Any places you trust that can anodized aluminum ?


Fully [H]
Aug 3, 2004
I have an idea for a case... and wanted to know if anyone knows of places that can anodized aluminum ?

I would have to ship the case to them from the supplier and then have them ship it to my 3rd party shipper likely, unless anyone knows of any place in costa rica...
Maybe check out your local machine shops? They may not be set up to do it themselves, but probably know where to get it done locally.
Just make sure whatever place you use can guarantee the coating. I'm not talking about scratches, but I've had stuff annoed that started to fade in areas. Luckily, they re did it for free and backed their service.

The issue was that 7075 has to be done separately.

Anyways good luck and I always recommend local places, in case there are issues.
ya, i am asking around here in Costa Rica, i mention it and most people don't seem to know what it is specifically.
try high end car/motorcycle shops. Pretty much every expensive niche part is custom anodized.
whats the closest machine shop/CNC machine in your area?
you'd have the best results with those
thanks for the link, will check them out.

i am asking around for some friends to let me know if they have been to any decent shops, most places here to shie*t jobs on everything.
Fixed your quote :D ...................but I rarely use the forum anymore. I replied to an email sent by op. Anodizing is something you really have to prep ahead of time so there's no worries about how it will come out. 99% of anodizers will destroy parts if not given proper direction. If you do give them a lot of small panels/pieces/etc, make sure each one has a few rack points so they can hold the part easily. Otherwise they will clip right on the face of the part and not think anything of it.

Edit: and Electrochem in Portland, Oregon is good. I've worked with them before. They only do red, green blue, gold, and black anodize. They're pretty good with parts when you're local but when you're far away, it's difficult to deal with them.

Operated by ...Qtip42... of this forum IIRC, kinda pricy though
My thought was if in the U.S i should ship them straight from the supplier my computer case and let deal with it.... if that is at all possible and they can then ship the case to me. my Aerocasillas address, i would have no issues paying ahead of time if their work is good and reputable.
Most paintball markers are made out of aluminum and anodized. You could try a custom paintball shop.
will ask around, some places have opened up recently around here... but i have little faith in most local CR places to do good work on most anything