any motherboard out there that could handle this???


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2005
This may just be wishful thinking, but does anyone know of a motherboard that has at least (2) PCI-e x16 (for SLI) as well as a free slot for a PCI-e x8 raid card? I have a 7950GTO and an LSI SAS 8408E RAID card in my other PCI-e 16 slot. I'd like the ability to do SLI, but not if it means losing my RAID card. Any boards out there that would support this? I prefer AMD, but Intel will do....
Well, I am not sure for AMD, but for Intel there are SEVERAL choices.

There is the P5NSLI32-SLI Premium, ASUS P5W64-WS Professional, Intel D975XBX, and probably more that I am unaware of.

Most of those have Intel chipsets, but you can run SLi on them with the ULi patch if my information is correct. The aforementioned P5N32-SLI board does officially support SLi and use the nForce 590SLI chipset.
dfi nf590 sli-m2r/g....


2x16x, 1x8x and 1x4x