Any issues with rad at top of loop?


Limp Gawd
Dec 6, 2004
This title is pretty much self explanatory here. I'm in the process of conceptualizing my first W/C setup, and I'm trying to figure out placement. I noticed many people have their radiator mounted at the top of the case. I was wondering if this causes a problem with air getting stuck at the top of the loop in the radiator? How do you properly bleed the system if the radiator is at the top of the loop? I have read that the reservoir or T-line has to be the highest point to properly bleed the system.

I am probably missing something very obvious because so many people have their radiators mounted to the top of their case.

Filling the system can be a pain, but if you fill it with the res above the rad, you should be fine. Then put the res wherever.
I did a T-Line system with the rad on the top, T-line at the bottom. It worked fine, but it did take awhile to fully bleed (A couple days, IIRC)
i also have one of my rads at the top of my case, and a T-line at the bottom. it really does take quite some time to fully bleed the system, but the pump blows any air through the whole system, rather than just letting it accumulate at any one point.
I just put together a loop with the radiator in the top. It's a LianLi PC1200 with a dual 120mm radiator and I used the DangerDen t-line reservoir, mounted it next to the radiator, took a bit of bleeding and such, but all in all not so bad.
Fill the loop, jog the power to the pump, fill the loop again, do the same thing with the pump again... repeat (a lot) untill the loop is completely full.

Now tip the case on it's side (make sure to not let air get sucked into the loop from inside the res). Jog the power to the pump a few more times.

Stand the case up, hit the pump again.

Let everthing settle a little bit.

Tip the case on the other side, hit the pump again.

Now tip the case on it's front, pump away.

Tip the case on it's back, pump away.

Let it settle, repeat the whole process until there's no more air bubbles in your loop.

You're good to go.