Any older BF2 players here?


[H]F Junkie
Jan 7, 2005
I'm 32 and in gaming terms that's old lol. Anyone else out there who plays daily around my age? Me and couple other guys my age play daily and are looking for some others in our generation to pub/scrim/hang out with. We also play some CS:S, DOD:S and I play Red Orchestra daily. Hit me up on xfire spacemanspliff or just pm me for Teamspeak Ip.

Remember old farts still own we just do it slower.


Though I don't play daily I do play regularly.


Hey I'm not that bad... just not great. This is the first time I've started playing FPS on PC's. My first PC game was Zero Hour (c+C) and went straight to BF2. Took some time to get used to becasue I was 4ever a console player.

Now I don't play consoles and play PC games on occasion.
yep ur a dinn-a-sour allright. prob have to wear Depends for long gaming sessions right?
I am 28. I tend to be a sniper, camp, roast marshmellows , take naps, and score alot of long distance head shots.

Its fun to watch the spayers run around like ants after I snipe one of their buddies! :D
Actually, at 32 you're just above the average age of a gamer (30). I think 19% of gamers are over age 50.
just turned 40 in March. LOL with a job, wife and 2 kids not much time for gaming but what little I have is spent on BF2. I play with the Fragging Frogs, we are a non-competitive gaming group over at PCPerspective. we have a Ranked server and teamspeak
37 and I still manage to put in the 8-12 hour gaming marathon session now and then. Pisses off the girlfriend, but I try to plan the marathons the same evenings there is a "girls' night out".
dotK said:
Actually, at 32 you're just above the average age of a gamer (30). I think 19% of gamers are over age 50.

that old guy needs a 37" Westy ftw. what a strained setup that is. I can't see sh%t! Martha!
I'm 40 and game... :)
I regularly game with those close to my age

In fact, one of the oldest farts I game with (he's 48) and I have founded GOFIG - Grumpy Old Fart Internet Group, basicaly gaming, old hardware, and being grumpy old farts. Older gamers know how to have fun - we may not always win, but we make it damn hard for the other team to win. We understand teamwork, don't give a damn about stats, and generally will have better hardware since our kids our out of house - and its not always about frame rates, we like it to look good.

Us "old guys" will surprise yount'uns at LANs when they find out the opposing team averaages twice thier age and just kicked thier butt... and there are time it's the other way around too...

I don't think that there is really an "age" of gamers. the peeps that come to my LANs range in age from 8 to just over 50... so, I don't think there is an age limit.

lol there is arthritis and slower reflexes tho. Ok so I'm not old yet but it's good to see that there's some ppl still playing at that age. I was beggining to think I wouldn't be able to play competitively after 40.
24, but everyone I play BF2 with is 30-45. Out of a BF2 clan of 15 people I'd say 11 of them are 30-45 and only 2 are younger than me (both 23).
As you may surmise by my handle - I'm ancient.

If you've ever played Ultima II, you're freekin OLD !!!!! :p :) :D :eek:

Currently playing Oblivion but I used to play BF2. I may yet go back to it when I get bored of Oblivion which will be fairly soon.
shoot I had PONG ffs. crazy how I can remember it. I was like 5-6 yrs old. also had a TI-86 PC which was yes folks an X86 stainless steel one piece PC.
41 here, and finding the time for gaming is getting shorter and shorter. I really miss those 8 hour marathon sessions. Play BF2:SF, Oblivion, and Condemned. Nice thing about being this age, you never get carded when buying an "M" rated game. :D
Hey Space, I'm 29 and I play BF2 regularily and CS:S sparingly. I'll drop you an Xfire friend request and maybe we can get in a match together. I'm on quite a bit during the weekends but on weekdays it's an hour to hour and one half at the most. Hope to see ya on sometime! :p
I play on a server that is mostly 30+. BF2 in particular really seems to draw the mature crowd ;)
Age 30
Location Houston, TX

Actually we have a lan group for older (more experienced) gamers. We play lots of BF2, and many other games. If you are interested in some BF2, hit me up, I'm down. BF2 is built for those of us who can think a little so its a little more on the older side of the gaming realm.
LordBritish said:
Age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time !!! :p

QFT!! :)

but im 25 here. get down on bf2 alot. i go by p3n1x in game :) usually im just on 420 Jedi$ or old bastards clan, or one of the 101'st servers
I wish we had a Lan group locally. (Roanoke, Va) It's a pretty small city so there's little hope of finding enough Hardcore ppl to do that. Especially when there's no Lan Cafe's or whatever.
Is 23 old enough? haha my xfire handel is pistolamortal hit me up, that goes for any of you [H]er's
28 here. I frequent BF2 on the weekends mostly. Sometimes during the week when I'm in the mood.

Unfortunately for you guys I hate pub servers so I stick to unranked private servers. I find the players to be a lot mroe mature and center gaming around teamwork and squad cohesiveness rather than stat whoring and TKing.
I'll be playing games till i'm dead.

In fact I will stipulate in my will that my computer and games must be buried with me.

That way I can continue gaming in hell or heaven or wherever :D
hmm just met a guy who claims to be 63 and is playing BF2 at a good level! wow I would think he'd be too slow but apparently it helps to be in a tank
spaceman said:
hmm just met a guy who claims to be 63 and is playing BF2 at a good level! wow I would think he'd be too slow but apparently it helps to be in a tank

LOL ....

Put the old farts in the armor and make the kids run around and get shot at........ :D

I'm 33 and I'm glad to see there are a good amount of guys my age (and older) playing.
29 here, been playing alot lately on Old Bastards Clan servers; there's a surprisingly low number of punks there.

Murfreesburo 5-0 FTW!!
I was just talking to a buddy (who doesn't even own a computer and doesn't know if he ever will) about how I wasn't sure I should be playing games at 35. He nentioned that as long as it doesn't take control of my free time, who cares? I just slowed my gaming down a bit since it's nice outside (remember that place?) and I have a lot of things on my list to get done.

Only one of my friends even plays games, and he probably only plays once a month at that. I did find it weird that one of my dad's friends that he went to school with (class of '59), plays Call of Duty and a few other war games because he loves the team play and history behind what the games are based off.

Tim <---TL1170
Treyshadow said:
Age 30
Location Houston, TX

Actually we have a lan group for older (more experienced) gamers. .
Bah, older doesn't necesserily mean better. But then again I'm at 25 and find myself to be a better BF2 player when I was 24 hahaha.

Anyway, I really didn't think there are so many old bastards out there playing BF2... and I don't mean it as an insult..I come in peace and rather play with an older then a t33n prick :)

over and out.
34 here, members in our team range from 21 to 54. Adults only is the rule.