Any games you played as a kid that sucked but still played lots of?

A good number, hard to remember.

Aero Fighters Assault is one that sticks out. I enjoyed it for what it was, but it got 5-7 out of 10s on most websites. Air Force Delta Strike.

Back then I had lower standards I suppose. :D
A good number, hard to remember.

Aero Fighters Assault is one that sticks out. I enjoyed it for what it was, but it got 5-7 out of 10s on most websites. Air Force Delta Strike.

Back then I had lower standards I suppose. :D

I liked Aero Fighters.

I was like F-Zero and Waverace had a bastard child.... :D
OH OH, and one more, because I simply cannot leave out Wataru!
Or how its known by its western name...
Kieth Courage in the Alpha Zones! The sucky ass game that made you embarrassed to have bought a Turbo Grafx 16 instead of a Sega Genesis with Altered Beast. This game was the original pack-in game for the TurboGrafx when released in the states, and not Bonks Adventure, like any average business person with a brain cell would have chosen. You can start with this game as the beginning of the many reasons the Turbo Grafx 16(PC Engine) died outside of Japan.

I liked Kieth Courage!
The underworld part anyway. but oh man, the music was pure audio abuse.

The GUN monsters were terrifying.

It didn't ruin the TG16 for me. The high price for games did though. $60 for games back then was horrible.
This is a very odd thread. Not the concept, but the fact that people keep posting some REALLY GOOD games in a thread about games that suck but you played them anyway.

So... Hmm... Sucky games that I kept playing anyway...

How about Caverns of Kafka on the C64. The game had really cool music, and actually a very good concept. (kind of an Indiana Jones sort of thing going for it) The atmosphere was great. However, the controls absolutely sucked, your character would randomly float, or end up dying if you touched the wrong pixel, it was hard to kill the rare enemy that would show up. Yeah... it was pretty bad from a mechanical standpoint. But, because of the atmosphere, music, etc. I would keep trying anyway.

Another thing like that was the original Castle Wolfenstein. The game itself was actually pretty cool, but when you died, it took about 2-3 minutes to load before you could try again. This pissed me off so badly that I never really gave it the chance that I know it probably deserved. I know a lot of people who swear there's a good game in there. :D (I should probably try it again on an emulator now, where I can speed up disk access by a few hundred percent.) Maybe that will be my mission for this weekend. :D I also see that I just kind of contradicted the tone of my original statement. hehehe (I suppose this could be considered a good game if it wasn't for that loading...)

A big one for me was Baal on the Amiga. I was a huge fan and addict of Psygnosis games. I love just about everything they ever made. I bought Baal thinking it would be fun too. Nope! It was horrible. Slow movement, lame characters, repetitive environments, and if I remember correctly there was an area that I couldn't figure out how to get past after way more hours than I should have even devoted to it. I kept playing simply because it was a Psygnosis game (technically...) but it truly sucked.

How about Night Creatures for the TG16. This game is awful. Horrible control, poorly thought out environments, nearly impossible, but not in a good way. Just plain bad. The worst part? One of my best friends was one of the programmers for it. Oh the shame!!!!

I'll think of some more later and add to my post.
^ Many people think games suck that are actually REALLY GOOD for most others.

Maybe thread creators need to be more specific, like "Games that rank 60% or lower on Metacritic that you spent loads of time on, or beat multiple times, as a kid."

I personally can't think of any in that category, but I did force myself through some pretty awfully boring games, most recently Xenoblade... (hey, I'm still a kid, so that counts!)
^ Many people think games suck that are actually REALLY GOOD for most others.

Maybe thread creators need to be more specific, like "Games that rank 60% or lower on Metacritic that you spent loads of time on, or beat multiple times, as a kid."

I personally can't think of any in that category, but I did force myself through some pretty awfully boring games, most recently Xenoblade... (hey, I'm still a kid, so that counts!)

Ha! Yeah, I actually picked that up for my N3DS, and was all excited to play it. It bored me to tears in the first 30 minutes, and that was on a plane! I know people absolutely love it though, so I wouldn't classify it as a bad game. Just not for me. (and I even like a lot of JRPGs. Not as much these days, but I do fondly remember a lot of them and Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games period...)
ugh fuck that game back to 1990 where it belongs, torturing children without access to gamefaqs.

Wizardry II: Knight of Diamonds (Yes I'm aware I'm a hypocrite.)
Dragon Force
Resident Evil(Randomly Reborn, REII, or Veronica)

Oh that suck..well fuck you this is what I play.

Ok nvm I got one theres this completely retarded Old game for NES called Phantom Fighter, Its like this weird side scrolling kung-fu game where you actually level up and buy skills and all the Zombies hop like rabbits because Asian people cant just be scared of ghost like normal people.

On a side note I just got "7th saga" working on my old xbox I use for emulators. Wish me luck!

True story when I was a tween kids actually wore their clothes backwards, like that was an actual thing that was cool and hip. I was neither and I regret nothing.

I actually LOVED GemFire... makes me wonder if I was a well adjusted child. Probably not.
I liked Kieth Courage!
The underworld part anyway. but oh man, the music was pure audio abuse.

The GUN monsters were terrifying.

It didn't ruin the TG16 for me. The high price for games did though. $60 for games back then was horrible.

Street Fighter 2 Turbo was $84(w/ TX tax) at Wal-Mart on release.
I don't remember TG games being any more expensive than anything else at the time. I know Bonk's Revenge was $50 on release. The CD games were always $49.99. Carts were expensive, HuCards were much cheaper to produce. But none of that mattered cause NEC ran that console into the ground. TTi was the only saving grace for its release in America. They did a good job salvaging the remains for the next few years, if you owned a Duo.
The whole Armored Core franchise is was basically Dark-Souls with robots, yet it was a constant 7/10 game because of "controls" "too hard".

Turn that into a Zombie Knight and you get universal praise... go figure :rolleyes:
Festers Quest - NES

The game just sucks, and is impossible (because nobody has this much patience...). One stupid music track the whole time and completely broken pseudo 3D levels. But, not many 8 year olds can buy games so you play it till the day some sucker at school accepts it in a trade for anything remotely decent...
Not a single pleasant memory. Even the title screen looks stupid.

OMG Fester's Quest!! Easily the biggest POS in my NES library. Everything about it was awful from the stupid weapons to those instantly multiplying green blobs that keep coming no matter how many you kill to how slow fester was. Granted the first AF NES game wasn't great but it was enjoyable enough and I played that a bunch. Fester's Quest? I do remember starting it up every now and again to see if I could find SOME enjoyment but nope, horrible game in every sense of the word.

The AVGN does a great job of showing EXACTLY my issues with it:

F22 Interceptor & Battletech for the Genesis come to mind.
Growing up it happened to me a lot. One inparticular that I remember was the Beast Wars game for the PS1. I LOVED BW and wanted so bad to like the game. And it was fun playing as the characters and shooting was fun but the level designs were horrid and enemies real lack luster. I could only play about an hour but so much did I love BW that I would still play over and over.

Games I played when I was a kid was a little different for me. However, I was still playing the heck out of football, baseball, and basketball when I wrote my first program in HS circa 1976. I couldn't complain about a computer game back then because I wrote it. They did suck though. Fun but they were 1 line text based q-n-a games.
Advance Dungeons & Dragons The Treasure of Tarmin... Intellivision

This game had the unique feature of endless randomly generated levels. Endless BORING levels.

YES!!! This game was fantastically terrible! I wish I had a tally on the number of hours I devoted to this. I remember being freaked out when the skeletons would attack me from out of nowhere. Good stuff!
Super battletank for snes.
Sid Meiers railroad tycoon for pc. Could barely get past main menu.
Chuck yeager advanced flight simulator for pc. Loved this game.
Wolfpack for pc. My older brother must have been getting this stuff.. I was barely 10.

I know there were many more.. Hard to remember.
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Mostly NES games as I was younger then and had more patience.

Jaws - I played the hell out of that stupid game. I can still beat it in 15 minutes. Such a simple and short game, nothing much to it.
Gyromite - came with my NES, I got the one with R.O.B. the robot. I ended up using the 2nd controller instead of the robot to play. It was the only game besides Duck Hunt I had for a while.
Godzilla - I loved Godzilla as a kid. I would trudge through so many stupid pointless levels and using stupid Mothra just to get to the actual monster fights which were so basic. But hell, I could use atomic breath!
I'm going to have to add Laser Blast for the Atari 2600. Once you got the timing just right you could just go on forever with no effort. Still, I played it more than one probably should. It did have a satisfying laser sound. :D
Um... "Captain Blood" on the Amstrad CPC 6128... mostly because it cost 10 pounds sterling ( 15.50 USD ) and I was a poor 13 year old. When I was 14, I would start working part time, in a nursing home for about 2.78 sterling ( 4.30 USD ) / hour.

The game unanimously received got 90% + in magazines and... a drunk homeless guy would have been more entertaining.

The game was hyped through the roof, mostly because Jean Michel Jarre wrote the music for the game ( I'm guessing the Amiga / Atari ST version ).

All I can say is that somebody got some serious blow jobs / kick backs prior to release.

My comments are listed as "Andrew Moore":

If you are ( or were ) a fan of Jean-Michel Jarre, here's the music:

This game was an epic waste of time.

Apart from being an esoteric mystery, the most fucked up thing in the game was that after a few hours, your finger would start shaking, as if you had pre-Parkinson's tremors and you had no idea why, unless you could uncover the story, through talking to the aliens.

The game was an epic example of how not to make a game.
Vindaloo, on the Acorn.
Fatal Labyrinth, on the Genesis.
Moonwalker on the Atari ST.
Almost everything on the Jaguar and 3DO.
sand, bricks, marbles, spinning tops, give and seek, skop(kick) n donor(hit),eggy, ,monopoly, pacman, space invaders, water army, jumping castle, four square,
sand, bricks, marbles, spinning tops, give and seek, skop(kick) n donor(hit),eggy, ,monopoly, pacman, space invaders, water army, jumping castle, four square,

Were you born in the 40's?
Spent 5 years playing city of heroes/villains. It sucked and yet it was the best MMO ever created.
Asheron's Call

I know you're asking for games that I played when I was a kid and now suck, but I still to this day find Asheron's Call to be one of the best MMO's every created. Any time I get a chance to find fellow players I mention it :p

It's really ashame Turbine isn't doing so well and can't focus on bringing it to 2015 standards.
NES era
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rush'n Attack!
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Super Mario Brothers 2

TMNT man, me and my buddies got good at that game even though it was harder than hell. Underwater mine missions sucked. Rush'n Attack, my buddies make fun of me so bad for that one, I didn't think it was that bad of a game.

I somewhat liked Simon's Quest even though it didn't have a lot of fans. I beat it with Nintendo Power's help. ;)
I really liked Link and SMB2 even though most people consider those the red headed stepchildren of their franchises. Ending of SMB2 blew my mind that the NES could do graphics like that.
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All I can say is, Deadly Towers for the original Nintendo made me question reality. What a POS.

If someone beat that game I just want to pay for their therapy for at least a few months.
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness. I wasn't exactly a kid when it came out, but not quite an adult.
Close. I played the original Castlevania and I wasn't a kid then - in my 30's.
