Any good 15~16" gaming laptops?


Sep 4, 2002
I've been out of the hardware scene for quite a while due to deployments, kids, marriage, and other RL things that soak up money. Currently I'm hanging out in Iraq, though recent changes to policy have left us sort of...bored at times. I am looking to kill some time by getting back in to WoW, but the problem now is that my current laptop isn't good for gaming. I'm running an Acer Aspire 4730z with the integrated graphics (and yes it does run WoW at the lowest possible graphics settings except resolution). What I want is to find something that will work without being too bulky, which is why I'm looking for something in the 15" arena.

What I want is a good laptop that will let me run WoW at the max settings, view distance, and what not without getting bogged down. I know there are tons out there that "will do fine" but that's not what I'm looking for, I'm looking for "will do good at max settings".

So far the only thing I've really found that's rated to do great at max settings is if I go up to the 17" models. Of those I've been looking at the Alienware M17 due to the ATI 3870s in crossfire option and it can hold 2 separate hard drives. The reason the hard drive space is attractive is for the option to load up a SSD later on down the line. The price coming in at around 1300 isn't too bad, but I'm really hoping you guys can help me find a 15" model that will perform pretty comparably.

I'll consider pretty much anything that will run WoW at full resolution with max settings, but I'd be more attracted to anything that holds dual hard drives also.
I think the above choice is the obvious best solution to your problem. :)
I currently own a NP8662 and i can guarantee you that it is an amazing laptop. It does not have a dual HDD though.

The Asus G51Vx does have a dual hard drive and is a nice one too. I found it to get much hotter than the NP8662 though.
I am also looking for the ideal 15'' gaming solution, though I also need a decent amount of portability. I'd be interested to hear more about your experience with the Sager. I bought a Sager in 2001, and while the performance was great, it was comparatively big, heavy, the battery life was terrible, it was loud, and the paint near the track pad wore off very quickly. Obviously they have stayed in business, and have probably improved their products, but I'd want to hear more from someone who has recent experience before buying. The other thing that I'm looking at is a MacBook Pro, so if there are other laptops that I should look at, I'd be interested in hearing about them as well. Thanks much!