Any modern Icewind Dale/Baldurs Gate Games out?


[H]F Junkie
Feb 22, 2001
Any modern Icewind Dale/Baldurs Gate Games out?

The depth of the games are amazing. Are there any 2d modern equivalents?
Dragon Age has nowhere near the spells/options/everything that those series have.
Don't know if there is newer aside from the infinity engine games. I heard of Anito a while back. Can't say if it's good or not. Probably not as grand as BG.
Unfortunately no. Did you give Planescape: Torment a try? It is 2D and related to those games. There are also 3d versions such as Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2.
I think Temple of Elemental Evil was the most recent? Like 2003 or something
The day of 2D masterpieces is long gone. Not that NWN1/2 were bad, just not the same.

Closest thing now is Maptools + D&D + a group of friends online.
I think Temple of Elemental Evil was the most recent? Like 2003 or something

OP: ToEE is very much worth checking out if you haven't played it. Check out the Circle of 8 forums for massive bugfixes and a few expanded areas in the game (brothel and children were cut out of the original--fuck you Atari.)
Devil Whiskey anyone?

Its not so much in the BG vein as it is the Bard's Tale series, but still is a 2D modern CRPG based off of oldschool goodness...
Any modern Icewind Dale/Baldurs Gate Games out?

The depth of the games are amazing. Are there any 2d modern equivalents?
Have you played both BG 1 & 2 AND IDW 1 & 2? Also, see below. Another thing you may want to do is download the BGT mod or something. You can set BG 2 to play in BG 2 engine, with the BG 2 level cap etc. It's really a whole new game.

I think Temple of Elemental Evil was the most recent? Like 2003 or something
I agree with this. ToEE was really good. I did end up getting bored while in the end temple but maybe you won't. I really liked how it focused on the strategic part of the 3rd edition rules, rather than just the character building.

Dragon Age has nowhere near the spells/options/everything that those series have.
I fully expect DA 2 to be more fleshed out. I thought DA was great but it was a little generic, at least, when compared to BG 1 & 2, or even IWD.
I think if you liked these old games you'll really appreciate DAO, while not 2D and maybe not completely true to that style of game, it's still a very good modern attempt.
We have to clear this up before we go any further! Icewind Dale/BG etc etc is Isometic!!!!! is not 2D! * *breath* For what it's worth DAO view can be changed to kinda emulate the old style.

You can look there if you want that style, but I'm sure that's not really your main requirement. I would suggest. Disciples, Disciples II, Divine divinity, Demon Stone because today is sponsored by the letter D!
Isometric graphics? Never heard it called that, ever. They were 2d RPGs with an isometric view.. Or is that just me?
Isometric graphics? Never heard it called that, ever. They were 2d RPGs with an isometric view.. Or is that just me?

2D/3D I believe the backgrounds are 2D paint with 3D sprites, but I was just commenting on that type of game having always been called Isometric.

Icewind Dale II is a real-time adaptation of the D&D Third Edition ruleset. The gameplay is viewed from an isometric-perspective, while the heads-up display (HUD) occupies the bottom of the screen. Accessible from the HUD are an automap and journal; the journal automatically records quests and important events. The player uses a point and click interface to interact with the game; for example, clicking on the ground moves the selected player character, and clicking on a passive non-player character (NPC) will initiate dialogue. When conversations occur, the HUD expands to display the text, and the player is presented with multiple dialogue options. The game is separated into area maps, obscured by fog of war; fog recedes as an area is explored. A multiplayer component is available for online play with up to six players.[1]
I think there are some BG2 mods where you are pretty much playing an entirely new questline with the same hours of gameplay as BG2 main quest.
I'm fairly sure isometric is just the view type, it doesn't have any depth therefore despite it being viewed at an angle to the plane (ground) the images further back are not smaller, it's built with static sized flat sprites on top of one another, kind of like Fallout 1/2.