Any solutions to input lag on a 215TW?


Dec 15, 2006
I can't return it so i have to live with it (Samsung 215tw), i was wandering if there are any solutions that can reduce, even a little bit, input lag? I've noticed that when i change from a ball mouse to an regular optical mouse, the effect is a little bit reduced, at least in windows. So maybe if i get something like a G5 or Cooperhead mouse, then it will reduce input lag even more. Anything else i can do? Maybe some software settings?
  • Turn triple buffering off.
  • Turn Vsync off (I wouldn't but it will probably help). If you keep Vsync on make sure you can sustain the same FPS as your refresh rate.
  • You could try upping the refresh rate to 75Hz if you're running at 60 (or vice versa).
  • Use a fast wired mouse. If it's wireless you're only adding latency (however small).The faster it communicates over the USB port the better.

Things to try anyway. Obviously only the last two could help in Windows itself.
I've read somewhere that you can change some driver settings to aid in input lag, something to do with max frames rendered ahead. I have a nvidia 7900GT card. I've looked for it in the advanced driver settings but couldn't find it...:(
I'm not an nVidia user so I can't help there.

I've just remembered you can overclock the USB ports to get smoother mouse input. I've done that on XP and it does make things better (I think). I don't know if it helps with input lag though and it has been known to cause instability with certain devices. I can't find where I got it from but i could send you the file if you want (and if you're running XP. Can't help with Vista I'm afraid).

edit Found this:

Might be worth a shot. Use at your own risk.
Thx, but i allready have a razer mouse comming my way from the shop..:)