Any info on the new intel power macs?

The most we "know" right now (it's really just educated guessing) is that Apple will use "Conroe" chips in the replacement models. Those are the desktop versions of the improved Core Duos that will ship around the same time. Given the presence of the G5 Quad, it's no secret that Apple will probably have at least one dual dual-core system in the lineup.

Also, Apple filed for a trademark on the name "Mac Pro" in New Zealand. Given that the PowerBook name was scrapped in favour of "MacBook Pro," it's only logical that Apple would use a similar scheme for its towers.
I know lots of stuff!

It's going to be quite a bit faster than the current models. It's going to be a brushed metal case. They will offer a quad-core model, and possibly a single dual-core as well.

Black Morty Rackham said:
It's going to be quite a bit faster than the current models. *And not anywhere near as big of a performance jump as Apple will claim

Fixed. :p
Bullshit. The new iMacs are often FASTER than Apple claimed they would be. Steve did say that it was the CPUs that were faster, not the hard drives and all that. Look at Luxology's benchmark. ;)
KoolAid doesn't exist in Sweden. We're a bunch of cynical assholes, the lot of us. My point remains valid. Teh Steve said that the new iMacs' CPUs are 2-3 times faster. In many cases, they are. If we're looking at iMovie exporting benchmarks or whatever, well... it's a single-threaded app, and it relies heavily on both hard drive and RAM access. Hardly a CPU benchmark by any definition of the word.
The Core Duo isn't 3x faster than a G5 at anything. Sorry.

The thing may be a great CPU, but so is the G5.

Whatever advantages the Core Duo/Solo architecture offer over the G5 are offset equally by the advantages the G5 architecture offers over it.
Look, Apple are obviously going to make the new computers look as good as possible. They do this by only demonstrating apps where the gain is good, which isn't technically lying. The Core Duo IS 2-3 times faster in some instances. Sure, a single-core G5 is a LOT faster than both the Duo cores at some things, but why would Apple provide us with such benchmarks? They need to sell the whole Intel thing with the greybeards, and that isn't going to be easy. So they give fairly biased benchmarks, obviously. But do they LIE? Nope.
About the same time they moved the info thing to fit in between the posts, rather than on the left side of them.
What ever the new MacPro is, it will certainly be faster than the current G5 line up they wouldn't backtrack. If it wasn't such a Windows world I would throw away the KVM Switch I use to go back and forth. I can't wait til the new MacPro comes out, does anyone know if they are keeping the same case? I really like the MDD G4 I have now.
Good review of the core duo vs g5 iMac on

He makes a really interesting point at the end that the first iteration is just an iMac designed around a G5 chip with Intel guts stuck in it. The Intel guts should allow more flexible designs because the Intel CPU consumes less power and generates less heat. I assume the same should apply to the Power Macs when they come out, unless the first one out is something designed around the Intel chip.

The second wave of macs with Intel chips should be really cool!
Anyone know if the new MacPro is going to to be smaller than the current G5? Are they still going to have the same cooling system? With the Core Duo they probably can go smaller and no liquid cooling.
Core Duo isn't a desktop or workstation chip, so it isn't going into the Power Mac/Mac Pro.
Well isn't the desktop chip similar to the Core Duo? dual core, lower heat and voltage.
It's related to it it, but with a lot of the power consumption and heat considerations cast aside. From what I can tell, Conroe is in the same power consumption/heat class as the G5.