Any Thoughts on WoW 1.9 Patch?


Nov 2, 2005
Hey everyone,
Any WoW enthusiast is either pissed, or really excited about this patch. I'm a 60 rogue and a 60 warrior, and im excited but almost in-between because now decurse will cost 2x the mana and they're removing the decursive mod from the game, which will make people have the need to learn to hit something other than one little button. Also the paladin remaking has pissed off some, yet made others happy. The 15 minute buffs rock, and I never played a paladin but that's pretty cool to be either damage or healing. Also the release of AQ will be pretty damn cool, that instance has INSANE loot. Just making a thread to see any thoughts, and if there's anyone out there enraged, or anyone else thats excited. BTW I play on firetree and maelstrom, on firetree my name is donkeytron and on maelstrom it's burro, in case you wanted to say hi or run something. Just making a thread because it may come out today, and i'm bored at school.
Its about time they got rid of decursive.

Totally invalidated Warlocks in PVP, and made a lot of instances much easier than they should be.
blessing of air totem or w/e aggro reduction horde is finally getting
ya and the decursive thing sucks. nothing beats slamming 1 key the entire course of a luci//shaz/ghen fite
Excited about the new armor sets that will be released. I currently play a lvl 51 Hunter Tauren on Cho'gall. Any change to the pally is a welcomed change by me. It always pisses me off when i get a pally to like 10% hp, they throw on their shield and heal while i can't do shit to them....and so i work them down on health again....and they have once again shield and heal....that crap pisses me off......sure he dies eventually....but all it has done is pissed me off and makes me want to camp his body...
I hope that they continue to test this patch until the new year.

First, they need to come up with a better solution for instance cascading than forcing them to be on their own timers. This removes any possibility for guilds to create their own raid schedule to accomodate their members. There's two threads on the WoW forums with over 1000 combined posts saying "do not do this"... and there's been no response from a CM about it in almost a month.

Next, the raid pally buffs... stupid, stupid, stupid. This will trivialize Alliance raid encounters more than Decursive ever did for anyone.

Tranquil Air totem. Stupid. Horde doesn't need this. Totally unusable in 5 man groups.

As for the other changes... Ahn'Qiraj should prove interesting.
gamz247 said:
First, they need to come up with a better solution for instance cascading than forcing them to be on their own timers. This removes any possibility for guilds to create their own raid schedule to accomodate their members. There's two threads on the WoW forums with over 1000 combined posts saying "do not do this"... and there's been no response from a CM about it in almost a month.

Tranquil Air totem. Stupid. Horde doesn't need this. Totally unusable in 5 man groups.

Give alliance blessing of salvation, yet horde get nothing? We know nothing of the new AQ instances, and for all we know aggro management could be a large part in those instances. This should make hunters and locks very happy.

The patch is looking to be a very nice one, hopefully they will test it thoroughly.
m4rine said:
Give alliance blessing of salvation, yet horde get nothing? We know nothing of the new AQ instances, and for all we know aggro management could be a large part in those instances. This should make hunters and locks very happy.

The patch is looking to be a very nice one, hopefully they will test it thoroughly.
Alliance has had Blessing of Salvation since the beginning, and Horde end game guilds have only been slightly behind their Alliance counterparts in taking down bosses. I think, actually, it was a Horde guild who took down Ragnaros first. We've done just fine for ourselves without this for a year now. I think we'll be able to go on without it.

What Blizzard could do, however, is give Shamans some sort of Magic Cleansing Totem. Magic debuffs are some of the most destructive in the game, and to not have to depend upon Priests, who are usually in short supply, or on a Warlock's Felhound, whose cleanse ability is on an 8 second timer, would be a great help. Much moreso than this aggro reduction thing.
blessing of salvation doesnt come into effect in molten core that much, but yes it will allow the dps groups to go absolut mc if your healers or rogues can pull that much aggro off of the mt, the wipe isnt instant. bwl fights through like vael and broodlord are soo aggro touchy, one mistake and its a wipe, for instance, against vael two weeks ago, a priest got a little heal happy, drew aggo, the entire healing//caster//dps side ate a 4000 pt cleave. . . . unrecoverable. is the totem a step in the right direction, yes. . . .is it equal to the blessing. . . no.

onto the rest of the patch. new armor skins and bonsus are nice, but giantstalker looks horrid imo, while nemsis and bloodfang SHINE. the decursive nerf is gonna suck (im a mage and live off of decurse) but it will add some involvement into certain fights. linked auction houses are going to rock, same with the ability to be in multiple bg queues ( av queue while in ab ftw). AQ looks to be solid, but hopefully my server can stop pvpn for enough time to get that damn wall open (we arent known as Drama-song for no reason). what should blizzard focus on next in my opinion, outside of the expansion which looks to be totally kickass. first, give priests and mages some love. the holy tree for hte priest is one of the worst in the game, since it forcuses on dealing damage throu holy, instead of healing. any change for hte better to the priest is awsome in my eyes. Second, for mages, please god make it so we dont need to drump 18 (21 arguably) points into arcane to be effective. change something, anything, but please let us spend these talent points somewhere else, instead of using them just to be somewhat effective.

phew that was long, but whatev, i love the game and dont mind talking about it.
sould shard bag is a step in the right direction, but i think its about time blizzard finds a way to get rid of them, at least for spells that are more utility oriented, like rezzing and summoning ( i do not have a lock so im not sure what other spells use them). its like the 4->10 waters per cast, which i am estatic over. ya, say that mages complained long enough for it, but its not like every classes doesnt benefit from it, timesinks that can be eliminated need to be, as the game has enough of them already ( elemental fire, coffer runs, incedius runs, kalendras runs, honor griding. etc)
i play a warlock, but it pisses me off absolutely that alot of my core features require a shard, and to be effective on raids i need to keep 1/2 of my bagspace filled before the start of a raid, these bags are a DAMN BREATH OF FRESH AIR, now we should be able to have plenty to hand out as many healthstones/summons a night with out much regret

other then shard bags being the high light for me, i'm glad we can get de-agro as well, having the possiblity to deal +20% more dmg with those de-agro totems will make mage/warlock groups more effective, my guild has a surplous of shmns anyway (screw you druids!) and this would help us a TON

we all know about AQ, my guild is ready, we have a few people exaulted and revered with cenarion circle, and everyone is done with the calling quest, all we need to do now is wait for the event :D i'm sure alot of people are anticipating this

last but not least, the new 2nd tier graphics, man i love the way warlocks set looks, the skulls on the shoulders should either have that circling skull (like on the necro tower in WC3) or that dripping goo, that'd be really cool, but i'm very happy with the way it looks

not to mention, everyone seems to be getting something, either int he way of a slight nurf, or a slight pick up, it should be interesting
Bob002 said:
I'm happier about the Soul Shard bag than anything...

it took them a YEAR to add that? pfft glad i quit that game, too many headaches
As a pally, (just got to 60 tonight, my first char!) Im a bit worried about the patch since it means i have to change playstyles a bit, ill be respecing from alomst straight ret to either a holy/ret build or a holy/proc build.
I have a lvl 49 pally and I'm not sure what to say. But I really don't take the wow forums people too seriously since all they do is whine like little children.
oh that's right I forgot to mention those skins-- they look amazing, at least most of them.
GOGO POWER RANGERS! <-- lol @ paladins.
Yeah I realized once I checked out the WoW gen. forums that it was most likely not coming out this week, and maybe not until after the new years.. but that's fine. More time for pally's to figure out what to respec to.
Thanks for the feedback :D
so... lock are getting shard bags... i assume this bag will take up a bag slot, and act sorta like a quiver... while its good that your getting bags, take it from a hunter, that you'll wish you had a standard bag in that slot when the loot starts to drop... it may hold alot of shards, but you looseing a 16 slot bag to it...

unless its a bag in a bag... in which case that sucks... no one else gets to store bags in bags... unless there planing on introduceing something to the effect of trade bags... for skinners it'll hold leather, for miners it will hold ore... for herbalists it'll hold... herbs... ect..

As already mentioned, I'm hoping to have some changes made to the priest talents. Holy blows. Seriously, what do I care about %crit to healing spells, you can't depend on getting a crit heal when raiding. Oh yeah sorry guys, I was hoping I'd get a crit heal and you wouldn't die, sorry about that. As it stands right now I only have 20 points in Holy to stuff that actually dependably increases my holy abilities. The rest is dumped in Disc because larger mana pool > chance to crit on flash heal. Holy Mastery is cool, but my points are better spent elsewhere.
Holy does suck, Im 25/15/11, holy tree-renew, the 10% increase to holy spells and sublety(SP?), when shadow to mind flay cause, well, it owns.

They need to make it where priests are the dominate healers imo, right now I can get on my druid and heal as good as my priest, its just a different style of healing. Druids have less room for error, and there HOT is just crazy good.
thore said:
unless its a bag in a bag... in which case that sucks... no one else gets to store bags in bags... unless there planing on introduceing something to the effect of trade bags... for skinners it'll hold leather, for miners it will hold ore... for herbalists it'll hold... herbs... ect..
wow. that would be great. it'd be nice if it could hold any tradeskill raw material though, my warlock is a tailor (need cloth) and a miner.
Look for the patch to happen early in January. They announced that they made internal changes and took the test realm offline because there's no reason to have an out of date test realm.

They will be putting the test realm back online temporarily to make sure the fear bug has been fixed. After that they said they don't like to push a patch without having all hands on deck. So my guess is first week in Jan for 1.9