Any official Intel chipset software for Windows 8?


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2011
As the topic says, is there any official Intel chipset software for Windows 8? I've looked at the Intel website but can't find any official chipset software releases. I find that amazing considering that Windows 8 has been officially released.

Have I missed something?
The newest Intel chipset software is already in Windows 8. I'm sure it will pop up on Intel's site once they have a newer version.
Thanks for the replies. Well the existing chipset drivers in windows 8 don't work for me so I'll give the ones suggested by dnottis a try.

As the topic says, is there any official Intel chipset software for Windows 8? I've looked at the Intel website but can't find any official chipset software releases. I find that amazing considering that Windows 8 has been officially released.

Have I missed something?

Check your motherboard manufacturer's site.
Is it even still necessary to install these drivers vs what windows update has in stock as long as all devices are functioning? I remember back in the day my 3dmark scores would increase after installing but that hasnt been the case in a long time.
Thanks for the input but none of these have helped. My TV Tuner is detected by windows 8 on a clean install but as soon as I reboot it becomes an unrecognized USB device. I have tried numerous suggested fixes but none work. Everything works perfectly in win 7 o it seems I am stuck with it.
Now that Intel plans to kill the desktop pc:s by moving fab to socketless cpu:s, MS secure boot starts to look more and more menacing. They're going to grab the whole market - Intel will take the hardware, MS will lock the hardware to Windows. Not a pretty sight.