Any news on another SimCity game?


Feb 1, 2006
Pretty simple - it's been a while since SimCity 4 came out. Are they working on another one or what? I did some basic searching but didn't find anything other than rumors about a potential SimCity 5. Maybe someone on here knows more? I know SimCity Societies and Cities XL have come and gone, but both seemed to get very 'meh' reviews. I feel like they could still improve a lot upon SimCity 4, while sticking to the underlying formula.

On a different topic. I quite enjoyed the Sid Meier's Pirates! remake several years back, dispite its flaws (simplicity, repetitiveness). Anything coming down the pipe that resembles it? I've noticed a few pirates-ish games over the years but they never amounted to anything much or got good reviews.

Thanks :)

[Edit] I think I just threadjacked myself, ha. Oh well, I'll take info on either one.
I'm still playing SC4 Deluxe, nothing better still.
It's not going to happen. First, they are well and truly completely distracted by the tons of cold hard cash being brought in by the The Sims franchise; The Sims has probably brought in 100 times more profit than the entire Simcity franchise ever did. Second, a new SimCity would be for a very hard-to-please niche group that was already disappointed by Cities XL; there's really nowhere for them to go here.
They're probably too busy swimming in the money Sims 3 has brought in ...
It's not going to happen. First, they are well and truly completely distracted by the tons of cold hard cash being brought in by the The Sims franchise; The Sims has probably brought in 100 times more profit than the entire Simcity franchise ever did. Second, a new SimCity would be for a very hard-to-please niche group that was already disappointed by Cities XL; there's really nowhere for them to go here.

This. A game like Sim City might take off if the community was able to create some kind of a highly-modular game engine and just add to it over time. That already happens to some extent with custom stuff for SC4, but there are so many things that can't be changed/improved much.

What always amazed me about SC4 was how bad the vanilla path-finding engine was. It truly was god-awful. As well, the vanilla transportation capacities are nonsense.
EA makes me mad. We need a SC5. Cities XL was another social engineering game where you try and keep people happy... lame.

Sim City is a dead franchise. Mindless "sim" games have killed it. Thank god for the modding community.
Heck I'd be happy with SimCity 4 re-done on a new engine. Update the graphics and allow a lot more modding flexibility and the game could live on forever.

Hmm I guess that would actually be quite an effort.

But the point remains, it saddens me that this is where we are at.