Any1 have a SHUttle pc?


Limp Gawd
Mar 2, 2004
im Just wondering if anybody with a shuttle are having heat issues because its so small. if u do, how did u fix it? cause i don't mind cutting a hole into the case for a blow hole. i have a SN41G2V2B with a 2500+ @ 2.20ghz, 49 idle and load 54C. any suggestions?
Shuttles do not have heat issues, regardless of what you put in them. Many of us have them loaded with hardware, and never have any issues. They are perfect proof that good design can overcome size constraints.
Im awaiting my p4c 2.8 m0 and a gig of samsung ram to complete my sb61g2 and i have no doubt that the ice heatpipe tech is going to be amazing
I had a problem with my first shuttle with heat. The shuttle itself was fine, but the radeon 9800 pro would cook the hard drive if i spent any time doing intensive 3D video (aka gamed). Cooked 2 hard drives before i figured out what it was.

Built a new shuttle just last month, and they opened up both sides of the case, and added a mesh panel. Case breathes much better now, and no heat issues. The other shuttle is probably going to get a much cooler running video card, and will be a backup LAN box. :)
I have a ss51g with a radeon 9800 and a p4 2.4 in it. it get's warm, but the heat has never effected performance. I did add one of the clearview cases after I put in hte ATI card though. honestly, I don't know if it helps, but it does look cool. I have some pice on my web page.
Have you cut out the fan grill in the back? That one mod alone will drop your temps by as much as ten degrees and kill some of the noise.

If you're maxing out in the fifties, you don't really need to worry about it. You're still in the safe zone for your cpu. You can save your warranty.

The only heat related problem that I've noticed is limited overclocking. My 9800 can hit around 440/470... Inside my shuttle I can't run it over 420/455 without getting artifacts.

Are the temp sensors on shuttles accurate, becuase mine does seem to run pretty hot. The CPU idles fine around 38-40C, but under load it jumps up to about 60-62C. Though the cutting out the back grill is a great idea.
Cutting the grill does NOT make a 10deg difference. You'll be lucky if it makes a 4deg difference, but 2 is about average.
Originally posted by the@ntipop
Cutting the grill does NOT make a 10deg difference. You'll be lucky if it makes a 4deg difference, but 2 is about average.

I did this little mod and it didn't make a huge difference. some, but not huge.
on the topic, does anyone know of a good guide/tut for making a mesh side panel, my sb61g2 just has the holes, and i want to make sure my 9800 can breathe.
also, when you cutoff the back fan grill, you can then use a 120mm fan with a 80mm->120mm fan convertor. however, the air will be sucked through the case, but it becomes a lot quieter.