Any good budget cases?


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I'm looking for a good budget priced computer case. I've looked around and I haven't been able to find one that I liked, without a big price-tag. I'm looking for a case that has a PSU in it too.

Saw some good deals at frys lately, so if you have a local frys id recommend going there (and you dont have to pay s&h which can be rediculous for cases). Otherwise here is a cheap (albeit ugly) case at outpost .
well it will be hard to find a nice case with a decent power supply included, i'd suggest going to, they have great selection of awesome cases and low prices. :cool: btw wut is your budget?
Well, I live in Canada and I haven't seen a Fry's or an Outpost my whole life :( I'm looking for a case that is around $50 - $100 dollolors american. What are good PSU brands?

Most of the equipment I'm looking at, is here.

Thanks guys.
it will be very very hard to find a good case with a psu, a gen. rule of thumb is(for example) a 500 wat no name brand is goin to be LESS reliable than say a antec true 380 psu. if you looking to spend about 100 bucks on a case AND psu, do exactly what i did :D

it MAY be a little over 100 but check out my pc's pics in the gallery and im shure youll change your mind ;)

have fun and choose wisely, this is a computer your talking about :eek: ;)

btw- IF you can, always try to stick to your new best friend,, even though has more stuff for us mod guys

LAST THING- the only exception to the "dont buy a psu and case together" rule is with Antec, who when they give you a psu with a case, they give you an antec psu with it
Thanks for the info YeaAboutMalmrose, I'm going to go with the Antec Sonata case. It's a bit past my price range, but it comes with an Antec PSU, so I guess it's worth it right? I also read a couple of reviews, and it says that this case is pretty quiet. So I'm happy, thanks for the advice guys!
thats the one without the window right? btw no prob on the info, i was once in your shoes

good luck modding

edit- wow, just looked it up on newegg and man does that look good, if i was you i would keep the antec thing and put a nice window under it, that would look really good. I like the fact that it has two 120 fans (correct me if im wrong on that), leading me to think that its a off shoot of the antec SuperLanBoy, which is famous(sp) for being awsome. Im really shure youll be lovin this case. Good luck!
arock1_3 said:
I found this case at newegg with very good reviews check it out, I should be getting this week and will let you know as soon as I get it. It looks good and steardy I spend 2 hours looking for a good budget case until I saw this one.
now what did we say on cases that come with a no name psu kids? :D

WOW-- 28 bucks! please by no means buy that case, even if your life depended on it. Newegg is your best friend but please read reviews carefully, you will not want to push that little p.o.s. at all. Im not trying to be mean man, but you get what you pay for. Save your money just a bit longer and get somthing nice
For inexpensive cases, you almost cant go wrong checking out Amamax . Gotta love that free shipping, tho if you live too far away, it might be worth the extra 3 bucks to get it double boxed. :cool:
^ in the middle of the red bar up there is a thing we forums users here like to call a search tool. check it out at your convenience. ;)
wow, DudeItsMe, attack of the n00bs, wouldn't you say? :p no offense to them...

sry OptPrime, didn't see u there either

YeaAboutMalmrose, we talked before, and i ended up getting that case...antec PSUs aren't bad but they aren't top-of-the-line...if you can spare the cash, get a Fortron 530w, I ordered one, and its supposed to be VERY nice and VERY stable...

good luck!