text messaging through out the day; on average I only need to charge once every 3~4 days.

I'm hoping this device sets a new standard for personal communications devices battery life.
My wife and I both got Note 2's on the Sprint/Amazon $69.99 deal. FANTASTIC phone. For both of us this is the best phone possible thats available right now. Sprint is mediocre in our area but most of our data is off wifi anyway. I can't say enough good things about the phone though, it is truly awesome.
I absolutely love mine. I paid the full $300 for it but it was worth every penny. This thing is amazing!
Amazon has for 150 if your adding a line. But I couldn't be without a phone for 3 to 5 days, so I swung by Bullfrog wireless and they hooked it up for $225. Picked up an Otter Commuter too. Defense adds bulk and hurts hand/finger, but I'm not risking anything considering how new this thing is.

And I'm gonna agree with others. Battery life is insane. I don't know if I'm even gonna need a spare! Fwiw, I had 3 S3 batteries and that little battery charger!

Screen is also more sharp to my eyes and the speed boost from the quad eliminated any complaints I had with the S3. Seriously, no way could I ever use a dually again. It reminds me of when Conroe stormed the scene and finally tamed Winblows.

The stylus is pretty slick too. But, does anyone know if there's a way to hide the multi mon tab on the left? Its a bit distracting when reading wwv pages. Also, is there no way to add apparently to the sidebar? They have to support the Note 2? Finally, what do you guys find yourselves using the multi mon for most times?


Amazon has for 150 if your adding a line. But I couldn't be without a phone for 3 to 5 days, so I swung by Bullfrog wireless and they hooked it up for $225. Picked up an Otter Commuter too. Defense adds bulk and hurts hand/finger, but I'm not risking anything considering how new this thing is.

And I'm gonna agree with others. Battery life is insane. I don't know if I'm even gonna need a spare! Fwiw, I had 3 S3 batteries and that little battery charger!

Screen is also more sharp to my eyes and the speed boost from the quad eliminated any complaints I had with the S3. Seriously, no way could I ever use a dually again. It reminds me of when Conroe stormed the scene and finally tamed Winblows.

The stylus is pretty slick too. But, does anyone know if there's a way to hide the multi mon tab on the left? Its a bit distracting when reading wwv pages. Also, is there no way to add apparently to the sidebar? They have to support the Note 2? Finally, what do you guys find yourselves using the multi mon for most times?


Settings-Display-uncheck multi window.
When you have Multi window turned on, you can just hold down the "back key" on the bottom right of the phone to toggle it. Its still technically there, but out of the way and out of sight. And yes, easiest way to turn a lot of things on and off is the top bar sliding down.
Settings-Display-uncheck multi window.
Looks like there's an option in the notice window and holding back on thehome screen hides the left tab.

LOL...sorry Direfox. Completely skipped your info. Thanks! Now if multi Mon could just support more apps.
Looks like there's an option in the notice window and holding back on thehome screen hides the left tab.

LOL...sorry Direfox. Completely skipped your info. Thanks! Now if multi Mon could just support more apps.
Well, if you are rooted with custom recovery, you can. Either with custom rom or there are easy flashable mods to allow it. If you go with a custom rom, I recommend CleanROM ACE. It also has the mutiwindow support. It is a very fast and lean TouchWiz rom with all the original s-pen and Samsung apps functioning.
I'm looking to switch to Android (from my iPhone 5) because of the screen size, but the Note 2 looks HUGE and won't fit in a pocket but it does look gorgeous.

How do you guys carry it around? ...and talk on it?
I'm looking to switch to Android (from my iPhone 5) because of the screen size, but the Note 2 looks HUGE and won't fit in a pocket but it does look gorgeous.

How do you guys carry it around? ...and talk on it?

Just like this. It's a non-issue putting it in your pocket or talking on the phone with it. I use it all the time as a phone and no one acknowledges its size.. until I bring it down away from my face ;).
I usually slip it in my back pocket, take it out when I sit down. It's impossible to lose because it's so full of awesomesauce. It's like the wife I've always wanted.

Talking on it's not worse than using an S3. Unless you're using an old school razr or flip phone, it's going to be awkward. The solution? Moto's $25 HK250 on Amazon. The LED doesn't blink all annoying like, it's super comfy, range is incredible, battery lasts forever, off button is convenient, etc.

As has been said from other Note users, everything other than talking on the phone benefits from the larger screen size. I can hold it much further from my eyeballs when browsing and that's easier on my eyes because the light source isn't so close.

The battery life is also ridiculous.
I have no problems carrying mine around. I drive a beer truckaand am constantly climbing up and downand moving around a llot and it's not been aba problem yet. I wear cargo shorts and pants and keep it in the right cargo picket and it's fine. When I wear normal pants, I jeep it in my pocket by itself and it fits fine.

Now you will have problems if you wear tight fitting pants or jeans. It'll still fit in there fine but it's going to getuuncomfortable when you squat or move around a lot.

So yeah, if you wear big baggy type pants or cargos, you'll have no problem carrying this thing around.

I also prefer the size for talking too. I don't know why I but this thing is more comfortable to me holding it upto my ear than my T-bolt was.

Basically you're gonna have to work pretty hard to get any complaints out of me. I think this phone is damn near perfect.
Just going out on a limb here, but if you wear skinny pants, you're probably not [H] and should be carrying a Razr M or iPhone 5. Chic jeans ~ Chic phones. (no offense to the iOS crowd)
I'm looking to switch to Android (from my iPhone 5) because of the screen size, but the Note 2 looks HUGE and won't fit in a pocket but it does look gorgeous.

How do you guys carry it around? ...and talk on it?

Fits all my pockets fine, don't wear skinny jeans.

edit: danm, didn't see the second page with people already saying this. Oh well, statement still stands :D
I'm looking to switch to Android (from my iPhone 5) because of the screen size, but the Note 2 looks HUGE and won't fit in a pocket but it does look gorgeous.

How do you guys carry it around? ...and talk on it?

lol unless you are wearing girl skinny jeans I really don't see how the galaxy note ii won't fit in your pocket. Yes it has a lot of surface area but its fairly thin. I have tried to fit it in my pocket while checking it out at the store with no issues.
Fits in my front pocket no problem. I usually wear Levi 501 jeans or corduroys. My pants are not baggy in the least. They fit properly. No problem going in or out.
The more I play with this phone the more I love it. And the size doesn't seem too large at all, especially a week after you have it. All other smart phones just seem small, the note 2 seems just right (at least to my wife and I). After using it for a few weeks I think that this is the biggest I would go with though. It fits all my pockets but any bigger and it wouldn't.

Plus I can look at the size difference between it and my 7 inch tablet, and its not enough of a difference to make me want to use the tablet. The note 2 is just big enough for tablet use and just small enough to still be a decent phone.
Plus I can look at the size difference between it and my 7 inch tablet, and its not enough of a difference to make me want to use the tablet. The note 2 is just big enough for tablet use and just small enough to still be a decent phone.

That was exactly how I felt when I was shopping for a tablet. I was juuuust about to pull the trigger on a Nexus 7 or 10, then I saw how pretty much every review of the Note 2 unanimously praised it in nearly every category. Android tabs still have a ways to go too because there's a lot of major apps that aren't tablet optimized. My wife has a TF300T (Transformer Pad) and while it's a decent tab, it's pretty cumbersome to use in a lot of apps. Also, 1GB of RAM kinda hinders browser performance if you have a handful of tabs open. My Note 2 handles tasks considerably better than her Tegra 3 powered tab.
2 gens out of date = bargain basement soon.

Eh, I wouldn't say "bargain basement." The Note line sets itself apart from other smartphones since it has a unique feature set with the S-Pen and phablet form factor, therefor it has a bit more longevity and holds resale a bit more than other phones. AT&T still has the Original Note for sale at $200 on contract on their site and Amazon still has it at $75 new on contract! Pretty crazy..
I don't think there will be a price drop until the end of the year when the Galaxy Note 3 gets released.
I just got my Note 2 today (Amazon = $99 on Sprint)
My battery is now fully charged...

Any tips on setup?
Should I ROM it or just use it stock? I never ROM'd a phone before...

I kept my Droid X on Verizon and old phone # until I see if I get decent service out here in the sticks.
I am afraid that I will hose something if I have the same email on 2 devices...
I hope all my apps are available...

PS - this was $69 dollars a few times last month, but they cancelled my order once because I had just moved and my billing address didn't match my mailing address : (
Having a GMail, Exchange or any IMAP account on multiple devices won't fuck anything up. POP3, OTOH, is a different story.

As far as ROMing - not sure how easy it is but if you are happy with the stock ROM, by all means keep it stock. The only thing I would do to change most phones now a days is install the Nova Launcher just to have that stock look and feel. Everything I else I pretty much keep the same.
I thought for gmail, you can only have one device "authorized" for app purchases...
I guess I am about to find out...
I thought for gmail, you can only have one device "authorized" for app purchases...
I guess I am about to find out...

The only limits with device authorizations that Google has is Google Music. I believe you are limited to 10 mobile devices.

Everything else is unlimited pretty much. I think I have had 6 devices and have never had a problem